The Bulldog Bulletin
October 28, 2024
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MVHS Schedule & Upcoming Events
See Bell Schedules here.
Monday, Oct. 28, White Day
Tuesday, Oct. 29, Green Day, Advisory Schedule
Wednesday, Oct. 30, White Day
Thursday, Oct. 31, Green Day, Early Dismissal at 12:30.
Friday, Nov. 1, NO SCHOOL
Football game TBD
For more sporting events please click link
Dear Students and Families,
As we move through the school year, this is a great time to pause and review your current progress in all classes. It’s important to reflect on how things are going and evaluate what you can keep doing, quit doing, and start doing to ensure you’re on track to reach your academic goals.
Keep Doing:
Think about the habits that are working for you. Are you attending every class on time? Are you staying organized and completing assignments on time? If these actions are helping your progress, keep them up!
Quit Doing:
Sometimes, we need to let go of habits that aren’t serving us. Are you missing class periods or arriving late? Procrastinating on homework? These habits can add up and make it harder to succeed. Quitting these behaviors now can make a big difference.
Start Doing:
What new habits can you start to improve your grades? Attending every class, every day, and being on time will maximize your learning. Engaging fully during class, participating in discussions, and asking questions when you need help can also boost your understanding of the material.
Remember, each day is an opportunity to improve. Let’s focus on showing up on time, staying engaged, and giving our best effort to finish this school year strong.
Bulldogs are capable, collaborative, and compassionate! We believe in you and are here to support you!
Dear 9th Grade Families and Caregivers,
I hope this message finds you well. As we approach Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 24, I want to address a matter of importance. Some students may need additional support to catch up on homework and coursework, which will help improve their current grades.
In the coming days, some of you may receive an email from the 9th Grade Success Team (Dr. San Martin, Mr. Ruiz, Mr. Gonzales, and Ms. Kirkpatrick). This email will inform you if your student has been identified as currently at risk of failing one or more courses. If so, we will encourage your student to participate in our after-school academic support (Bulldog Edge) or, in cases of three or more failing grades, the Saturday School program. Please note that families must provide transportation for the Saturday Scholar Program.
Our goal with these programs is to provide extra opportunities for students to bridge any learning gaps that may have developed due to unforeseen circumstances and to ensure they have every chance to succeed.
Academic Catch-Up Program: Starting October 21 and running through November 8, we will hold in-person academic interventions as part of the Bulldog Edge Program in the school library. These sessions, designed to help students complete assignments with adult assistance, will be held after school from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. Dr. San Martin, the 9th Grade Administrator, and Mr. Ruiz, the Dean of Students, will be working closely with teachers and students to provide guidance and address any challenges.
Transportation and Snacks: Students attending the Catch-Up program will be offered snacks and have access to transportation at 4 p.m., Monday-Thursday.
Program Details:
Tier 1 (One F): Students will be asked to attend Bulldog Edge one day per week after school (Thursdays). If all assignments are not completed, an extra day of attendance will be requested.
Tier 2 (Two Fs): Students will be asked to attend Bulldog Edge twice per week, (Mondays and Wednesdays) with an additional day required if necessary to complete assignments.
Tier 3 (Three Fs): Students will be asked to attend Bulldog Edge on Tuesdays, and a Saturday Scholar session on October 26.
Families/ caregivers for students who are currently earning four Fs or more will receive a meeting request to address the situation. We are here to help your students overcome any obstacles they may be facing. If you have questions or need additional academic support, please do not hesitate to contact your designated counselor as well. By working together, we can help every student achieve their best.
Dr. Gia San Martin
MVHS Assistant Principal
Email Notification Sample
Subject: After-School and Saturday Scholar Tutoring and Assignment Completion is Required
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
We are reaching out to inform you that your student is required to attend after-school sessions and/or Saturday Scholar to complete assignments and/or receive additional tutoring support. These sessions are designed to ensure students stay on track with their work and receive the help they need.
