Madrona Family Memo
Our Wild Cat Motto: Be Responsible, Be Respectful!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Greetings, New and Returning Madrona Wildcat Families!
The 2024-25 School Year kicks off in 9 days, and we are excited to welcome our students back to campus on Thursday, August 22.
Note: Please review this newsletter in its entirely as it includes updates since our new school year newsletter which was sent out on July 29.
If you haven't done so already, your assistance and prompt action are needed in completing your Parent PowerSchool registration and TUSD benefit form:
- The PowerSchool Annual Online Registration window is OPEN! All new and returning families must log into the PowerSchool Student Data System to verify that emergency and authorized contacts and release information are current (specific instructions below). The registration process also includes links to our 2024-25 School Handbook, Bell Schedule, and Campus Map.
- Torrance Unified School District 2024-25 Educational Benefit Form - Good news! ALL Madrona students will receive FREE daily snack and lunch this year. Please complete the form to help ensure our school receives funding to support student learning and our intervention programs, as well as additional academic counseling, socio-emotional counseling, and reading recovery. Qualifying families have access to additional benefits, such as discounted fees!
Next Monday, 8/19:
- 9:00 to 11:00 am - Madrona Student Leadership's Wildcat Welcome Orientation for incoming 6th-graders and new students. The orientation will include a tour of our school and fun activities. Students will receive a copy of their schedule, tips from student mentors on navigating multiple periods and the responsibilities of middle school. UPDATE! Families with students participating in orientation are invited to attend an optional meeting from 9:15 am to 10:00 am in our Cafeteria - answers to frequently asked questions about the transition to middle school, our school and program offerings will be discussed.
- 11:00 am-1:00 pm - All returning students are welcome to stop by to pick up a copy of their schedules, walk the campus to learn the location of their classes, and try out their locker combinations.
Our first day of school is Thursday, 8/22, and the first bell rings at 8:30 am (the Period 1 late bell rings at 8:40 am). We will open the campus at 8:00 am on Thursday, 8/22, and Friday, 8/23, due to traffic congestion from drop-offs and to allow students extra time to navigate their lockers and the location of their first-period class. Campus maps will be distributed and Madrona Staff and PTSA Parent Volunteers will be present and available to assist students.
Please Save the Date for the following events scheduled for the first two months of school:
- 9/10 - Back to School Night (5:30 pm)
- 9/13 - Madrona PTSA-hosted School Dance (4:00 pm - 6:00 pm)
- 9/16 - Monday, 9/16 - School Picture Day
- 9/27 - Student Leadership hosted Family Movie Night (6:00 pm)
- 10/18 - Madrona PTSA-hosted Trunk or Treat (5:00 pm - 7:00 pm)
We look forward to supporting your middle school student's academic and personal growth this year!
Warm regards,
Sue Key, Ed.D., Proud Principal
Madrona Middle School
Be sure to scroll through and open the Smore link to view all of our weekly updates, ensuring you stay informed about the latest happenings at Madrona Middle School.
Welcome, Madrona Assistant Principal Alisa Schiappa-Gobee!
We are delighted to officially announce a new member to the Wildcat Family, Madrona Assistant Principal Alisa Schiappa-Gobee! Mrs. Schiappa-Gobee's acceptance of our AP position was announced at the July 8th TUSD Board Meeting.
Alisa worked for Torrance Unified School District as an Intervention Teacher on Special Assignment last year, supporting Yukon and Arnold Elementary School. She previously held the position of Assistant Principal for five years at Saint James Catholic School, serving K-8 students in Redondo Beach. She comes to us with experience supporting students, staff, and families and coordinating programs.
Please give a warm Wildcat Welcome to Assistant Principal Mrs. Schiappa-Gobee!
Madrona - South Bay's Best Public Middle School!
Madrona Middle School was voted the Best Public Middle School in the 2024 Daily Breeze/Beach Reporter South Bay Best Readers' Choice survey! Thank you to our families who voted for us. This recognition is a testament to the supportive and safe learning environment created through the collaborative effort of our student body, staff, and families.
The Daily Breeze / Beach Reporter published its annual Readers Choice Awards - link to the webpage and insert: https://dailybreeze.readerschoice.la/2024-south-bays-rc-on-issuu-com/
Student Schedules & PowerSchool Smartphone App
Student schedules will be viewable in PowerSchool (online & via mobile app) starting Monday, August 19. Changes may occur up to the first few weeks of school due to ongoing new student enrollments, the need to level teacher classes, and ensuring all Madrona students get the necessary core classes. Individual families will be notified if schedule changes are needed. Click on the image for a link to our campus map.
PowerSchool & PowerSchool app - Download and use the PowerSchool smartphone app to monitor your student's grades and attendance. Enable in-app alerts to receive real-time information on your student's progress. Android | Apple. The district code is TCXN. Students will need to use their student ID # and password to login. Families will need to use their PowerSchool login credentials.
We encourage students to learn how to advocate for themselves and respectfully speak to their teachers for clarification on directions, grades or missing assignments. Consider helping your student practice email etiquette by emailing their teachers a respectful inquiry when needed. It's never too early to develop your student's communication skills to prepare them for high school and beyond!
Student Safety, Traffic, Gates, and Bicycles
The safety of our students is our priority!
Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up Traffic - Please drive slowly and safely since our students often crossing the street on the other side of the road. Also, limit double parking and making a three-point turn in the middle of our busiest time since this causes major backups. Last year, Torrance Police Department informed us that they ticket for double parking. Lastly, please keep the driveway of our neighbors clear so they too can leave and return for work. Thank you for keeping our students safe!
