Toronto RGA Quarter 1 Registration
Welcome RGA Winter 2025 Cohort! Read Carefully!
CPS Toronto Advising Welcomes You!
Email: LearnerServices@northeastern.edu
Website: https://www.northeastern.edu/toronto/
- First Canadian Place, 100 King St. West, Suite 4620, Toronto, ON,
- Queen Street West , 375 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON.
Phone: 1-833-685-3276
Master of Science in Regulatory Affairs (RGA) Toronto
Winter Quarter 2025 Registration Opens on Monday, November 4, 12:00 am EST
1. How to Register for Classes| Instructional Guide
Winter 2025 Course Registration Webinar
The Academic Advising team will be hosting Course Registration Webinar on
November 4 at 9 am EST. Join the Webinar Here
Registration Assistance
All incoming Quarter 1 students are advised to reach out to Learner Services for registration assistance if still required after the webinar. They can be reached at:
1-833-NU-LEARN (1-833-685-3276)
2. Registration Details
Please Read Carefully
Thank you for your patience as we assist you with Winter 2025 CPS Quarter registration.
All students are required to register in the following courses for quarter 1.
1) RGA 6463 (Core)
2) RGA 6002(Core)
3) RGA 6000 OR RGA 6001 (Concentration/Elective)
Please register for one section of each course below:
RGA 6463 CRN#: #20626, #21185, #21186
RGA 6002 CRN#: #21165, #21219, #21354
Please register in any one of the sections for your third course using the CRN #. If one section fills up, move to the next CRN(section). FULL - means no more seats available.
Please register for ONE course from the following for your third course
RGA 6000 CRN#:
#21543, 21546
RGA 6001 CRN#:
#21544, 21545
- RGA 6000 is a pre-requisite to RGA 6101 (3rd quarter course)
- RGA 6001 is a pre-requisite to RGA 6202 (3rd quarter course).
- QA & C and Clinical research concentration students are advised to review Course Descriptions for RGA 6101 and 6202 (third quarter courses) before registering for RGA 6000 or 6001.
Domestic students may register in either online or in-person classes.
For Registration assistance please email LearnerServices@northeastern.edu with your NU ID/Student ID and include “RGA Toronto Registration Assistance” in the Subject of the email.
3. INT 6200 - Coop Preparatory Course
All students are encouraged to register in INT 6200 (Co-op Preparatory Course) in either Quarter 1 or 2. This is a required course if you are interested in Co-op.
This course is designed to prepare students for an experiential learning placement. Offers students an opportunity to better understand key components of networks, business professionalism, and effective communication. See course description linked above for more details about the course.
INT 6200 CRN: #21007, #21256, #21259
4. General Information
The Course Map is your primary guide to the classes you will take for your program
For International students, it is very important that you learn how to read your course map and that you adhere to it closely. Any changes to your course of study that departs from the course map should only be made in close consultation with your academic advisor.
Faculty and staff are required by law (FERPA) to only engage with students in written form through their student email, Canvas, etcetera.
All communication from advisors will be sent to your NU email address
Please make sure your Northeastern email is activated.
Please use your Northeastern email account to contact your advisor.
1. Always include your NU ID/Student ID in emails for quicker response time.
2. Check your student email AT LEAST 2 times per week.
***Please allow up to 48 hours for advisor response***
5. Graduate Calendar & Quarter System
There are 4 quarters of an academic year.
- Fall Quarter: September to December
- Winter Quarter: January to April
- Spring Quarter: April to June
- Summer Quarter (some classes offered Online): July to August
Each Quarter (12 weeks) is divided either into
- 1 Full Term of 12 weeks.
- 2 Half Terms of 6 weeks each (Term A - 1st half & Term B - 2nd half)
4 credit courses are 12 weeks long & 3 credit courses are 6 weeks long.
Tentative Scheduled Breaks:
Winter Break - In December
Summer Break - July to August
For more information, please consult the CPS Graduate Academic Calendar linked below.
6. Registration Process & Details
You can confirm your registration by checking your Student Schedule.
How To Check Your Student Schedule
- Log into the Student Hub
- Click on "Resources"
- Go to "Academics, Classes & Registration"
- Scroll down to find - "My Schedule" and click on it.
How To Check Your Degree Audit
- Log into the Student Hub
- Click on "Resources"
- Go to "Academics, Classes & Registration"
- Scroll down to find - "My Degree Audit" and click on it.
Program Concentration
Domestic Students
The course map for this program is ONLY mandatory for international students to follow to remain in student visa status. You may use this information if you plan to follow the Winter Quarter 2025 cohort model.
OSAP applicants must follow the course map for eligibility.
International Students
- Maintain a minimum of 8 credits per term
- Complete a minimum of 50% of on campus instruction
Where to get assistance?
Tier 1 Academic Assistance - Learner Services
Questions that are more along the lines of asking “How do I…” should be directed to Learner Services.
Such questions include, but are not limited to:
- “How do I register for classes?”,
- “How can I see my schedule?”,
- “How do I apply to graduate?”, etc…
Tier 2 Academic Assistance - Academic Advisors
Questions that require more direct contact and exploration of the degree program itself should be addressed by contacting your Academic Advisor.
The questions or topics include and are not limited to:
- Course planning
- Concentration selection
- Course substitution requests.
- Resume critique/career action planning
It is highly recommended that you book an appointment with your Academic Advisor for addressing these types of questions.
To book an appointment:
- Visit your Student Hub, or
- Use this link to book
7. NEU Resources
Student Wellness
Pre-Arrival Wellness Consultation is available for guidance with navigating health services, insurance, general wellness and accommodations prior to arrival. Book a Wellness Consultation Appointment
Career Services & Co-op Advisor queries, please contact:
Student Services team email: TOStudentServices@northeastern.edu
Office of Global Services Canada
Immigration, student permit, and general inquiries: OGS website
Admitted or new incoming students: submit questions online through the webform via the OGS self-service portal
Continuing students: OGSCanadaadvising@northeastern.edu
Student Accounts Canada
Financial, billing, and payment inquiries:
SFS Inquiry form
SAC webpage; FAQ page How Can We Help You
Other Resources
Admissions Office: call 1.877.668.7727 or 617.373.2400 or fill out a form
IT services: Help@northeastern.edu or 617-373-4357 (24/7)
Global Learner Support: GLS Tutoring Page
Health and Wellness: Wellness Consultations
Library Services: https://library.northeastern.edu/
Campus Operations: toronto_operations@northeastern.edu
Visit the Student Life Toronto website for additional resources.