Mustang Moments
Strongsville City Schools News (2024-25 Vol. 9, Iss. 2)

Inspiring and Empowering Today's Learners to Build Tomorrow's Leaders.
IN THIS ISSUE - August 23, 2024
Important Dates to Remember
60 Seconds with the Superintendent
SCS Food Services Information + Free/Reduced Lunch Application
School Supply Lists
Mustangs Team Shop - Shop Online Now Through Sun. 9/1
FREE Student Admission to SCS Athletic Events, Courtesy of Strongsville Athletic Boosters
New SCS Website Address - www.scsmustangs.org
SHS Athletic Hall of Fame Committee Selects 8 New Members - HOF Banquet on 8/24
View Your Student’s Online Activity With Blocksi Parent Portal
SHS Role Model Program
Immunization Requirements for Students Entering 7th & 12th Grades
Reunion Information for SHS Class of 1984
Right at School
Stay Safe. Speak Up!
Community Events
Tuesday, August 27 (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
Strongsville Middle School Open House
Parent Meetings at 5:30pm & 6:30pm (SMS Auditorium)
Monday, September 2
NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
Friday, September 6 - 5:00pm - 6:30pm
FREE Community Tailgate
Strongsville High School / Parking Lot outside of Pat Catan Stadium
Plan to stay for the SHS Varsity Football Game vs. Berea-Midpark (7pm Kickoff)
Thursday, September 12 - 7:00pm
Strongsville Board of Education Meeting*
SCS Administrative Offices (18199 Cook Ave.)
* SCS Board of Education Meetings are live streamed HERE
SCS staff and teachers returned last week before students arrived and actively participated in two Professional Development days. Our District values opportunities for our staff to continue to learn and collaborate with their peers for the betterment of our students. Click HERE for this week’s ‘60 Seconds’ episode to hear from some of our staff members on how Professional Development impacts them.
Click HERE for the Welcome letter from the SCS Food Services Department.
To determine eligibility for free / reduced lunch, as well as various additional state and federal program benefits inclusive of possible district student fees being waived, an application must be completed online at PaySchoolsCentral.com. HERE is a link with directions to apply.
It is important to note the following for those that qualify for Reduced Lunches in the 2024-2025 school year: The recently passed Ohio biennial budget includes a provision for the State to pay the meal charges for Reduced students ($0.30 for Breakfast and $0.40 for Lunch) effectively allowing them to eat for free. This will be in effect for the 2024-2025 school year.
CLICK HERE for the Free & Reduced Lunch Application.
School supply lists can be found on our District website and on each of the individual school pages. The lists are under the "Find It Fast" tab on any of our website pages. Click HERE to find a complete listing of supply lists for each school and grade level. Please note - there are NO specific supply lists for Strongsville High School. Teachers will communicate any supply needs to SHS students during the first week of school.
The “Back to School” online SCS Team Shop is now open through Sunday, September 1. Shop for lots of great Mustangs gear, including personalized items! Click HERE to access the complete selection of Mustangs clothing and accessories. A portion of sales will be donated back to Strongsville City Schools.
Once again, there will be FREE admission for students attending athletic events this school year (excluding varsity football and varsity boys basketball games), thanks to a generous donation by the Strongsville Athletic Boosters. We hope our students attend many athletic contests to build school spirit and to support their classmates and friends who are competing for Strongsville throughout the school year! THANK YOU to the Athletic Boosters!
Over the summer, our District updated the Strongsville City Schools website address to www.scsmustangs.org to match our email addresses. While www.strongnet.org is still active for the time being, please update any bookmarks you have to this new address.
Use the QR Code above to register for the Strongsville Baseball Youth Camp
The Strongsville High School Athletic Hall of Fame Committee has announced the addition of eight members to the Strongsville High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Members of this Hall of Fame Class of 2024 include:
Aubrey Alexander (Girls Cross Country and Track & Field) - SHS Class of 2006
Nate Freese (Football and Boys Soccer) - SHS Class of 2009
Bill Haney (Football, Wrestling, and Boys Track & Field) - SHS Class of 1995
Emilia Lesniak (Girls Track & Field and Girls Basketball) - SHS Class of 2019
Mike Pichette (Boys Swimming) - SHS Class of 2015
Tim Ruese (SHS Track & Field, Football, Girls & Boys Basketball Coach)
2006 Boys Baseball State Championship Team
Jeff Eicher - SHS Athletic Wall of Fame Inductee
The Class of 2024 will be inducted into the Strongsville Athletic Hall of Fame TOMORROW (Saturday, August 24, 2024) at Strongsville’s Ehrnfelt Recreation Center. Dinner and ceremony begins at 5:00pm. Click HERE to purchase event tickets.