Campus Gates - Both the main entrance of our school, off of El Dorado Street, and the back gate, off of Opal Street, open at 8:15 am. We highly encourage families to use the back entrance off of Opal since traffic is lightest in the morning. The Period 1 warning bell rings at 8:30 am, and the Period 1 Tardy bell rings at 8:40 am. Students must be settled in their seats before the tardy bell rings. All gates close at 8:40 am - visitors and latecomers must check in at the main office off of El Dorado.
Bike Racks - The Madrona bicycle rack is located on the south side of our Gym. Bike chains/locks are important to secure bikes and prevent potential thief. Reminder that skateboards, bikes, and scooters may not be ridden on public school property for safety reasons.
Lockers, Backpacks, Supplies and Chromebooks
Lockers - Students are assigned a general locker to store their backpacks, books and lunch. Students are also assigned a PE locker to store PE clothes and shoes. Both lockers come equipped with three-number combination locks. If your student has never used a lock before, we recommend the purchase of a three combination Master lock to practice. Here is a helpful "how-to" instructional video. Staff will be circulating campus to assist students with their lockers the first few days of school.
Student Backpacks must be stored in lockers since they pose a classroom tripping hazard due to limited floor space. To navigate this expectation, students should start out their morning with supplies, books and their charged Chromebooks for Period 1 & 2. At snack, students will need to return to their locker to retrieve supplies for Period 3 & 4, and then return during lunch to swap out materials for Periods 5 & 6. Students are permitted to use a small/thin tote bag (see image) to transport supplies between classes.
Supplies - Teachers will inform students of any instructional supplies they may need. Students should come prepared with basic supplies and a water bottle (we have water refill stations) to get started. A notebook, pencil, pen and eraser is sufficient for the first days of school.
Chromebooks - Madrona is a 1-to-1 Chromebook campus. Students are assigned a Chromebook as a 6th-grader (or new student in 7th/8th), and they use the same device until the end of 8th-grade. Students are responsible for the care of loaned devices and ensuring they are properly charged each night. Our library media technician will distribute Chromebooks to 6th-grader (and students new to Madrona) during the first few days of school. Each teacher has spare Chromebooks and a few charging cords, as needed.
After School Math Homework Club
Good news! Madrona Math Homework Club is returning for the new school year!
After School Math Homework Club is by Grade Level - 3:30-4:30 pm (one day a week, Monday-Wednesday).
- 8th-grade - Mondays (Teacher Mrs. Bloomfield, Room 14)
- 7th-grade - Tuesdays (Teacher Ms. Fu, Room 9)
- 6th-grade - Wednesdays (Teacher Ms. Wulpern, Room 6)
Students who sign up for a class must take advantage of the class and complete their work.
Sign-up your student HERE. Attendance will be taken to ensure all students attend. Note: the start date of Homework Club is based on family sign-up. Start date of Math Homework Club to be announced soon!
Important Dates*
- Monday, August 19 (9-11:00 am) - Incoming 6th-grade (and new to Madrona) Orientation
- Thursday, August 22 - First Day of the 2024-25 School Year!
- Monday, 9/2 - Labor Day (No School)
- Tuesday, 9/10 - Late Start & Back to School Night 5-7 pm (with PTSA Association Meeting)
- Wednesday, 9/11 - Late Start (due to Back to School Night)
- Friday, 9/13 - Back to School Dance hosted by the Madrona PTSA, Cafeteria 4-6 pm
- Monday, 9/16 - School Picture Day
- Friday, 10/18 - Madrona PTSA Trunk or Treat, 5 pm (details TBD)
* more events & dates to be added each week.
Madrona Intramural Sports - Athletic Clearance Packet
In an effort to improve our Middle School Athletics program and to make participation in middle school sports align more closely with the TUSD high school athletics experience, we will be implementing an Athlete Clearance process. The clearance process will include a set of forms that parents/guardians, as well as student athletes must complete prior to a student being allowed to participate on an athletic team representing our school.
Included in the Athletic Clearance Packet, will be a requirement to complete the TUSD Middle School Physical Screening form, as well as other forms. We are sharing this information with you now so you can plan accordingly in terms of scheduling an exam for your student prior to September, when our first sports season will take place. If you already have plans to have your student get an annual physical exam with their doctor, please have them complete the TUSD Middle School Physical Screening form to fulfill this requirement.
If your student plans to tryout for an athletic team this coming school year, we strongly encourage you to schedule an athletic physical exam in advance of September to ensure that you are able to complete the entire Athletic Clearance Packet when the school year (or the particular sports season) begins.
If your student does NOT intend to participate in Athletics next school year, then there is NO need requirement for the physical exam or any associated athletic paperwork to complete.
Renew Your Madrona PTSA Membership for 2024-25!
Donate directly to the Madrona Middle School PTSA via the DONATE link below (or) Download the Donation Form and drop off donations to the PTSA Box located in the main office.
Donate directly to the Madrona Middle School PTSA via link above (or)
Download the Donation Form and drop off donations to the PTSA Box located in the main office
Sign up for Ralphs Community Contribution Program ad NO added cost to you. Use Madrona's Organization ID UF902. Click here The program requires registration each September to stay active!
Madrona's Amazon Charitable Donation "Wish" List
Looking for a way to help out our school? We are ALWAYS in need of school supplies! Any help we can get is ALWAYS greatly appreciated. If you do purchase an item(s) please have it delivered to:
Madrona Middle School 21364 Madrona Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 310-533-4562. Thank you!
If you have it delivered to your home, please drop off at the front office (or) have your student bring it in.
Contact Us
School Website: https://www.tusd.org/schools/madrona
Address: 21364 Madrona Avenue, Torrance, CA, USA
General Email: madronainfo@tusd.org
Attendance Office: madronattend@tusd.org
Main Phone #: (310)533-4562
Follow Us On Social Media & Online to keep up to date on events and activities at our school, please follow us on Instagram or visit our school website.