Midland Trail Elementary School
Monthly News
Midland Trail Elementary
December 2022
A Huge Act of Kindness!
As we prepare for a busy month and exciting family & school events, I wanted to share something with our MTE Community. We had a very generous donor write a check for $1,000 to cover unpaid student lunch balances!
School/Classroom Parties & Visitors
At Halloween, we shared the district policy of visitors in the building for events. Most families understood and were happy to follow the guidelines. For the safety of students and staff, we appreciate your understanding.
- Each student is allowed 2 adults, over the age of 18, to attend the party
- All visitors must have a photo ID & a Visitor’s Pass to enter the building
- Classroom treats may be brought to school by students for parties
Some of the reasons our elementary schools implemented this policy include:
- We must have a safe accurate count of visitors
- All district buildings require ID for entrance
- Classroom capacity - too many kids/adults
- Younger siblings not supervised
- Adult's attention is on the student in school
Aron Attebery, Principal
The 12 School Days of Christmas!
December Happenings
12/5 5th Grade Honor Choir @ Holidayfest
12/13 PTA Christmas Shop @ MTE
12/15 MTE Skate Night
12/16 Holiday Classroom Parties
12/19-1/3 Winter Break
Get Involved!
Join PTA! Our PTA needs YOU! We need more support in order to keep PTA moving forward at Midland Trail. The commitment is small. We meet once a month, after school, for 30-45 minutes. We plan a few activities each year: Back To School, Classroom Parties, Teacher Treats, Candy Sales, and our biggest event is the MTE Carnival. We cannot do this without more support. Please consider joining PTA and offering to help out once a month.
YMCA "Y Club" enrollment for Morning Y-Club Childcare
We are about one month away from beginning our before school childcare program through the YMCA's Y-Club. If you are interested in registering your student(s), please do so as soon as possible so that the YMCA can plan accordingly for the number of students they will be caring for before school.
Morning Y-Club will begin Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023. For parents who are not familiar with Y-Club, the YMCA operates this program inside district elementary schools during the school year. The morning program hours are 7:00am until school begins. Their program is fully-licensed, and they offer children a great opportunity to extend daily learning and have fun with their friends. The cost to attend morning Y-Club is $40 per week plus a one-time $25 registration fee.
Enrolling for Y Club is easy! Go to their website, https://kansascityymca.org/programs/before-and-after-school and click on our school district's button. From there, click on the school your child attends to enroll. They do have limited scholarships available for parents interested in financial assistance. The application can be found under the FAQS & FORMS button.
If you need assistance, please email yclubsupport@kansascityymca.org for a quick response.
Low Lunch Account Balance!
Students will begin receiving low account balance notices from food services. If you have not signed up for Free/Reduced Lunch, you may click the link below and apply.
There is an important change coming to school meals for the upcoming 22 – 23 school year. The USDA program that has provided free school meals to all students during the COVID-19 pandemic is ending on June 30th.
We encourage you to complete the free/reduced meal application for the 22 – 23 school year as you may be eligible to continue receiving the free meal benefit.
Families who receive benefits through SNAP, TANF, or the foster care system are already enrolled in the free school meal benefits and do not need to submit an application
The free meals, which are safe, nutritious, and delicious, help extend family food budgets too.
For more information, contact Megan Rabun, Food Services Coordinator, at (913) 288-4141.
TUSD Transportation ~ Bus Cards
Bus Rider Families,
As you are aware, our transportation department utilizes Traversa Ride 360 for our bus tracking platform. This technology allows parents/guardians to see information about their student's route, including the times that their student gets on and off the bus.
In order for this platform to work correctly, students are issued a bus card that they must scan when they get on and off the bus. Unfortunately, students are reporting losing their bus card or leaving it at home. This causes disruptions and delays to our transportation routes and also creates a safety issue when we are unable to verify when students get on and off the bus.
Students have been made aware of the expectation that they have their bus card on them when riding the bus. Starting second quarter, students who do not have their bus card on them when riding the bus will be given three chances before being referred to an administrator as they would for any bus discipline issue.
Please talk with your student about this expectation and help them make a plan to ensure that they always have their bus card on them while riding the bus. If your child does not have a bus card, please have them notify their school secretary.
If you are not familiar with Traversa Ride 360, you can find more information here: https://www.turnerusd202.org/departments/transportation
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Turner USD 202
Student/Family Changes in Informaiton
~ We Believe and Achieve in Order to Succeed ~
Midland Trail Elementary Info:
Doors open at 8:20 am
School begins at 8:50 am
Students dismissed at 3:50 pm
School Safety: Adults entering the building must have valid I.D.
Early Pick Up:
Parents/Guardians: Please remember if you are picking up your child/children to have ID with you. Visitors are only allowed in the school office.
When you fill out the Online Registration you will decide if your child is riding the bus or being a car rider. This information will be shared with the teacher. If you need to change daily transportation you must call the office BEFORE 3:15pm. This gives us enough time to notify the teacher and student of any change.