The Weekly Update
October 28, 2024 A week
We hope you had a great weekend!
Read down for our events, and remember that you can always stay up-to-date by checking our school website.
Thursday 10/31 Character Stroll- 2:00 parents please park in front of the school where the busses park. Please walk around to the the field to the left of the school behind the playground. We will form a large circle. Each grade level will take a stroll around the inside of the circle. Once all the grades have gone we need you to exit the parking lot promptly so busses can pull in for bus dismissal. We strongly discourage you from taking your child home at this time due to it being dismissal time. Please try to stick to their normal dismissal routine. Thank you
In order to honor our Veterans, We hope to have a Veteran, retired, or active duty member of the armed forces come in 11/15 to read a quick picture book to each class and give them a short bio of their career. Please fill out this very short Google Form to let me know your time preference.
Most Valuable Person Day 11/22 - Visitor Schedule- One guest per student
9:15-9:55: First Grade and Fourth Grade
10:15-10:55: Pre-K and Kindergarten
11:00-11:40: Fifth Grade
12:15-12:55: Third Grade
1:30-2:10: Second Grade
Become A School Volunteer
Both new and previously registered volunteers must complete a new volunteer application every school year. All volunteers must review the Child Abuse and Sexual Harassment (C.A.S.H) training and the Volunteer Manual annually.
CLICK HERE after you've completed the trainings in order to access the volunteer application.
Process of connecting student Schoology accounts
Please complete the meal benefit application.
Online Meal Benefit Application
Menus for School Meals are visible through Nutrislice. Check it out!
Negative Lunch Balance- Please visit My School Bucks or call the school to find out your child's lunch balance. We will serve the students even with negative balances so please continue to check the account.
Transportation reminders-
Morning Walkers- should not be arriving prior to 7:50 am there is no adult supervision until that time
Parents that want to pick their students up early must be in the office by 2:00 and on early dismissal days by 12:00
Cell Phone Policy- Phones must be OFF and AWAY!!!
Please view THIS presentation and this VIDEO.
Code of Conduct can be found here.
GKES Attendance Matters
Our average daily attendance for this week is 92.01%
0-9 Days Absent = 95-100% = Attendance Very Good: Best chance of success. Gets your child off to a solid start.
10- 19 days Absent= 90-94 % = Worrying: Less chance for school success. Makes it harder for your child to make progress.
20 + days absent = 80-85% Attendance = Serious Concern: Your child will find it very difficult to make progress.
Welcome back from Nurse Farr!!!!!
For the month of October, Nurse Farr will be conducting hearing and vision screenings. Screenings are not diagnostic, but instead, are used to identify a child at risk for vision/hearing problems. These screenings are required by Maryland law and will be conducted for new Pre-K and Kindergarten students to SMPCS. Results will be sent home in your child's book bag. Please let Nurse Farr if you have any questions or concerns 301-863-4095 extension 1. Please refer to the link below regarding hearing and vision screenings for SMCPS students: SMCPS Student Handbook - Hearing and Vision Screening
Please report any communicable diseases to Nurse Farr for tracking purposes (COVID, flu, pink eye, strep, etc.), it would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Nurse Farr. Thank you!
The School Based Health Center has 2 locations and is a great resource and is open to all SMPCS students and staff. To enroll to receive health care services through the SBHCs, please click here or give the location center a call to make an appointment.
SMCPS Mental Health & Awareness website for Elementary School Students: Elementary Health & Wellness
From Ms. McFalls
The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum used to teach students how to regulate their emotions. You may hear conversations or comments from your students at home about the Zones Colors (red, green, blue and yellow) so we would like to take this opportunity to share with our parents/guardians some basic information.
Self-regulation is something everyone continually works on, whether we are cognizant of it or not. We all encounter situations that test our limits from time to time. If we are able to recognize when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about it to feel better and get ourselves to a better place. This comes naturally for some, but for others it is a skill that needs to be taught and practiced. This is the goal of The Zones of Regulation through the association of color visuals.
Ms. Broom's Bitmoji room
Fundraising Plan
Online Emergency Information Update Messaging: Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). This will be crucial not only for emergencies but for our ability to communicate with families in general. Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool. The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31st, 2024. Please click here for the Blank Emergency Form. If you have any questions, please contact The Department of Student Services at 301-475-5511 ext.32150.
🗓 Coming Up!
28 Mobile Science Lab begins
30 PTO Meeting
31 Character Stroll
5 Election Day – No School for Students
6 Report Card Distribution
8 Two Hour Early Dismissal
8 Outdoor Movie Night
11 Holiday – Veteran’s Day – All Schools and Offices Closed
11-22 Book Fair
15 Veteran Guest Readers
20 Picture Re-Takes
22 VIP Day
27 Thanksgiving Break - No School for Students
The vision at GKES is to create a nurturing environment for all students that promotes lifelong learning where students work hard to become respectful, responsible, and resilient.
The mission at GKES, in partnership with parents and communities, we believe that every Students Success Story becomes a testament to their determination and our unwavering commitment to fostering their academic, social, and emotional wellness.