Over the summer, the District expanded its partnership with Blocksi to include student content filtering and alerts. We no longer utilize SecURLy for these services. Click HERE to view an informational flier about joining the Blocksi Parent Portal to gain insights on your student’s online behavior with their scsmustangs account, as well as set parental controls beyond the school. If you have any questions, contact Dave Binkley - Director of Instructional Technology - at dbinkley@scsmustangs.org.
Attention SHS Juniors and Seniors - Interested in being part of a Role Model program through the Strongsville Police Department? Meetings will be held at the high school in the Little Theater on September 3rd at 7:20am, 1:30pm, and 2:30pm. Interviews will occur between September 16th – 27th. Additional information for this program:
Students need to be in good standing at SHS and submit a background check
At the meeting on September 3rd, Role Model expectations will be discussed and applications will be handed out
Applications are due back NO LATER than Friday, September 13th. (There will be NO exceptions past this deadline)
Interviews will be held between September 16th – 27th
Role Models will be selected and notified September 30th
Once selected, there will be a meeting for activity sign-ups on either October 3rd (after school – 2:30 pm) OR October 4th (before school – 7:20 am) in the Little Theater
Please note the following immunization requirements from the Ohio Department of Health
All students entering 7th grade need to receive the following immunizations prior to entering 7th grade:
One (1) dose of Meningococcal [MCV4] vaccine
(A second dose of meningococcal vaccine will be required prior to entry into the 12th grade)
One (1) dose of Tdap [tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis] vaccine
________________________________________________________________________________________________All students entering 12th grade need to receive the following immunizations prior to entering 12th grade:
Two (2) doses of Meningococcal [MCV4] vaccine
Incoming 7th and 12th graders will need to show proof of having received these vaccines before they can return to school for the 2024-25 school year (exemptions are provided for under law, call for more information).
Click HERE for the SCS Health Services website containing immunization forms
Section 3313.671 of the Ohio Revised Code states that students who do not provide documentation of this immunization will be excluded from school on the 15th day after entrance, until proof is provided.
The Class of 1984 is planning their 40th reunion celebration! If you are a member of this class, or know of individuals who graduated in 1984, please pass along this information:
Class of 1984 (40th reunion)
Saturday, September 28 / 7pm-11pm
Strongsville Brew Garden
$35/person in advance; $40/person at door (Includes entry, food, and soft drinks + cash bar)
Click HERE to register or find the Class of 1984 reunion information on their Facebook page
Email Jen Taliak Sanderson (jensan210@gmail.com) with any additional reunion questions
Right At School is once again providing care for SCS K-5 students before and after school at each of our elementary buildings. For more information on registering with Right at School for the 2024-2025 school year, click HERE.
Strongsville City Schools encourages students, teachers, staff, parents, and other members of our community to report any instances of potential violence, bullying, self-harm or any other issue where students may be at risk. Click HERE for additional Stay Safe. Speak Up! Information on the District’s website. Reporting incidents can be made anonymously online or through a toll free number (1-866-listen2me / 1-866-547-8362).
Two Youth Lacrosse Opportunities
** Rec Center Youth Lacrosse Clinic - click HERE for additional information and register at:
https://strongsville.activityreg.com/selectactivity_t2.wcs (Click on "2024 Fall" then "Sports-Youth" and then "Youth Lacrosse Clinic")
** Sunday Youth Lacrosse Clinics - FREE sessions every Sunday throughout the fall! Whether you’re an experienced player looking to sharpen your skills in the offseason or someone new wanting to try out this exciting sport, this clinic is perfect for you. Open to Grades 3-8 / Sundays (September 8 - October 20) / Girls 9am-10:30am; Boys 10:45am-12:15pm / at Strongsville Middle School Field / Questions: email: exec@stronglax.com
For Existing Players: Keep a stick in your hands and stay in top form! Our clinics provide an awesome opportunity to work on your game in a fun and relaxed environment. It’s a great way to maintain your skills and stay active, all for free!