The sessions will be held from 2:30 to 3:45 pm on Mondays-Thursdays from October 21st to November 8th. Please ensure your student attends as required to support their academic progress. Transportation is provided for students attending the after-school support program (Bulldog Edge) at 4 pm. Also, snacks will be provided.
Your student needs to attend the following session:
Tier 1 (One F): Students must attend Bulldog Edge one day per week after school (Thursdays). If all assignments are not completed, an extra day of attendance will be requested. See the date below.
Tier 2 (Two Fs): Students must attend Bulldog Edge twice per week, (Mondays and Wednesdays) with an additional day required if necessary to complete assignments. See the date below.
Tier 3 (Three Fs): Students must attend Bulldog Edge on Tuesdays, and a Saturday Scholar session on October 26. See the date below.
Students will be picked up by the 9th Grade Success Team from their classes on the assigned dates. If there is a reason that your student cannot attend on that day, kindly email Dr. Giovanna San Martin at
Thank you for your cooperation and support of this academic intervention.
Best regards,
Dr. Giovanna San Martin
MVHS Assistant Principal/ 9th Grade Administrator
Join us for Fall fun on Oct. 29th at Spike’s Spooky Festival!
Come support your LIA Bulldogs! October 30th
Hey Bulldogs, Do YOU think that pineapple belongs on pizza? Well lucky for you, you can build your own with as much pineapple as your heart desires.
Latinos in Action has partnered up with MOD Pizza to fundraise for resources, events, and field trips to better support our students. Our Fundraiser is on October 30th all day. If you're ordering online use code: MODGIVES20. We appreciate your support sincerely, our Latinos in Action Program.
Boys Basketball is right around the corner!
ALL Boys Basketball players: If you are planning to try-out for this upcoming season there will be a mandatory pre-season meeting Monday, November 4th in the Woodshop. Meeting will begin at 2:35 sharp. If you have shown interest in being a manager please attend! Thank you- any questions-
MVHS Debate News
At the Bear Creek Invitational, the team competed against 20 other schools from our state. Here is how our kids did:
* Senior Sayer Theiss won Congress with perfect marks from all 4 judges-- great start to his final season!
* Senior Avalon Stewart was Top Presiding Officer and 3rd overall in Congress!
* Senior Taite Kirkpatrick easily brought home 1st in Extemp Speaking and 1st in Impromptu Speaking and is now NIETOC qualified!
* Junior Amanat Narwal brought home 1st in Oratory and is now NIETOC qualified!
* Senior Matty Reiss placed 6th in Extemp Speaking!
* Frosh Chase Cabellero placed 4th in Novice Extemp Speaking!
* Frosh Kennedy Hurtado Stewart placed 1st in Novice Humorous Interpretation!
Next up: Gig Harbor! AND, then, a home tournament at La Venture Middle School.
Do you want to attend after school activities but need a ride home?
MVSD offers an after-school bus Monday-Thursday.
The bus leaves outside of the Cafeteria at 4pm. On Early Release days it leaves at 3pm. In order to ride the bus home all you will need is an after-school bus pass from the teacher/staff member you were working with.
Bulldog Edge
Bulldog E.D.G.E. is Mount Vernon High Schools after school homework program. This program focuses on aiding students with homework, projects, studying and any other school related work.
When: Mon-Thur, 2:30-4:00 and 12:30-2:00 on early release
Where: MVHS Library
Who: ALL MVHS students are welcome
No sign up needed and tutors will be provided. As well as late bus passes.
Please encourage your students to take advantage of this opportunity.
Thank you!
Sasha Sosa
Do you want to be in the yearbook more this year?
Go to your grade level Google Classroom and fill out one or all of the surveys that apply to your grade level. Many surveys ask for a photo. Please make sure to include that as well! If you have trouble finding the link, click on the classwork tab and look under the topic “Yearbook”.
The Heritage Language Tests will take place on October 29th, for 11th and 12th grade, and October 30, for 9th and 10th grade. Students who registered received an email confirming their registration. If you haven’t registered and still want to take it, there will be another chance in the Spring.
World Language Credit Program Honors Bilingual Immigrant Students
Get involved and stay involved!
