May 7, 2024
Important Dates
Wednesday, 5/8 - Early Release, 1:00 PM dismissal
Wednesday, 5/8 - 7th, 8th Grade Band, & 5th Grade Bands Concert (WC, North, South), 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 5/14 - Countryside Plant Pick Up after school
Friday, 5/17 - 8th Grade Dance at LMS - 6:00-8:00 PM
Monday, 5/20 - 8th Grade Honors Night (Graduation) at Crystal Lake South High School gymnasium - 6:00-7:30 pm (LAST DAY OF ATTENDANCE FOR 8TH GRADE)
Friday, 5/24 - Last day of school for 6th and 7th grades - 9:10 AM dismissal
Wednesday, August 21 - First Day of School for the 2024-25 school year - 1:00 dismissal
Tonight's Chalk The Walk is cancelled
Due to the weather, the PTO Chalk The Walk event scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. Stay tuned for the rescheduled date!
A Reminder From The LMC
All library books are due back to the LMC by the end of the day on May 10th. Charges for books that are not returned or returned with damage will be entered the following week and bills will be emailed and sent home.
ABC Countdown
The countdown to the end of the school year continues - join the fun! Click here to see the full countdown calendar!
8th Grade Illinois Youth Survey
Your child is being asked to participate in a voluntary survey called the Illinois Youth Survey, the purpose of which is to better understand Illinois youth risk and protective behaviors as they relate to students and their success. Participation will involve completing a survey (with no names or identification numbers) that will be confidentially administered by a classroom teacher, counselor, or community member who has received training on administering this survey. Your child’s participation will last no more than one class period (40-45 minutes). Risks related to participating are minimal, but some questions ask about sensitive topics and personal behavior that might make some students feel uncomfortable. Examples of potentially sensitive topics include questions about substance use, bullying, dating violence, school climate, and screen time. The benefits related to this research include improving your community’s ability to develop programs and strategies to prevent youth problem behaviors and enhance youth development. The alternative to participating in the survey is an alternate activity such as quiet reading in the classroom. This will occur on May 17th during the school day. If you do not want your child to participate, please complete this opt-out form and return it to Mrs. Compere by May 15, 2024.
Please consider helping out with our 8th Grade Dance!
Want to help with the 8th grade dance but cannot physically help with time? We need a few donations to help make this awesome for our 8th graders!
Do you have any time to spare on the afternoon of Thursday, 5/16 or on Friday, 5/17? We need help decorating the gym for the 8th grade dance. Please reach out to April Stoltman at 224 623 9295 or jstoltman735@comcast.net if you are interested in helping - ANY TIME you can give is appreciated!
8th Grade Candy Donations
It is almost 8th grade dance time! We are asking for classroom candy donations for the dance!
The winning class will get popsicles and the teacher will win a Target giftcard!
Please send as much candy in for your Homeroom class that you can before Thursday May 16th!
Copeland/ O’Hanian- Starburst
Horist- Gummy Bears
Pysh- Airheads
GIlwa- Skittles
Goldenstein- Hershey chocolate/ Hershey kisses
Resac- Sour Patch Kids
Rogocki- Sour Patch Watermelons
Rasmussen/Hochstetter- Trolli Sour Worms
Knight- Ring Pops
Servedio- 3 Musketeers
Lidbury- Milky Ways
Important Information for 8th Grade Families
8th Grade Dance - Friday, May 17 6:00-8:00 PM - LMS Gymnasium
Mark your calendars for this year's 8th grade Dance on Friday, May 17th, from 6:00-8:00 pm in the gymnasium. Students will receive an invitation soon. Tickets are $15.00 per student and will go on sale the week of the dance. Students can purchase tickets during their lunch period and at the door. Payment can be made by cash or check made out to LMS PTO.
Rules of the dance:
Only 8th grade students from LMS can attend
Students are not allowed to leave the dance early unless they are checked out by a parent
Students are to be dropped off no earlier than 5:45pm and picked up promptly at 8:00
Dress: Dress for the evening should follow the District 47 dress code guidelines. The district’s dress code is attached here for your reference. Students will be asked to change or leave if they are not honoring the dress code. If you are in need of clothing items for this event please reach out to Katie Staggs (kstaggs@d47.org) or Kristi Ljunggren (klljunggren@d47.org ).
Attendance: All students MUST be present for the entire school day (7:40am-2:14pm) in order to attend the dance that night. Any student who is not in full attendance will not be able to attend the dance. Please do not schedule any appointments where students would arrive late or leave before 2:14pm.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact a building administrator.
8th Grade Honors Night (Graduation) - Monday, May 20 6:00-7:30 PM - Crystal Lake South High School Gymnasium
The ceremony will be held from 6:00 PM to approximately 7:30 PM in the Crystal Lake South High School gymnasium. 8th graders will receive their diploma and will be finished with school for the year upon completion of the evening program.
This year there will be no tickets provided for families for Honors Night. As you consider who will be attending the event, please keep in mind that we have 275 families who will need seating during the ceremony. Seating is on a first come first serve basis, and reserved seating is not available, so please make every effort to have your entire party present when entering the gym. Doors will open at approximately 5:30. CLS no longer provides overflow seating with a live stream of the event, so all seating will be in the gym.
ALL requests for special accommodation seating (wheelchair, etc.) must be made to Mrs. Merritt at mlmerritt@d47.org by Friday, May 10th. One additional seat will be available in addition to the special accommodation seating.
Dress for the evening should follow District 47 dress code guidelines. The district’s dress code is attached here for your reference. If you are in need of clothing items for this event please reach out to Katie Staggs (kstaggs@d47.org) or Kristi Ljunggren (klljunggren@d47.org ).