For New Players: Curious about lacrosse? Bring a friend and come see what it’s all about! Our clinic offers a low-stakes, friendly atmosphere for trying out the sport. If you need equipment, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.
Strongsville Rotary StrongFest (Sat. 9/28)
The Rotary Club of Strongsville is excited to present the 3rd Annual StrongFest on Saturday, September 28th from 2:00pm - 7:00pm at the Strongsville Recreation Center. This is a fantastic opportunity to support our community - come and enjoy over 40 varieties of beer and wine from local, regional & national brands. Food trucks will also be there, plus live music by “Island Troy.” This fundraiser benefits local charities that The Rotary Club of Strongsville supports. Visit StrongFest.com for additional information and to purchase tickets.
Strongsville Chamber of Commerce
Please note the following upcoming events hosted by the Strongsville Chamber of Commerce. Registration is required for all events. Please call 440.238.3366 for more information or to register. Those interested in the following events may also visit the Chamber website (www.strongsvillechamber.com) to register and see additional event info.
September Business Luncheon
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 (11:30am – 1:00pm)
Get to Know Your Strongsville City Council, SCS Board of Education and Candidates
Ehrnfelt Rec & Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville
Registration Opens: August 16, 2024
October Business Luncheon
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (11:30am – 1:00pm)
City of Strongsville Update with Mayor Thomas Perciak
Ehrnfelt Rec & Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville
Registration Opens: September 18, 2024
2024 Strongsville Community Business Expo
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Business to Business Networking: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Open to the Public, FREE to attend: 5:00pm-7:00pm
Ehrnfelt Rec & Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville
To register your business to participate, visit: https://forms/strongville.org/business-expo-registration/
November Business Luncheon
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Ehrnfelt Rec & Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville
Holiday Scholarship Dance
Friday, December 6, 2024
Strongsville Library
Please note the following August 2024 events presented by the Strongsville Branch Library. Please call (440) 238-5530 to register or for more information. Customers may also visit www.cuyahogalibrary.org to register and to see more library event information.
CCPL Program Guide The Cuyahoga County Public Library program guide is now digital! Want to find out about all the amazing library programs and resources happening around the system? You can view our Program information by going to cuyahogalibrary.org and click on Research & Discover to use the Press Reader resource here:
English as a Second Language Classes by Aspire Greater Cleveland. If you need to learn English or improve your language skills, we can help. Aspire Greater Cleveland offers FREE beginner, intermediate and advanced-level English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. Strongsville Branch will be hosting morning classes on Thursdays and Fridays. Please call 833.ASPIRE2 (1.833.277.4732) to register or visit https://cuyahogalibrary.org/services/adult-education/aspire-greater-cleveland for more information.
Monday Afternoon Book Discussion. Monday, August 26th / 2:30 p.m. The Monday Afternoon Book Discussion meets at 2:30 p.m. in the Library on the 4th Monday of each month. No registration is required. New members are always welcome. We welcome all adults interested in reading and discussing great books! Our next discussion title will be North Woods: a Novel by Daniel Mason. Copies of the book will be available for check-out at the circulation desk.
Audio & Video Studio Orientation. Ages 11 & up. Monday, August 26th / 7:00 p.m. Have you ever thought about recording your own music, making a video, digitizing memories and more? The Strongsville Branch Library is home to both Audio and Video Recording studios that can help you do just that! You must go through an orientation to use the spaces. Patrons 11 & up can participate in the orientation and must turn in the User Agreement form at the branch for the orientation to count. Register online to attend the virtual session.
Teen Sewing Basics. Teens in Grades 6 - 12. Tuesday, August 27th / 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Learn the basic parts and functions of a machine, practice basic stitches, and make a fun project! All materials and equipment are provided. No prior experience necessary. In order to participate in youth programs that could be considered harmful, Cuyahoga County Public Library requires parents to complete a Release & Hold Harmless Form.
Stay Connected with Strongsville City Schools
Strongsville High School * Muraski Elementary *
Strongsville Middle School * Surrarrer Elementary *
Chapman Elementary * Whitney Elementary *
Kinsner Elementary * Early Learning Preschool
Website: www.scsmustangs.org
Location: Strongsville City Schools, 18199 Cook Avenue, Strongsville, OH, United States
Phone: (440) 572-7000
Facebook: facebook.com/strongsvillecs
Instagram: @strongsvillecs
Twitter / X: @strongsvillecs