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
FCCLA meets every Monday in CTE-1 from 2:40-3:15. All students are welcome! See Mrs. McColl with questions.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes We meet every Wednesday at 7:15 AM in OM 108. Come join us for fun, food, and Bible study. See Mr. Young for more details.
Migrantes Unidos MV Club is happening! We meet every Tuesday at 2:45 pm at the West Foyer. Come and be a part of our “Familia,” where you can make new friends, work on leadership activities, community hours, and love more and learn about our “cultura” and roots. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Paula or stop by N103c. Nos vemos!
MVHS Honeybee Project- We are lucky to have two honey bee hives on campus! They are located on the 3rd floor of New Main and students are welcome to help inspect the hives and participate in their regular maintenance every Thursday after school as long as the weather is cooperative. We have five full bee suits! A permission slip is available by the hives and should be dropped off with Mr. Engman in New Main 304. This is a good time to remind everyone that our school nurse needs to know about any life threatening allergy that students might have. These bees have been on campus for over a decade and do not tend to sting, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Bulldogs, are you interested in volunteering? Do you already volunteer? Need something to do in your free time but don't know what? Look no further than Varsity in Volunteering! Learn how to earn a varsity letter for volunteering 100 hours! See Mrs. Wright in OM107 for the google code to apply and to get a log to track your hours!
K-pop Club meetings have officially started, and we would like to invite you to join us on Mondays after school in OM 308. If you have any questions please come talk to Ms.Flores in person (OM310) or Email
Science and Earth Club! Did you know that MVHS now has a Science Olympiad Team?! We are currently accepting new members and signing up for the events for the competition this spring. If you are interested or curious in science, engineering, or inquiry, please come to the Science and Earth Club meetings on Tuesdays after school in NM305 or talk with Ms. Krueger or Ms. Mortimer in the science department. Some of the many events include: disease detectives, entomology, astronomy, dynamic planet, fossils, air trajectory, wind power, chemistry lab, forensics, electric vehicle, helicopter, robot tour, tower, codebusters, hovercraft, botany, agricultural science, protein modeling, and more! We would love for you to join us!
Skilled Trades club
SkillsUSA is the number 1 workforce development organization for students. We empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders, and responsible community members.
Any MVHS student involved in classes or pathways of any of the skilled trades is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting.
Meets every Green Monday @ 2:45- 4pm in CTE-6
Mr Erickson: Advisor
Google Classroom code: prp2u23
Teen Art Club at the Museum of Northwest Art
Not Sponsored by the MVSD
This event/activity is NOT being sponsored by the Mount Vernon School District, and the District assumes no responsibility for the conduct or safety of the event/activity. In consideration for the privilege to distribute these materials, the Mount Vernon School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.
Este evento/actividad NO es patrocinado por el Distrito Escolar de Mount Vernon y el Distrito no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la conducta o seguridad del evento/actividad. En consideración al privilegio de distribuir estos materiales, se libra de responsabilidad al Distrito Escolar de Mount Vernon de cualquier causa, demanda o petición archivada en cualquier tribunal o tribunal administrativo que surja a partir de la distribución de estos materiales, incluyendo los costos, honorarios de abogado y juicios o indemnización.
Seniors/Parents of Seniors:
Senior portraits are due on Friday, 11-1-2024. Please upload them via this link.
Please keep the following information in mind when submitting your senior photo:
- The photo must be cropped 2”x3” in portrait orientation.
- Absolutely no props (cars, pets, family members, sporting equipment, etc).
- Attire must follow the School Dress Code.
- Portraits are due 11-1-2024
Photos that do not meet the above requirements will be rejected and notified via their school email what changes need to be made. If a student fails to submit a senior portrait that meets the above requirements, their ASB photo will be used, if it is appropriate. If no appropriate photo is available, the student will not be pictured and only their name will be listed at the end of the senior section.
The MVHS Counseling website provides resources and information to our students and families at MVHS.
