Third Grade News
Week of May 13th
๐ Happenings
All chromebooks and chargers need to be returned to school by Monday, May 13th. We will still continue to use them in class but they will stop going home. Please search your house for any missing chargers this weekend. Replacement chargers are $42. Missing chargers, devices and any unpaid fees will result in us withholding report cards.
Please ask your child if they have working headphones at school as they are needed for assessments and are used regularly in the classroom. Also, please check that they have crayons. Some students are missing quite a few.
Please label your child's jackets, hats, etc. so when they are misplaced they can find their way back.
Regular attendance is vital to your child's success at school. Please make every effort to have your child at school daily. Late arrivals and early checkouts also cause students to miss a lot of instructional time.
Please login weekly with your child to view grades and check for missing assignments. If you need a parent portal login for PowerSchool please contact the front office. Students can also login on their Chromebook to check grades.
Friday, May 17th is the last day that the courtyard will be open for lunch.
To celebrate all the hard work our students have complete this year and the end of state testing 3rd grade hosts an annual Diffendoofer Day on June 4th. Use the link above to sign up to donate towards this day. Volunteers can also sign up on the link. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher with any food related concerns.
Message from Mrs. Lee ๐จ
Hello parents!
Our clay projects are ready for paint next week! We will be using Acrylic Paint which covers the clay the best. This is NOT washable! Please do not send your child in their brand new clothes on this day. They will have the option to wear a classroom apron over their clothes if they wish. It will be a very exciting day!
Thank you for your support!
Amy Lee
Monday 5/13 Latham and Morris
Tuesday 5/14 Redfearn and Reynolds
Wednesday 5/15 Worth and Hartman
Thursday 5/16 O'Brien and Marble
Friday 5/17 Best and Edwards
Monday 5/20 Wallace and Self
EOG Dates ๐
Look ahead, here are the EOG dates for the 2023-2024 school year. Please plan for your child to be here on time these days. During EOG days students can't come to the class late until after we have finished testing. If your child misses the day the class tests they will have to make it up in a different room with another staff member.
*May 29th Reading
* May 30th Math
Note from PE ๐
We are having a lot of spills in the gym with water bottles. Accidents happen, and water bottles are absolutely fine for students to bring to the gym, but please make sure your students are not bringing Gatorade or juice to the gym. Thanks for your help!
*Any transportation changes MUST be written in the students agenda.
*Absence notes need to be turned in within 2 days. After this time the absence will remain unexcused per county policy. Not all absences qualify to be excused. These notes must be in writing.
*We have several allergies in third grade. Please let us know well in advanced if you plan to send in a birthday treat. This gives us a chance to make arrangements so nobody is left out. Please have any treats that are being sent in be things that can be easily passed out. Individual cupcakes, doughnuts, treat bags are quick and easy.
*Students are responsible to any damages to their chromebook, if the $15 tech fee is not paid they will be billed for the full replacement cost of the part. Please consider paying this.
๐ What We are Learning
Math- Cluster 8- elapsed time, capacity, measurement.
Please review characteristics of a quadrilateral with your child and practice math facts nightly.
Reviewing all the skills we have learned this year.
Students are practicing cursive. Students are also working on responding to text dependent questions.
Science- States of Matter and moving onto Plants
Social Studies- Explain how climate and physical characteristics affect the ways in which people live in a place or region. Explain how movement of goods, people, and ideas is impacted by the geography of a place or region.
Heart Words to Practice ๐
โ Math โ
Fantastic Five
The Fantastic Five is a tool that we use to spiral review topics that have been taught to your child. The question types are meant to have students show their work and use their math strategies that we have been working on in class. It is a great idea to go over these questions again with your child to ensure their understanding. The goal is to keep previously taught skills fresh and to get students used to the different question stems. The yearly testing tries to trick our students and this gives them the upper hand as the wording is very similar to what they are expected to know on state test. During the 1st 9 weeks I will accept test corrections for partial credit. The daily sheets are for practice only and are not graded.
โ๏ธ Words to Know
About- close to, almost, students should round to the nearest 10 or 100 when they see this
Classify- - place items in pre-determined categories (various attributes)
Difference- the answer to a subtraction problem
Divisor -the number by which another number is being divided
Estimate- the strategy we use in 3rd grade to estimate is rounding to either the nearest 10 or 100
Fact family- a set of facts, each of which relates the same three numbers through addition and subtraction or through multiplication and division (e.g., 3 + 4 = 7, 4 + 3 = 7, 7 โ 4 = 3, 7 โ 3 = 4).
Less-fewer, usually a clue for subtraction
Missing value- a value omitted from an equation that is needed to make the equation true [e.g., (2 ร 3) ร 5 = 2 ร (3 ร โฌ)]
More- greater number, usually a clue to add
Round- making a number simpler and easier to use but keeping it close to what it was and understanding that it is less accurate (e.g., rounding to the nearest 10; 73 rounds to 70, 48 rounds to 50).
Sum- the answer to an addition problem
Parallel lines- two lines that do not intersect or touch each other at any point no matter how far they are extended.
Partition- the process of dividing shapes or quantities, usually into equal parts.
Product- the answer to a multiplication problem
Quotient- the answer to a division problem.
โ๐ป Fundations
Courtyard is Open!
The courtyard is open for lunch with your child. However, please keep an eye on the weather before coming. We do not have room for parents to eat inside with their child.
11:55-12:20 Morris and Hartman
12:00-12:25 Reynolds and Edwards
12:05-12:30 Marble and Self
๐พ Wildcats of the Week! ๐พ
Big shoutout to our Wildcats who have shown positive behavior all week!
Please fill out the free and reduced lunch form if you think your family might qualify.
Money can be added to students accts. via the linq app (student number will be needed) or sent in (cash/check) with your child's name.