Florida High Happenings
Grades 9-12: December 2024
Principal's Message
Dear High School Families,
As we approach the end of the year, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for your continued support and partnership in fostering a positive and enriching environment for our students. December is always a time for reflection, and this year, we have much to celebrate. From academic achievements to community-building events, it's been a fulfilling term for our school.
I’d also like to remind everyone of the importance of balance during the holiday season. While it’s a time for celebration, it’s also essential for our students to have time to rest, recharge, and spend quality moments with family and friends. Please encourage your child to take a break from their schoolwork during the holidays, but also remind them of the value of reading and staying engaged in fun, learning activities.
In the coming weeks, we have several exciting events, including our winter performances, holiday celebrations, and spirit week. These are wonderful opportunities to come together as a school community and share in the joy of the season.
Thank you once again for your continued dedication to our school community. I wish all of our families a joyful and restful holiday season, filled with warmth, happiness, and good health.
Warm regards,
Megan Brink
High School Principal
December Dates to Remember
12/3- Reading Retake (select students)
12/3- Winter Extravaganza
12/4- PM2 Grades 1-10 Math
12/5- Winter Chorus Concert
12/6- Elementary Winter Extravaganza Assembly
12/6- Middle School Mini Dance Marathon
12/9- Student Council District Conference
12/11- NCAA Athletics Information Night, 6:00 p.m. (STEAM Building)
12/13- Key Club at Second Harvest
12/18-20- Early Release and exams
12/23- 1/3- Winter Holidays no school
1/6- Teacher Planning Day- students out
1/7- Students return
1/8-9- FMEA All-state conference (select music students)
Attendance Reminder--- Please check FOCUS
Please take a moment to check FOCUS for your student's attendance. We have a busy campus with busy students! Please double check your student's attendance to verify that all absences that should be excused are excused. Not only do we want accurate attendance records, but this also impacts your student's ability to participate in the exam exemption at the end of the year. If you need an attendance correction, please contact attendance@fsus.school.
Extra Supports and Resources
Math Supports
Our teachers are willing to work with each student to help make sure they are learning and successful. As always, please connect with your teacher if you need additional support or assistance. In addition to reaching out to your teacher, the following online resources are available:
- IXL- For algebra and geometry students. Every IXL skill has a tutorial video.
- Varsity Tutors app (in Clever). It is free for all FSUS students. Search by course and there are tutorials and practice questions for skills. They have support for all AP classes, too.
- AP classroom. For all AP students. All AP students are enrolled in AP classroom.
- Accelarated Learning (AKA Math Nation) (in Clever).
- Cpalms - then look under Florida Students Section (in Clever)
- Big Ideas textbook (in Clever)
- Khan Academy
9th grade: Davis Dyer
10th grade: Gabi Day
11th Grade: Amyah Marshall
12th Grade: Jeremy Garcia
Annual Veterans Day Reception hosted by the U.S. Attorney's Office at the Federal Courthouse!
We are incredibly proud of our FSUS Concert Chorus for being invited to sing at the Annual Veterans Day Reception hosted by the U.S. Attorney's Office at the Federal Courthouse! 🎶
Our students had the honor of performing at the reception, while also participating in an inspiring day of learning. They toured the courthouse, spoke with a judge, U.S. Marshal, and probation officers, and even took part in hands-on simulations to better understand the work done by those who serve in the justice system. ⚖️👮
Thank you to Ms. Bickel, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Allen, Ms. Eckhart, Ms. Ward, Ms. Hartsfield, Student Council and our tech/maintenance teams for making this event successful!
Science Fair!
Every Student, Every Day!
Dr. Mehta's Physics class
During my observation of Dr. Mehta's class, students read a variety of articles on physical principles and history, including Kepler's and Newton's Laws about the relationships and the effects of Earth, Moon, and Sun on each other (standard SC.912.E.5.6). Students had to work together to summarize these articles into one sentence. These sentences capture succinctly the theoretical behind the formulas used.
Mr. Webb's English Class
Mr. Webb's class completed an Escape Room task that reinforced reading based strategies. Students had to identify the central idea of readings using textual evidence. One reading was on how sugar affects the brain. Did you know that your "brain begins to slow down when one consumes too much sugar. In fact, communication between different cells within the brain slows due to low activity of the synapses....too much sugar can also contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease." (Smith, 2018)
Mr. Pelt's English Class
Mr. Pelt's English class used Kagan structures to help define vocabulary words in context. After working together to define difficult vocabulary words, students compared their definitions to multiple choice quiz-like options. Students revisited context clues and revised definitions as needed, avoiding distractor answers. Students appreciate Mr. Pelt's interactive approach to teaching.
