MTMS Wolf Wire
August 25, 2023
Important Dates
August 26 - MT fundraising day at Chipotle
August 29 - 7th vs Warren
August 29 - 8th @ Warren
August 31 - 7th @ Mill Creek
August 31 - 8th vs Mill Creek
August 30 - 8th grade @ Warren
Cross Country
August 31- @ Wyandotte County Park
September 1 - Band Night @ the Mill Valley High School Football Game
StuCo Informational Meeting
8/29 during ELT in the Commons
8/30 in the FACS room @ 7:35
A Few Words From The Principal
- B teams play first starting at 4:00pm
- A teams follow usually around 5:00pm
- Bring cash for entry and concessions
Adults are $4
Students are $2
MTMS students are free with their student activity ID (We will have a list until IDs arrive
Senior Citizens are free
Students wanting to attend games have two options:
1. To stay after school and sit in the student section and follow the expectations outlined in the student handbook on page 12.
- Report to the commons at 3:05 and check-in with the teacher supervisor
- Work on homework or other things quietly until the student section moves to the game.
- Stay in the building or at the game until the student signs out with the teacher supervisor at which time they need to leave the event/ school.
- Sit in the student section with the teacher sponsor.
- Be a good sport and act appropriately. Be safe and kind.
- Make arrangements to be picked up at around 5:30 for football and 6:00 for volleyball and basketball.
2. Attend the game with an adult
- Leave the school at the end of the school day.
- Return with an adult who is also going to attend the game.
- Follow event rules.
- Be a good sport and act appropriately. Be safe and be kind.
Aloha Spirit day to Support Maui sponsored by StuCo
Catch the Aloha spirit! Students, you can support Hawaii and wildfire recovery on Maui by participating in a tropical dress-up day on Friday, September 1. Student council will sell flower leis before school for $1 each. Buy as many as you wish! All contributions benefit World Central Kitchen and their disaster recovery programs on Maui.
Thank you StuCo for the new tree at MT!
Get Involved with StuCo
Students, make your school year more meaningful and fun and by joining student council! We'll have a meeting in the Commons during ELT on Tuesday, August 29 for any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student interested in participating. This meeting is mandatory for anyone planning on joining StuCo this year.
A second make-up meeting will be held Wednesday, August 30 at 7:35 AM in the FACS room, Exploratory hallway, for students absent or otherwise unable to attend Tuesday's meeting.
New Additions to Lunch
Strawberry milk is back. Fresh fruit is on the salad bar. There are more Ala cart options than in the past.
We also allowed for them to select their lunch seats for the first quarter. In the past their seats were assigned by team and class. We just ask that they follow the lunch room procedures, leave the lunch room clean, and keep the volume to a 1 or 2.
New Computers
Please talk with your student about caring for their device. We have already had a few broken screens due to students shutting pencils in their computer. We want our students to have technology to utilize while learning and that means that they are going to need to take care of their device.
From PTA
We have a winner! Congratulations
7th grader Bailey K.! Thank you for entering our raffle for MTMS spirit wear at Back to School Night.
Give yourself a break from cooking Saturday and support MTMS at the same time! It’s Chipotle give-back day from 11:00am – 9:00pm. Please use code J8R43CK when ordering online or in the app or mention this fundraiser if ordering in person. 33% of sales come back to MTMS. Our partnership was a huge success last year. Let’s see if we can break our record! Contact Andrea Lerner 620-757-0349 with questions.
Don’t forget, our spirit wear store closes August 30th. Baseball hats, stocking caps, and drawstring PE bags are also available. Click the link to order.
From The Nurse
Seasonal Allergies
The nurse doesn’t have medication for seasonal allergies. Please give allergy medication at home. There are several over the counter brands that last 24 hours and there are eye drops specially formulated for seasonal allergies.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in immunization information. I will be continuing to update health records in Skyward for the next few weeks.
The Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and the Meningococcal vaccine dose 1 are required for 7th grade students.
Please use the following link for USD 232 Vaccination Policy and Requirements
If your student has received or when he/she receives these immunizations please send documentation to the MTMS school nurse. Documentation includes-records from health care provider, copy of immunization card, or a copy of the bill with name of immunization and date received noted on the bill.
Documentation can be mailed to MTMS, faxed to MTMS, e-mailed to school nurse, or brought to the school during school hours by parents or student.
Documentation of Immunizations must be turned into the school by the 2nd Monday of October, October 9, 2023. If vaccinations are not completed, students may not attend school after that date until the required immunization is completed.
Both of these vaccinations can be given at the same time.
If you have turned in immunizations please give the nurse a few weeks to enter into Skyward.
Please contact MTMS school nurse with questions. Vaccinations on file can be viewed in Skyward Family Access under Health Info then select Show Vaccinations in the Display Options.
Illness and Covid
Please report any symptoms of illness to the school. Please be specific.
Remember students are to be fever and/or symptom free 24 hours before returning after an illness.
Illness and Covid policy can be found by clicking on the following link:
Hearing and Vision Screening
Hearing and Vision Screening will take place throughout the school year. Screening are required for all 7th grade students and students new to the district. Any student may be screened by parent and/or teacher request. Please contact the school nurse with questions or concerns regarding screenings.
For more information about health screenings click the following link:
USD 232 is looking for one or more individuals to split a bus route that have either their LPN or RN licensure. We have some wonderful students with medical needs who are in need of either an LPN or RN to assist them while riding the bus to and from school. The hours are listed below and days to work flexible. If interested, please contact Sara Hoepner, Special Services Coordinator at, or Lee Hanson, Director of Special Services at, or Tara Harmon-Moore, Coordinator of Nursing Services at for additional information. The job is also posted on our district website at
Unified School District No. 232 - Frontline Recruitment Frontline Recruiting and Hiring, Applicant Tracking for Educators. Online Job Employment Applications, Web Based Employment Applications for School Districts and Educational Institutions.
HOURS (These can be covered by one individual or split between two or more)
Monday Thru Friday 7:55 to 9:00 a.m.
Monday Thru Friday 3:30 to 4:40 p.m.
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Twitter: @mtms_wolves