Class of 2024 Disneyland Trip

Trip Info
Check-in at 10:45pm on Thursday, May 30th at the lower parking circle by the football field. Buses depart at midnight. Arrive at Disneyland near 8am opening Friday, May 31st. Park hop all day with the general public from arrival until 9pm. Grad Nite Seniors only party from 9pm-2am in California Adventure Park. Board buses 2am on Saturday, June 1st to return home. More details will be released as the trip nears.
All pertinent information to make the envenign of boarding the bus go as smoothly as possible, all Disney bound students should watch the attached slide show.
Permission Form
All students MUST have a permission form filled out before boarding the bus. This MUST include emergency contact information and be signed by a parent/guardian regardless of the students age. This form can also be found in My School Bucks as well.
Chaperones MUST be able to contact your student throughout the trip. This means if you have a parental control on your students phone, this must be disabled for the trip.
***We are using Parent Square for the permission form for this trip. Please scan the QR code to access the permission form.***
Medication Info
If your student takes prescription medication, it needs to be in a CLEAR (Ziplock) bag with their NAME & DOCTOR'S NOTE .
If your student is carrying over the counter medication, a permission slip needs to be with the medication in a CLEAR (Ziplock) bag with their NAME. You can print the permission slip here.
STUDENTS CANNOT carry in ANY medication including Advil, Tylenol, allergy or any other OTC or prescription medication on their person or in their bag. All chaperones must carry the medication through the security gate where it will then be given back to the student once inside the park. Medication found in student bags will be discarded by Disney security.
Some OTC medication can be purchased or see first aid in the parks.