MES News
Parent and Community Newsletter 3/10-3/14

🎒🏫Updates, Celebrations, and Info! 🥳🍎
Good afternoon MES Families!
I hope you are all planning a relaxing break next week. Our little bulldogs have worked hard this semester and deserve some restful family time.
Please see below for some upcoming important dates and events:
Spring Break Dress-up Week:
Mon: Wear your favorite pair of crazy socks. 🧦
Tues: Fun in the sun day! Wear your favorite sun hat! 👒🎩🤠
Wed: Your future is SO bright! Wear your favorite CCMR 🐅wear or neon clothing from head to toe.
Thurs: Time to sham-rock and roll! Wear ALL of your green! 💚🪴🍏🐲🍀
Fri: You know what day it is! Wear your jammies like a boss!
Coming Soon...... Spring 🌸Scholastic Book 📖 Fair
🦉🦉Owl Pellet Dissection in Mrs. Raney's Class 🦉🦉
🦴 Bulldog Business 🦴
Important Upcoming Dates /Reminders:
* If your child has a fever, please remember that they must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
* March 12th: MOCK STAAR/ 4th and 5th grade math
* March 14th: Early release @ 12:30
* March 17th-21st: Spring break
* March 26th: T-TAPP/ 3rd and 6th grade math
* March 31st: Spring pictures
* April 1: Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins
* Mid-April: Pre-K/ Kinder Round-Up
Feedback for Johnston
Please take a moment to provide feedback, questions, and/ or compliments about the current school year. Your suggestions allow ongoing opportunities to build on and continue the growth of McDade Elementary. A few items I plan to integrate towards the end of this school year (for next year) are: Safety Patrol, Principal's Advisory Council, "Principal for a Day," and MES Clubs/ Organizations.
🚗Transportation Changes, Absentee Notes, and Attendance 🤧
Mrs. Shelby and I will be making plans for an MES Saturday School. All students whose absences have fallen below the 90% attendance rule will be required to make up the time. This ensures that students in grades Kinder through 12th must attend class for 90% of the time it is offered to receive credit or a final grade.
When your student(s) are absent, please deliver or email doctor's notes/ parent notes to Mrs. Shelby at the email address below:
If you need to make a transportation change for your child(ren), please do so by 2:00 pm. Calls after 2:00 may not be accommodated.
Mrs. Shelby's contact information is:
Phone: 512-273-2522
Email: shelby.glona@mcdadeisd.net