Bowne-Munro Family Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Complete all student forms ASAP!
School Contact Information
Phone Number: 732-613-6810
Address: 120 Main Street
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Kristin Gristina - Email:
Office Staff:
Kathy Saggese - Email:
Bevin Piscitelli - Email:
Teresa Kominkiewicz - Email:
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Doors open at 8:55 and the school day will begin at 9:00.
All students in grades K-4 will enter at the back of the building. All students using the car loop should be prepared to exit the car on the passenger side. Parents using the car loop MUST NOT get out of the car. We will have staff available at 8:55 to help students out of the car and make their way to their classrooms. If you would like to park your car, you must use the main parking lot or consider parking on Diamond Court and walking up to the back of the building.
ONLY preschool students will enter and exit at the front of the building.
Preschool staff will be ready to welcome and dismiss our youngest students at the front door.
Parents are not be permitted to enter the building. Make sure to reserve time for pictures, hugs, and kisses to happen before dropping students off.
Student dismissal for grades K-4 will be at 3:35 in the back of the building by our playground.
Kindergartners will exit at Door 6 (by the picnic area)
Grades 1 & 2 will exit at Door 8 (at the top of the ramp)
Grades 3 & 4 will exit at Door 5 (close to the car loop)
We do not run a car loop for dismissal. Our School Security Officer will be outside to monitor and assist with dismissal parking. All parents/guardians should park their cars and meet their child at the appropriate exit door. Teachers will ensure that all students are picked up by a parent/guardian. Out of respect for our staff, please be on time for dismissal. In the event of an emergency, please notify the main office about your delay.
We are looking forward to welcoming our students back to school!
If you have questions about arrival or dismissal, please call the main office.
Backpack Safety
As per the District Elementary Handbook:
"Unless specifically prescribed by a physician, students may not use wheeled backpacks. These present safety concerns when used in large groups."
If your child has a medical need that necessitates a wheeled backpack, please submit that note to the main office. If your child is in need of an appropriate backpack, please contact the main office. We are here to help.
Third and Fourth Grade Devices
Please make sure that your 3rd and 4th grader(s) come to school with their charged Chromebook EVERY DAY. We do not have enough loaner devices to provide for forgotten computers. We appreciate your help in making sure your child is prepared with their charged laptop each day.
Technology Device Coverage
The district is again offering parents/guardians the opportunity to purchase Student Technology Device Coverage. This voluntary program provides coverage for damage or loss to the computer device that is issued to your child. Examples of damage that could occur are:
- If a student were to drop the device, it could damage the chassis or screen, break a hinge, adversely affect device memory, or cause a disk failure, for example. Each of these repairs has an associated cost as outlined in the Plan.
- For hardware failures that are not caused by misuse, the district would repair or replace the device at no cost.
All hardware failures are assessed by a qualified technician to ensure that they are not the result of improper care or misuse. If determined to be the result of improper care or misuse, a repair cost would be incurred by the parent/guardian. The plan document describes the coverage to all parents/guardians. The Plan Document also lists charges that would be assessed to repair damage when coverage is not selected. Each plan covers one device. Therefore, if two children in your household have each been issued a device, two plans would be applicable. You are under no obligation to participate in the Plan. Whether you opt-in or opt-out is entirely your choice. Kindly make your selection accordingly no later than September 20th, 2024, at 3:00 P.M.
School Supplies
School supplies can be brought to school throughout the first few days.
Click on image to view larger.
School Events
Join us for Back-to-School Night!
Monday, September 16th is Back-to-School Night at Bowne-Munro Elementary School. On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to invite you to school to meet your child’s teachers and to visit your child’s classroom. Staff members will present information about curriculum, classroom procedures, activities and expectations for the school year. Teachers will not have time to discuss individual student progress at this time, but we look forward to meeting with you again at Parent-Teacher Conferences in October.
To help alleviate excessive crowds and parking problems, the evening will run as follows:
Presentation Times:
Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4: 6:00 - 6:45
Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1: 7:30 - 8:15
This evening is intended to be for parents/guardians only. Childcare will not be provided. We ask that you make every effort to make alternate arrangements for your children that evening. I look forward to seeing you for this event! If you have any questions, please contact me at 732-613-6810 or
Remembering 9/11
During the week of 9/11, our school will participate in Pay It Forward. Since Wednesday, September 11th is a National Day of Service and a federally designated holiday, students and teachers will be encouraged to participate in random acts of kindness.
The mission of Pay it Forward is to promote random acts of kindness and compassion every September 11th to honor lives lost in the 9/11 attacks by performing three good deeds for strangers, asking them to pay it forward by doing the same and creating a ripple effect.
PTA Updates
Click to order!
September Breakfast & Lunch Menus
All students may pick up a breakfast upon arrival and eat it in their classroom.
The State of NJ Working-Class Families Anti-Hunger Act has expanded the number of families that may qualify for no-cost meals. Complete the application, found in your child’s Parent Access account under the “Forms” tab, at anytime.
Please visit the Child Nutrition home page or contact with any questions.
District News
District Calendar for 2024-2025
Important Dates to Remember
9/10....PTA Meeting 7:00 pm at Bowne-Munro
9/16... Back to School Night
............Grades 2, 3, & 4 @ 6:00
............Grades PreK, K, 1 @ 7:30
9/19....PTA Ice Cream Social, 5:30-7:00
10/3 & 10/4.... NO SCHOOL, Fall Recess
10/22-10/25... Parent-Teacher Conferences, 1:35 dismissals
Happy birthday to all who are celebrating in September!
Pre-School: Vinny C., Ephraim A., Micaela I., Yuvansh S., Clark H.
Kindergarten: Ethan G., Riley J.
First Grade: Liam M., Gianna R., Bobby C., Ariella W., Leciara P.
Second Grade: James D., Brielle B., Zahonna B., Sarah B., Jofiel T.
Third Grade: Michael M., Joey A., Andrew F., Ethan P., Logan H., Kyan A., Mackenzie M.
Fourth Grade: Jailany P., Joya M.
Staff: Ms. Goswami, Mr. Joe, Mrs. Gristina
Bowne-Munro Contact Information
Location: 120 Main Street, East Brunswick, NJ, USA
Phone: 732-613-6810