Panther Pride
1st Quarter
Panther Pride | 1st Quarter
Welcome to the vibrant world of Arrowhead's 'Panther Pride' newsletter! Join us as we celebrate learning, achievements, and the wonderful happenings within our school community.
- A Look into Arrowheads Busy Classrooms with an Instagram challenge
- 1st Quarter Attendance Celebrations
- Monster Mash- October 25
- DVUSD Bond & Override- Election day November 5
- Arrowhead Events & Calendar
- Follow Arrowhead on Social Media
A Look into Arrowhead's Busy Classrooms 📚
Hey Arrowhead families! 🌟 Follow us on Instagram @ArrowheadPanthers and drop a comment on our latest post with a shoutout to a teacher or staff member who has made a difference in the 1st quarter!
1st Grade-Crandall
1st Grade- Bloodworth
3rd Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade
Ms. Kocho
Ms. Kocho
Mrs. Kocho's class is diving into the challenge of adding fractions with unlike denominators! ➗🍰✨"
Walk-up to Math
1st Quarter Attendance Celebrations
Attendance Stats for 1st Quarter:
Here is the class weekly perfect attendance, this means the entire class had perfect attendance that week with the only exception being illness or medical appointments. (Grades 1-6)
Week of:
8/8: Mariani and Bolton
8/12: Mariani and Andrade
9/3: Graddy, Colon, Andrade
9/9: Bloodworth, Baugh, Graddy
9/16: The ENTIRE 1st GRADE
9/23: Magana, Andrade, Baugh, Labedz, Jones, Mrs K
9/30: Bloodworth, Magana, Crandall - ENTIRE 1ST GRADE, Andrade, Baugh, Mariani, Phares, Graddy, Miller, Natoli
82 Arrowhead students had perfect attendance for the entire 1st quarter!
4th Grade Perfect Attendance- Ms. Graddy Homeroom
5th Grade Perfect Attendance- Mrs. Kusmierczyk Homeroom
Percy's Peeps: Recognizing Arrowhead Teachers & Staff
Ms. Nahrein Rasho
Ms. Rema Shamoon
Ms. Kim Czosnyka and Ms. Tracy Dennis
Ms. Tracy is the newest member of our Arrowhead lunch staff! As she is laughing and talking with the kids getting their lunches, you'd think she had been on the team for years.
Mr. Will Vlasity
Aside from the big job of keeping our cafeteria clean, William is a model of positivity for Arrowhead students. His big smile and helpful can-do attitude make everyone feel welcome.
Monster Mash is almost here. Friday, October 25th. We have some ways you can help us prepare for a spectacular event, loved by all! There are flyers attached with more information.
Monster Mash Donations
Raffle Baskets – Each class is looking for donations to create this crowd pleaser. Check the list to see what your child’s class needs.
Candy Donations – We rely on candy donations to use as prizes for all students who play the games. You can drop off or send in anytime.
Cake Walk Donations - Cake, cookies, or other desserts We need these brought to the office on October 23rd, 24th, & 25th
Monster Mash Pre-sale
PreSale – Save time – Order ahead of time – Use the attached flyer.
DVUSD Bond & Override- November 5 Election
Arrowhead Calendar & Events
October 9, 2024 - First date to vote by early ballot
October 25, 2024 - Last date to request early ballot
November 1, 2024 - Deadline to Vote Early In-Person
November 5, 2024 - Election day
Week of 10/21-10/25 – Book Fair – in the library: It will also be open during Monster Mash
Wednesday, October 23rd – 4:00-6:00 pm -Please consider helping the PTO assemble baskets, put together presale orders, create signs, fill candy buckets, etc,
Friday, October 25th - Early Release Day – Students dismissed at 2:00 pm
Friday, October 25th – 5:00-8:00 pm - Monster Mash – Costumes encouraged!
Friday, November 1st - Early Release Day – Students dismissed at 2:00 pm
If you and your family member are able to attend our celebration, please save the date: Friday, November 8th @ 8:00-9:30 am. More details to come.