Avalon Eagles Newsletter
February 2025
Avalon K-3 Elementary School - Who We Are
Avalon Eagles S.O.A.R.
Optimistic environment, ensuring a focus on
Achievement, and building strong
Relationships with all stakeholders
Avalon Eagles Practice the 3 Be's
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Avalon Eagles' Vision, Mission & Core Values
Vision - Every student will exit each grade level prepared for the next academic level.
Mission - Avalon students will become confident learners who are responsible citizens equipped to contribute to the community.
Core Values -
- Listen to students and encourage them to have a voice.
- Deliver lessons that engage all of our students and inspire curiosity.
- Believe in our students & motivate them to be their best.
- Build relationships within a collaborative school community.
- Week of February 10th (Feb. 10 - 14): Relationship Week at Avalon! (See details below)
- Wednesday, February 12: The Columbus Zoo's "Wild Wonders" Program coming to Avalon!
- Friday, February 14: PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Meeting, 9:00 am - 10:00 am.
- Friday, February 14: February Eagle Zoom Room (Virtual Office Hours), 12pm - 1pm
- Monday, February 17: No School (Compensatory Day for Parent Teacher Conferences)
February Holidays
National Black History Month
February 2025 is National Black History Month in the United States of America.
To find out more information, visit: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/2025/01/national-black-history-month-2025/
Valentines Day, February 14th
In the US, Valentine’s Day is celebrated each year on February 14th by sending cards or letters, giving gifts such as chocolate or flowers, and having meals together.
Learn more here!:
President's Day, February 17th
Washington’s Birthday is a U.S. federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Increasingly, the holiday has become an occasion to celebrate the birthdays of both President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.
Learn more interesting facts by visiting here!:
Columbus City Schools (CCS) recently recognized elementary schools for their middle-of-year (MOY) achievements in math and reading on the i-Ready assessment. Thirty-six schools were honored for reading, while 24 earned recognition for math.
Avalon Elementary School was recognized for both reading AND math!!
Way to go Avalon scholars, teachers, families, and community!!
To receive this distinction, schools had to reach at least 50% median progress toward Typical Growth in their respective subject areas. i-Ready, a diagnostic and instructional platform, assesses students’ skills and creates personalized learning paths tailored to their needs.
Relationship Week at Avalon, February 10th - 14th
Celebrate Relationship Week at Avalon, during February 10th - 14th!
- Monday: "Start with Hello" - Meet someone new, greet others with your own personalized "Hello Style".
- Tuesday: "One Act of Kindness" - We want every student and staff member to commit to performing at least one random act of kindness today.
- Wednesday: "Wear Green Wednesday" - Wear green today as a symbol of unity, inclusivity, and solidarity with Sandy Hook Promise. Learn more about Sandy Hook Promise here: https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/
- Thursday: "Trusted Adult Thanks" - Thank a trusted adult who spreads the Relationship Week spirit and positivity.
- Friday: "Moving Forward" - Make a pledge to keep the Relationship Week spirit going with acts of kindness.
February Parent Advisory Council Meeting, February 14th
The next Parent Advisory Council Meeting will be held on Friday, February 14th from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be held entirely on Zoom. No in person meeting.
Please use the link below to join:
Topic: February PAC Meeting
Time: Feb 14, 2025 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 4958 6575
What is PAC?
The Avalon Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of caring and committed parents, school staff, and community volunteers collaborating and working together on parent-centered goals and activities to benefit Avalon students.
Since Avalon Elementary is a Title 1 funded school, PAC is also a great way for parents and caregivers to share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement, and to build a partnership that will help children achieve the state's high standards.
PAC is also a great way to:
- be connected with other Avalon parents
- support your child's education
- get involved with the school
PAC meets once a month in a hybrid format (the meeting takes place both in person at the school library and virtually on Zoom). Additional time commitments would be to help volunteer with any school & social events that we plan.
If you are interested in joining PAC or have questions, please contact Family Ambassador, Candace Walker at: cwalker9@columbus.k12.oh.us.
View photos of last year's PAC events and activities here: https://www.ccsoh.us/Page/12547
February Eagle Zoom Room (Virtual Office Hours), February 14th
If you have questions about anything, we are here to help! Stop by online and speak to one of our Family Ambassadors. There's no question too big or too small. We can also show you how to get connected with district and community resources.
Topic: February Eagle Zoom Room
Time: Feb 14, 2025 12:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 6781 1988
Scholastic Book Fair Recap
Avalon held it's Book Fair from January 27th - February 4th and it was a huge hit!
Students shopped the fair buying many books, journals, and smaller items like pencils, bookmarks, and markers.
Teachers and staff were also able to shop the fair, buying books for their classrooms about a variety of topics such as: animals, archeology, cartoon and show characters, science, multicultural books, and much more!
Thanks to many donations to the "Share The Fair" Fund, we were also able to purchase additional books ensuring that every student at Avalon receives a book from the fair.
- Thank you to our Avalon families and community for supporting the fair, giving donations, and encouraging your students in their love of reading!
- Thank you to all of the teachers and staff who helped ensure every student was able to attend the fair, and ensuring all children were able to participate!
- Thanks to our parent volunteers who supported by giving their time and assistance in running the fair!
- Thanks to our friends at Northland High School, who sent student volunteers to assist with running the fair and providing translation services.
We appreciate you all.
