Principal Monthly Memo
Welcome Back to Hyatt Elementary
We are so delighted to see and hear students in the school and on the playground. I appreciate all of the support our Hyatt families and staff have given to make this a smooth transition from remote learning. Our aim is to ensure that students and staff are safe and learning every minute of the school day. We are very excited about our most recent news awarding Hyatt Elementary a National Blue Ribbon School in 2020.
Dates to Remember
Hyatt PALS Box Top Drive Deadline: Thursday, October 28th (see attached flyer below)
Socktober Sock Drive for Clara's Hope (baby & toddler sizes) Deadline: Friday, October 30th
HSP Picture Day for Face to Face November 18th
Pictures for Virtual students, contact HSP Imaging @ 810-629-9593 to schedule appointment
Hyatt Elementary Awarded the National Blue Ribbon for 2020
Hyatt Values Community Partnerships
Betsy Devos Announces NBR Schools for 2020
Hyatt Staff Celebrate the NBR Award
Fall Benchmark Assessment: Map Growth
Hyatt Elementary
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: https://hyatt.lindenschools.org/
Location: 325 Stan Eaton Drive, Linden, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-8180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HyattPALS/