Ms. Axtell's English Class
Ms. Axtell's class read "The Butter Battle Book" by Dr. Suess. Seniors enjoyed sitting "criss-cross applesauce" on Ms. Axtell's carpet for story time reliving their elementary days. :) This time, however, students used Turn and Talk to find symbolism within the text/allegory and discussed how those symbols create or demonstrate a theme. Eventually students will connect these concepts to The Crucible.
Ms. Taylor's Psychology Class
Ms. Taylor's class applied their understanding of various IQ testing by participating in multiple game stations. The Turn and Talk Kagan strategy was used to generate conclusions using key vocabulary terms and knowledge of psychological/physiological systems on what cognitive area was being tested and why.
Ms. Long's Math for College Algebra Class
Ms. Long's students applied their knowledge of solving polynomial equations to real-life problems. Of particular importance with the students was how your happiness changes based on the number of cheeseburgers you eat. There were so many creative responses to this but all had to be graphed and analyzed. What would your graph look like? A parabola?
Ms. McQuigg's Anatomy & Physiology Class
Ms. McQuigg's students conducted an investigation to determine how muscles fatigue. Using Turn and Talk, students explored and explained their experiences and related it to the sliding ligament theory.
Ms. McMullen's Algebra II Class
In Ms. McMullen's Algebra II class, students reviewed polynomial graphs and their properties. Using Rally Coach strategy, students used prior knowledge of end behavior and parent functions to match graphs with each function.
Students in Introduction to Education Class Visit FAMU
Students in Introduction to Education Class Visit FSU
Winter Extravaganza!
PROS Award- Celebrating our Teachers and Staff! October
Our students nominate superstar teachers for the PROS Award. One teacher or staff member is selected by Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Brink from those nominations every week and featured on the announcements. Our PROS awards so far have gone to.....
Nominate a faculty or staff member to receive the P.R.O.S recognition!
Teacher of the Year, Employee of the Year, and Rising Star!
High School Teacher of the Year- Ms. Prosser!
High School Rising Star- Ms. Fletcher!
Office Employee of the Year- Jaye Corbett!
Teacher Assistant of the Year- Taylor Allbaugh!
Facilities Employee of the Year- Derek Harris!
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
As we have discussed with our students, it's important to notify a teacher, counselor, administrator, or police officer if a student is in need of help, if there is a concerning behavior, or a student is in crisis. Sometimes as parents, we hear concerns from our students at home. Please contact us immediately if you hear any concerning reports. Besides reaching out to an administrator, we have an online anonymous reporting tool on our website at the bottom of the home page (fsus.school).
Fortify Florida (https://getfortifyfl.com/) is also a tool available for reporting. Fortify Florida is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials across the state. Please note that someone who knowingly submits a false tip through FortifyFL may be subject to further investigation by law enforcement and may be subject to criminal penalties under section 837.05, F.S.
Families and students, all threats will be taken seriously and will result in severe consequences up to and including arrest, restitution and expulsion. Parents, we urge you to discuss this issue with your students. Please know that false threat, even if intended as a joke can result in life-altering consequences.
Parent Involvement Survey
FSUS Athletics
Join PTSA!
Donate to FSUS! (Through FSU Foundation)
Your Student Services Team
Questions for our student services team? Please see contact information below:
Academic Dean for 9th/10th Grade- Ms. April McGriff, amcgriff@fsu.edu
Academic Dean for 11th Grade/Dual Enrollment- Mr. Todd McNeil, tmcneil@fsu.edu
Academic Dean for 12th Grade/9-12 Counselor- Ms. Jennifer Kinney, jkinney@fsu.edu
Dean of Discipline Grades 9-12, Mr. Kevin Helms, khelms@fsu.edu
Attendance Dean, Mr. Danny Bailey, wbailey@fsu.edu
Testing Coordinator, Ms. Lisa Kelley, lkelley@fsu.edu
CollegeBoard and AP Testing, Ms. Megan Crombie, mcrombie@fsu.edu
We have many different supportive resources for our students.
Please note the following and reach out as needed:
Please use the following emails when trying to reach our support team:
Student Records- records@fsus.school
Admissions- admissions@fsus.school
FOCUS Troubleshooting- focus@fsus.school
Attendance- attendance@fsus.school
Clinic- clinic@fsus.school
Other Services:
- Bullying/Anonymous Reporting- (https://airtable.com/appSnRUYeEyLL2Cb7/pagqaSyuclVKoCUit/form)
- Counseling Services- https://www.fsus.school/health
- ESE/504 Information- Matt McCloskey and Monica Broome, mbroome@fsu.edu
- Free & Reduced Lunch- Click cafeteria and set up through PayPams (https://www.fsus.school/payment)
- Title I Coordinator- The goal of the FSUS Title I program is to increase student achievement by supporting students, families, and teachers.- Monica Broome, mbroome@fsu.edu
- Title IX Deputy Coordinator (Harassment)- Monica Broome, mbroome@fsu.edu (https://www.fsus.school/parent2)
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by U.S. News Ranks Florida High
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