Is your student taking a Dual Credit Course at MVHS (AP, College in the High School or CTE Dual Credit) If yes, please review the MVHS Dual Credit Website with information about all programs, including registration and deadlines.
College and Career Center
The College and Career Center website is a great way to stay informed about all things related to college and career services at MVHS!
- The College and Career Center offers numerous field trips! View our Field Trips on our website! Don’t miss these great opportunities.
College Representative Visits: Juniors and Seniors are invited to attend College Rep Visits in the MVHS College and Career Center 11/12. View the Rep Visits here and for more information visit CCC>Rep Visits.
Seniors: College Thursday continues…Join us each Thursday during lunch to get assistance with your future plans!
College Application Information is available with step by step direction on our website.
College Deadlines are approaching. Early Action Deadlines are often Nov 1 or nov 15th and University of Washington’s deadline is Nov 15th. Naviance can help you stay organized with deadlines as well.
Interested in earning high school credit for working your job? Contact Mrs. Mustappa smustappa@mvsd320.og or your counselor to see if worksite learning is a good fit for you!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion October 2024 Calendar
As a diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and multilingual school, Mount Vernon High School wants to acknowledge as many cultural celebrations in our community as possible. A peaceful and productive society is dependent on both diversity and inclusion. Our Diversity Calendar can provide valuable opportunities to celebrate and embrace the richness of our differences. If you would like us to recognize an upcoming cultural celebration, don't hesitate to contact Dr. San Martin, the 9th-grade administrator, at
Global Diversity Awareness Month: An awareness month to promote respect toward various cultures.
National Disability Employment Awareness Month: This awareness month aims to advocate for individuals with disabilities and their inclusion in the workforce.
National Bullying Prevention: A month-long observance to raise awareness and provide education about bullying and cyberbullying prevention.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: This month acknowledges domestic violence survivors and advocates for the end of domestic violence.
Down Syndrome Awareness Month: This month celebrates the abilities of people with Down Syndrome.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths in women; this month seeks to boost awareness of the disease.
Filipino-American History Month
Italian American Heritage Month
National Polish American Heritage Month
October 1 – Defender of Ukraine Day: This day celebrates those who have fought for the freedom of Ukraine.
October 2-4 –Rosh Hashanah: This holiday is the start of the Jewish new year. It begins at sundown on Oct. 2 and is one day long, ending at sundown on Oct. 4.
October 10 – World Mental Health Day: A day that advocates for mental health awareness and education; on this day, you can support the efforts by reflecting on your own biases regarding mental health and advocating against social stigma related to it.
October 11 – Yom Kippur: Jewish day of atonement. The holiday is one day long and begins at sundown on Oct. 10 and ends at sundown on Oct. 11. The Jewish community will fast during that time to reflect on their actions and mistakes from the past year to make this new year a better one to be inscribed in the Jewish book of life.
October 11 – National Coming Out Day: An annual awareness day observed to support the LGBTQUIA+ in “coming out of the closet”.
October 14 – Indigenous People’s Day: This day honors the indigenous people of the United States; the holiday coincides with Columbus Day.
October 17 – Spirit Day: This day is aimed specifically at LGBTQ youth and what their community can do to support them. You can participate in this day by wearing purple and speaking out against bullying.
October 19 – World Humanitarian Action Day: This observed day calls for a mass global display of public support for humanitarian action and provides appreciation and respect to the martyrs of humanitarian causes.
October 16 – International Pronouns Day: This day seeks to provide education on personal pronouns to refer to them correctly.
October 27 – World OT Day: Launched in 2010 by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), this day promotes and celebrates the profession internationally.
Important Phone Numbers
Athletic Office: 360-428-6191
Attendance Office: 360-428-6153
College & Career Center: 360-428-6256
Counseling Office: 360-428-6156
MVSD Student Health Services, 360-428-6151
Transportation: 360-428-6147
Please click here to download the app to see your student's bus route.
Useful Links
The Mount Vernon School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Jon Ronngren, Director, 124 E. Lawrence Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360)428-6110; Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Clint Carlton, Executive Director/Student Support Services, 920 S. Second Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360)428-6141.