Grant Line Buzz
October 25 - November 1, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Satkoski......
Because of our amazing IREAD scores, our PTO is treating ALL students will an ice cream treat on October 31! Thank you PTO! If your child has an allergy, they will be accommodated.
Fall Parties will take place on November 1. You must have an approved background check on file in order to attend. See party times below.
PreK - 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Kindergarten - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
1st grade - 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
2nd grade - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
3rd grade - 12:05 pm - 12:45 pm
4th grade/High Ability - 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Book Fair!
Our Scholastic Book Fair is quickly approaching! This year’s fair will be held the week of October 28 - November 1 with special event shopping on October 30 from 5 - 7pm. This event not only provides high-quality reading materials for families to purchase but also serves as a valuable fundraising opportunity for our school. While both the company and our school do our best to vet the books and materials, we recognize that each family has different standards for what is appropriate. To accommodate these varying needs, we are offering three options for participation. Families can take advantage of one or any combination of the three options:
Option 1
In-School Shopping: Students can shop with their class at a scheduled time during the school day and independently select books to purchase. Assigned class times occur during their library class the week of the book fair. Parents are also welcome to join their child at the scheduled shopping time to assist with the selection. If you prefer your child NOT shop independently during the school day, please complete the following Google form:
Option 2
Event Shopping: The book fair will be open October 30 from 5 - 7 pm, allowing parents to shop with their child and help select books to purchase.
Option 3
Online Shopping: Families can shop from home via our online book fair beginning October 25, enabling parents and students to select books together with this link:
We look forward to seeing you at the book fair and appreciate your support in fostering a love of reading within our school community.
Upcoming Events
October 28 - November 1 - Book Fair
October 28 - Wear Red and a hat - Hats off to being drug free!
October 29 - Dress as a famous duo or trio - team up against drugs!; Mrs. McCory to present about self-regulation 6 - 7 pm
October 30 - Wear your PJ's - Follow your dreams instead of doing drugs!
October 30 - Book Fair open from 5 - 7 pm; Boy Scouts here for sign ups in lobby
October 31 - Grant Line Spirit Day! Wear your GLE gear + ice cream treat (we will have allergy friendly treats!) at lunch to celebrate our awesome IREAD scores and to show our school chooses to be drug free!
November 1 - Fall Parties, All Pro Dads (6:30 am); Wear Crazy Hair and Crazy Socks - we are drug free head to toe!
November 8 - Football Spirit Day. Wear your favorite football shirt or colors!
Background Checks
If you'd like to volunteer for a field trip or to help in a classroom, please fill out this form. This is much easier than the paper form!
Build a Bed Opportunity - due October 18 (no late applications)
Please fill out all parts of this application so we may properly assess your child’s need for a bed. APPLICATION MUST BE RETURNED BACK TO _________________BY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2025 .
*Please note: some of the information gathered is for statistical purposes, please answer honestly to help us identify the population we are seeking to help. Information provided is confidential and is viewed only by the selection committee.
GUARDIAN’S NAMES ___________________Relationship to child
Mailing Address City, Sate Zip
Home phone Work Phone Cell Phone
E-mail ADDRESS County of residence
List all children in the household and indicate which child/children requesting a bed.
Name School Name DOB Gender Pajama size Bed Request Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
If we are unable to provide a bed to you, will you allow us to share your info with another agency or group who may be able to provide assistance to you. ☐ Yes ☐ No
Number of adults over 18 in the household number of those adults employed
Total annual household income (You must meet income guidelines to qualify for a bed. See Page 2)
Number of bedrooms in the house Number of beds in the house
Describe briefly the current sleeping arrangements of the children currently living in the house
I certify all information in this application is true
__________________________________________________________________ _______
Guardian Signature Date
Additional Information and Instructions
Please understand not all applicants will receive a bed.
Only school age children (youth) who are currently in school are eligible to apply.
There is only one design for beds (you may not make special requests, unless there is a physical disability).
Two weeks after the application deadline a determination will be made. We will contact you with a pick up date and location (do not contact us).
Please fill out all information honestly and to the best of your ability. Please provide accurate contact information.
It is your responsibility to notify us if your contact information changes. Please notify your school principal if any of your information changes. (failure to do so may result in a loss of awarded bed)
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
You will be expected to pick up your bed if you are chosen. (if you are unable to do so, please contact your school principal).
Income guidelines are used to determine eligibility. Eligibility is determined by timely submission, income, age of child, need.
Applications should be turned into your schools office by to be considered.
*Income Guidelines, you must be at or below the stated income for your family size.
For families with more than 8 persons, add $4,540 for each additional person.
SIZE OF FAMILY ANNUAL INCOME 2 $20,440 3 $25,820 4 $31,200 5 $36,580 6 $41,960 7 $47,340
* poverty guidelines effective JANUARY 2024.
School Commitment of the Week
Use your words to get help!
Examples: Can you open my milk, please? Can you tie my shoe, please?
Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days
Counselor's Corner
PTO News
Mobile Dentist Opportunity
GLE Club Dates
Community Events
Here is a link to a guide for Southern Indiana activities. Enjoy!