"The Pack" Coyote News
Welcome to Tornillo PK-8! Vol. 17
Tornillo PK-8 Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower every student in our school through tailored experiences in blended learning and STEM-H that enable them to make informed decisions about their futures, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to attain their life goals.
We're glad you are here!
QT2: Week 11, Jan. 13-18
Welcome Back PK-8 Coyotes!
We can't thank you enough for all your help and smooth start with last week's Inclement Weather. Even though our regular routine was slightly interrupted, students continued to receive strong instruction. I look forward to a great week of learning.
There are many great things happening at our district and at our school and we coudn't be more proud to be TISD!
Middle of the Year State Testing (PK-5th grade)
The month of January involves a lot of Middle of the Year (MOY) Reading and Math inventories for all our PK-8th grade students as required by law by our state. These assessments help us identify the reading and math progress of each one of our PK-8th grade students. As required by law, each student's report will be sent out by the end of the month. Be on the lookout for this report. Don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher for more information on each of these assessments.
Reading & Math Inventories Administered
PK: CLI MOY Testing
Kinder-5th Grade: mClass for MOY Reading & IXL Math MOY Screener
1st Grade Only: MOY Dyslexia screener
6th-8th Grade: Istation MOY Reading Inventory Screener & IXL Math
Student Attendance - When you miss a day, you miss alot.
Parents, as we begin the second semester, please be mindful of attendance and the number of absences that your child has. When a student has 10 unexcused absences, our campus will begin the process for truancy court.
Texas law also requires student to be in attendance 90% of the time regadless if the absence is excused or unexcused. Students who are below 90% attendance will be required to make up time. A formal meeting will be set up between the attendance administrator, parent, and student to set up an Attendance Plan.
PK-3rd Grade Attendance- Mrs. Sotelo, Assistant Principal
4th-8th Grade Attendance- Mrs. Morales, Assistant Principal
We will continue to make daily contact with all families when a student is absent. As Texas law requires, a warning letter is sent to families when they have unexcused absences, are below 90% in attendance, or have extreme tardies. Please remember to submit your doctor's or parent note within 48 hours.
"Every child. Every day. Whatever it takes!"
Myrna Lopez-Patti, Proud Principal
Tornillo PK-8
What's Happening this Week at Our School
Mindful Monday, January 13
-Campus, SIT Mtg, 4:10pm (Building B Library)
Thankful Tuesday, January 14
- SPED Dept. Mtg, 4pm
Wellness Wednesday, January 15- QT2 Ends
-QT2 Ends- Grades Due
-ARD & 504 Mtg Day for PK-8
-Superintendent Parent Advisory, 5pm
Thoughtful Thursday, January 16- QT3 Begins
-Jan. 16- Library Story Hour, 3-4pm
-Student Dress: College, Military, & Career Thursday: Wear your favorite college, career, or military branch gear
Friendly Friday, January 17
-Jan. 17- Supt. & Sts Advisory, 1pm
-Student Dress: TISD Spirit Day! wear any Tornillo ISD shirt
Upcoming January Events
Jan. 20- No School, Martin Luther King Day
Jan. 21- Report Cards go home/RTI for State Testing Accommodations/Attendance Committee Mtg
Jan. 22- Board Mtg, 5:30pm/Sports Committee Mtg, 4:30pm
Jan. 23- LPAC MOY Testing Accommodations
Jan. 24- Family Fitness Friday during PE
Jan. 25- Saturday Tutoring (3rd-8th grade)
Jan. 27- Campus Faculty Mtg, 4:10pm
Jan. 28- Coffee w/ the Principal for PK-12th grade (3rd grade performs)
Jan. 31- 100th Day of School/ QT2 Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance Celebration
Jan. 31- QT2 Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance Celebration
Attention 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Students & Parents!
If you are a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student or parent- we'd love for you to join us (Saturday, January 25) at the Texas Tech "Medventure for Your Future!" student & parent conference. Come learn and have amazing hands-on experiences about medically careers. Make sure to turn in your permission slip to the front office or one of our counselors. Tornillo ISD transportation will be provided and breakfast & lunch will be provided.
Thank You, TISD School Board Members!
Tornillo ISD celebrates School Board Recognition Month this January
January is School Board Recognition Month and Tornillo ISD is honored to celebrate its trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district’s schools and students.
“Our school board members are selfless volunteers who spend long hours working to ensure all of our students have the opportunity to learn and grow. Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to say thanks to all of our trustees.
Junior High 7th & 8th Spring Sports
2025 Spring Intersession Break
Parents, our Spring Intersession Break will be Monday, March 3 through Friday, March 14. Students in need of academic, language, or attendance intervention will be asked to attend Intersession Instruction from March 3-7. Further information will become available as we get closer tp these dates.
Attached is also the academic calendar for our district.
How to connect to our school through Class Dojo & Power School Parent Portal
Help your child's classroom win a popcorn or donut party this week. Classes with 100% Class Dojo will win one of these tasty treats at the end of the week!
Student Uniforms PK-8
Student Pick-Up & Drop-Off Information
We're Here to Help!
Email: lopezmy@tisd.us
Website: www.tisd.us
Location: 420 Oil Mill Rd, Tornillo, TX 79853
Phone: (915)765-3300
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD