Slate Ridge Weekly Newsletter
September 27, 2024
Dr. Parlar, Principal
Dear Slate Ridge Families,
We had a fantastic professional development this week where our teachers dove into our new curriculum, shared best practices, and worked together to make our learning environment even more nurturing and conducive for our students.
Thank you to all who participated in our parent survey. We reviewed your responses carefully with our admin team, and we're committed to addressing the suggestions brought up. Field trips, communication about student progress, and homework were highlighted, and I’ve included our tentative field trip schedule below. I’ve also spoken with our staff about improving communication and homework practices.
We’re always striving to make Slate Ridge better. You’re always welcome to stop by for a one-on-one meeting with us. We value your input and appreciate your support.
Warm regards,
Dr. Parlar
Important Dates
October 2: PTO Meeting, Slate Ridge Library, 7PM
October 17: Parent Teacher Conferences
October 21: NO School
October 24: Parent Teacher Conferences
October 24: Picture Retakes
November 1: RISE Assembly
Field Trips
We are excited to share that we have several field trips tentatively planned for this school year! These experiences will provide valuable learning opportunities outside the classroom. As we get closer to each trip, your student's teacher will send home permission slips with all the details. If you're interested in chaperoning, we would love your help! Please note that all volunteers must complete a background check per district policy. For more information, visit our website, and stay tuned for updates. We look forward to these special events with your students!
Kindergarten: Slate Run Living Historical Farm, April 11, 2025
1st Grade: Franklin Park Conservatory, late April
2nd Grade: Franklin Park Conservatory, May 16, 2025
3rd Grade: Lynd's Fruit Farm, date TBD and Reynoldsburg Historical Museum Tour, May 7, 2024
4th Grade: Kelton House, February 27, 2025
5th Grade: COSI, November 7, 2024.
Parent Notification of Student Participation in Assessments
Senator Michele Reynolds and superintendent Dr. Tracy Reed visited Slate Ridge!
Senator Michele Reynolds and superintendent Dr. Tracy Reed joined the Slate Ridge staff. They experienced our staff huddle time and building leadership team meeting, and then went into the classrooms! Senator Michele Reynolds did a read aloud with Mrs. Hilt’s first grade class. Dr. Tracy Reed and Senator Reynolds helped Mr. Kline in innovation, too!
Thank you Dr. Tracy Reed and Senator Reynolds for joining us this morning! We loved showing you the RISE way and our Toucan Pride!
This weeks' Positive Office Referral Winners!
Our Positive Office Referral winners have earned their prizes and recognition by exemplifying the RISE expectations—showing responsibility, integrity, self-control, and engagement.
I’m proud to share that our ambassadors are stepping up as future leaders of our school. Today, Mila and Blake took charge, leading the group in productive discussions about our upcoming events and brainstorming recruiting strategies for next year’s ambassadors. Their leadership and collaboration show the strength and potential of our student community, and we are excited to see how they continue to make a positive impact at Slate Ridge!
Literacy Corner
Did you know that one of the best ways to help your child grow in their academic success is to help them build their vocabulary? Beginner readers rely on their prior knowledge of words to understand what they are reading. When a child is exposed to a richer vocabulary, they are more likely to comprehend a story, whether listening to it or reading the book independently.
Helping your child develop their vocabulary is something that can easily be integrated at home. The next time you and your child read together, pause to discuss more interesting words on the page. Provide a kid-friendly definition of the word with an example that relates to their life. You can even go a step further by encouraging them to create their own example of the new word. Try to find a moment to even use the vocabulary in your daily conversations with them.
Innovation Corner
Next week Innovation classes will be participating in NASA's Virtual Career Fair event! Students will get to find out more regarding STEM careers as well as current and ongoing space missions!
The 3rd-5th graders have begun building their Make. Do cardboard construction projects! Projects should be completed in the coming weeks. Follow the Slate Ridge Innovation Instagram (@ slateridgeinnovate) for updates!
Cool Fact: Venus spins in the opposite direction to the rest of the planets in our Solar System.
Mr. Kline, Innovation Coordinator
Arrival Time to Slate Ridge!
AM Arrival 9:10-9:20am - Enter from Taylor Rd., pull through the car rider loop, and drop students along the sidewalk in the pickup/drop zone. Exit through the neighborhood. Students will enter the building through the back gym entrance. Students arriving after 9:20am will be marked tardy and must be signed in by a parent/guardian at the front office.
Our Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS) program plays a crucial role in fostering a positive and safe environment for our students. We emphasize consistent language between staff and families to help our students grow. This October, our focus is on integrity, with weekly themes including honesty, trustworthiness, and dependability. Students practice these traits with the support of their peers, teachers, our School Counselor, and Social Worker. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please reach out to your student's teacher.
Did you know that every night in the U.S., an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets? Did you know that socks are the least donated items to shelters? For those reasons, Slate Ridge is collecting socks for Socktober! If you would like to help, please send in new socks (any size or color) with your students during the month of October. Our goal is to collect 400 pairs of socks! If we reach our goal, we will have a crazy sock day and dance party in classrooms at the end of the month. Please help us reach our goal!
PTO Corner
We’re always looking for families who would like to help with the PTO!
*We are in need of drinks and candy or chips for the October 11th treat cart! Please sign up below.
*Book Fair will run October 14-17th. If you are interested in volunteering you must be fingerprinted. Please fill out the application and make a time to visit the Welcome Center! Thank you so much!