Students should arrive to CLS cafeteria at 5:15
Commencement Flowers at Honors Night
Commencement Flowers will be onsite for flower and gift purchases on the night of the event. You may also order items in advance by clicking the Order Form link below:
Class Placements for 2024-2025 School Year
We are at the point in the school year when class placements for the next school year are being decided. Class placements are based on many criteria including teacher and administrator feedback. If you would like, please provide us with any comments or information necessary for your child’s learning needs. While we welcome that information please do not send requests for specific teachers. The final placement is at the discretion of the administrators. Please send any emails regarding your student's learning needs to Mrs. Compere accompere@d47.org by May 30th.
FastBridge Testing continues on Thursday, May 9
Ways to support your child at home and prepare them for testing:
Get a Good Night's Rest: get 7-8 hours of sleep, put technology away in the evening
Ensure Technology is Prepared: charge Chromebook overnight and bring headphones to school
Start the Day Off Strong: set an alarm to wake up on time and eat a full and healthy breakfast
Notes From The Nurse - Medications in the Health Office
ALL medications must be picked up by noon on Wednesday May 29th. Any medications not picked up by this time will be discarded. A new medication authorization form must be provided at the start of the school year in August for any medications that will be left in the health office throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
District 47 Student Art Show
We are delighted to announce the 2023-24 District 47 student art show at The Dole, 401 Country Club Rd. Crystal Lake, featuring select artwork from District 47 students in kindergarten through 8th grade.
The exhibit is free and open to the public and will be available for viewing weekdays (9am to 5pm) through Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
The Dole is located at 401 Country Club Road in Crystal Lake. Parking is available on-site. Overflow parking will be available at South Elementary School, 601 Golf Road. Donations are appreciated to help support year-round art education and community programs at The Dole.
Pay It Forward/LMS Spirit Wear
If you have any gently used but in good condition LUNDAHL Spirit Wear that you no longer wear or are not interested in keeping, please consider donating it for others. We are starting this collection with all of our LMS students, families and staff, because we have an opportunity to pass along spirit wear and promote everything and anything Lundahl! Sharing is caring, so at any time going forward, please drop off donations to the front office, attn: Sandy Bigos.
We will be sure to spread this LMS love by distributing to Lundahl families beginning in the fall. Any and all sizes are welcome and truly appreciated. Thanks, in advance, for your help and support!
Lundahl Closet
Spring has sprung at the Lundahl Closet!! The closet is currently being restocked with warm weather items that may be needed by our students or their families. Examples of items we are featuring include: 8th grade Dance and Honors Night clothing for both boys and girls, shorts and t-shirts. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Staggs (kstaggs@d47.org) or Mrs. Ljunggren (klljunggren@d47.org) if you are interested in checking out what is available. All items are free.
Bricks of Hope LEGO Drive
Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 is partnering with Bricks of Hope for a LEGO® Drive! Bricks of Hope is a local charity building hope in sick kids during their hospital stays with the gift of LEGO®. Now through May 19th, support the drive by donating NEW LEGO® sets, drop off at school! Read more about their mission here.
Virtual Parenting Session- Tomorrow!
The last Virtual Parenting Session is Wednesday, May 8, at 7:00 PM! How can we create healthy boundaries in the home setting? This session will focus on assisting parents/guardians with respect, chores, and placing limits on devices for their children. Key strategies will also be shared for building closer connections, empowering students, and setting healthy boundaries around the use of technology. Follow this link: https://bit.ly/3QqnRJ6 for more details and to save the Zoom link!
Free Bookstore
We're thrilled to share that the district purchased books to expand every student's library! Every District 47 school will have a "free bookstore" allowing students to shop and choose 2-3 books of their choice. English and Spanish books are available. This initiative, paid for by ESSER funds, aims to empower students by giving them the opportunity to choose books that interest them, igniting a lifelong love for reading. Book shopping at these free bookstores will continue throughout May. Chat with your child about their book selections!
District 47 Surveys
District 47 Communications
Your input helps us improve how we keep you informed. This survey is anonymous and does not collect email addresses.
Click here to take this brief survey.
Sodexo Food Service
Please take a minute to provide your feedback about District 47 school meals. Your participation in this survey is important to us! We appreciate your time and thoughts.
As new clubs begin, they will be added to our Clubs & Activities page on our website. We encourage parents and students to also check our Daily Announcements, which are posted on our website each day, to see what clubs are starting up soon.
Activity Buses
The intent in providing these activity buses is to enable more of our students the opportunity to participate in school activities, clubs and sports. Activity buses run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays throughout the school year. Buses depart from Lundahl on these days at 4:10 PM. Activity buses are available to any Lundahl student who has a regularly scheduled bus and remains at school until the departure time. Click here to view our activity bus stop locations. Please note, drop off locations are not always the same as daily bus routes.
Upcoming Events
5/6 - 5/10 - Staff Appreciation Week
5/8 - Portillo's Fundraiser 5-8 PM
5/14 - Countryside Plant Pick Up after school
5/16 - 8th Grade Dance decorating
7/10 - LMS Fundraiser at the Quarry (click here for flyer)
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to:
- follow us on Facebook: Lundahl Middle School PTO Page
- Text @lmspto23 to 81010 or go to https://www.remind.com/join/lmspto23 PTO uses Remind to communicate upcoming events and volunteer opportunities
For any questions please email us at lmspto@d47.org
Lundahl Family Assistance
Lundahl supports the district's mission of empowering all students and strives to also provide support for families. If your family needs assistance, please complete the form linked below:
The Bridge Store: Free Support for Children in Need
Kids in Need of McHenry County opened The Bridge store, providing agency referred families with access to free clothes and other essential items. If you are a family who needs assistance, please click here. Located at 4410 Route 176, Unit 7, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 and open by appointment only