Mustang Minute
Week of October 14th
Halloween Costumes
As Halloween approaches, we are excited to celebrate this fun and festive occasion with our students! Students will be able to wear costumes on Thursday, October 31st. Costumes will be worn to school (no changing at school). To ensure that the celebration is enjoyable and safe for everyone, we kindly ask for your cooperation in following these guidelines for Halloween costumes:
No scary or gory costumes
No weapons or props that resemble weapons
No full masks
No makeup covering the full face:
Regular footwear
No inflatable costumes
We appreciate your support in helping us create a fun, inclusive, and safe environment for all students. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school.
Each class will determine how they celebrate Halloween. If a class chooses to have treats brought in, they must be store bought and wrapped. Your child’s teacher will communicate their plans with you as the time gets closer.
We also know there are some families that do not recognize this as a holiday. No one will be required to participate in Halloween activities, and an alternate activity will be provided. If this pertains to your family, please let your teacher know prior to holiday celebrations.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to celebrating with the students!
Swimming at EBH!
Music Department Updates
It's fundraiser time for the EBH Band and Chorus :)
The EBH Band & Chorus students are hosting a "Holiday & More" fundraiser from the Cherrydale fundraising company that begins on October 15 and ends on October 29. Inside each student's packet will be the holiday sales booklet, sweet treats booklet, one order form, prize details, and instructions on how to register your student on the SHOPFUND.COM webpage for online purchases. We highly recommend that students register online and have their patrons purchase online. This serves two purposes; 1st - less money that our students are handling and may potentially misplace, 2nd - if 50% of students register, we are entered into a drawing for $2,500.
The proceeds from this fundraiser are going toward the purchase of new risers for the chorus and new percussion equipment for the band. We hope that you'll do everything to help the band and chorus raise the most that we can. Order will be delivered and must be picked up on December 10.
Be Kind link https://shop.logoprintco.com/mustbekind
EBH Calendar & Clubs
Please see the attached calendar for EBH events and clubs. Many clubs are starting this week. Please be sure your child knows what their plan is for when their club is done at 3:20.
Leader in Me
For the month of October EBH will be focusing on the being proactive. Attached are some activities you can do as a family to talk about being practice. It includes I'm in Charge of Me and Circle of Control.