Enjoy the photos below!
Above Photo: A student volunteer from Northland High School helping an Avalon student shop.
Above Photo: Student volunteers from Northland High School. They were able to help students shop, read prices, and provide language translation.
Above Photo: Student volunteers from Northland High School. They were able to help students shop, read prices, and provide language translation.
Above Photo: So many books! So many decisions! This particular corner section had lots of books about animals, science, and archeology.
Above Photo: The Book Fair gave Avalon scholars an opportunity to learn about counting money, managing their resources, and making decisions.
Above Photo: Hello, Ms. Stoney!
Above Photo: Happy shoppers!
Above Photo: In addition to books, there were also fun pens, pencils, bookmarks, and erasers for sale.
Above Photo: We love to see happy shoppers!
Above Photo: Decisions, decisions... so many great choices to choose from.
Another successful Book Fair! Thanks for your support.
Say "Hello" to Avalon's First Grade Teaching Team!
Above Photo (Left to Right): Ms. Woodson, Mrs. G, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Goldrick.
In Fundations Unit 7, the "glued sounds" introduced are "ang," "ing," "ong," "ung," "ank," "ink," "onk," and "unk," which are combinations of letters where the "n" sound blends into the following vowel sound, making it difficult to separate the sounds distinctly; essentially, they are "glued" together when pronounced.
Also, in reading we are learning main idea which captures the central plot points and key events, including important character details and setting information. Students learn to identify this by looking at pictures, titles, and key details within the text, often using simple phrases to explain the main idea, and can be supported by visual aids and activities like graphic organizers to solidify understanding.
In math we are learning graphing, data, measurement, time, and money.
Graphing is a way to show information using pictures, like a chart, where you can see how many of something there are by looking at the picture size; "data" means the information you collect, like how many kids like apples vs. oranges; "measurement" means figuring out how big or long something is using tools like a standard counting cubes "time" tells you when something happens, like what time it is on a clock; and "money" is the coins and bills we use to buy things, and on a graph, you might see how many coins someone has saved up.
Key points for first graders:
Collecting data: You can gather information by asking friends what their favorite color is, then draw a picture of each color on a graph to see which one most people like.
Picture graphs: A simple way to show data where each picture on the graph stands for a certain number of things.
Comparing amounts: By looking at a graph, you can easily see which category has more or fewer items than another.
Measuring with tools: Use a ruler to measure how long something is, or a scale to see how heavy something is.
Telling time: Learn to read the clock hands to know what time it is.
- Counting money: Identify different coins and bills, and learn how to count them together.
Dress For The Weather
Cold mornings, freeze warnings, and frosty car windshields have arrived in Columbus! Please, send your student to school dressed for the weather. Warm coats, hats, and mittens/gloves are needed. Boots for walking through snow could be needed at any point as temperatures continue to drop. In Ohio, cold weather often lasts from the end of October through early/mid March.
If you need any assistance with getting the necessary outerwear for the Ohio weather, reach out to Family Ambassadors Candace Walker (cwalker9@columbus.k12.oh.us) and TIffany Edwards (tedwards1@columbus.k12.oh.us). They will get the details of your needs and connect you with Avalon Elementary or community based resources to help.
New Avalon Spiritwear Available!
How Can Avalon Eagles Be Safe, Respectful & Responsible in the Morning Car Line?
- By driving slowly and carefully through the line
- Dropping off no earlier than 8:30 am (unless student attends Latchkey in the mornings)
- Having backpack on and student ready to exit the vehicle independently on the school side of the vehicle
- Holding questions for staff to a minimum to keep the carline moving (calling the school or emailing specific teacher or staff member before or after drop-off instead)
- Arriving to school before 9:00 a.m. to avoid being tardy. If a student arrives after 9:00 a.m., he or she will be considered tardy and will need to push the call button (can be out of reach for small children) to the left of the door on the outside wall to be let inside. Students who are tardy will need to stop at the window to give their name and get a slip to take to class.
Reminder - Check The Green Folder
Reminder - Check The Green Folder!
Please remember to check your child's green folder every night for:
- Homework
- Permission slips
- Forms & announcements
Thank you!
School Meals
School-Provided Lunches
A complete breakfast and lunch are free to every student at Avalon. Peanut and tree nuts are not served by cafeteria staff to students in elementary grades. Seafood and pork are not served on the student menus.
You can always view the current school menu by clicking here: https://www.ccsoh.us/Page/362
Packed Lunch Ideas
A healthy packed lunch for children includes a variety of foods from the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein. It should also include a healthy drink.
Fruits and vegetables
- Fill half of your child's lunch box with colorful fruits and vegetables.
- Try to include two to three different types of fruits and vegetables.
- Seasonal fruits and vegetables are a good option.
- Some examples include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apple slices, carrot sticks, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, and grape tomatoes.
- Include a portion of bread, pasta, rice, or a wrap.
- Whole grains are a good choice.
- Include reduced-fat dairy like milk, cheese, or yogurt.
- You can also include a calcium-rich alternative.
- Include a portion of protein like lean meat, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, or legumes.
- You can try chicken, fish, hard-boiled eggs, or plant-based protein.
Drinks Include a healthy drink and avoid artificially sweetened juices and soft drinks.
Positive Behaviors Interventions & Supports
Avalon teachers, staff, and members of the PBIS Team seek to support the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral competence of all students with supports and opportunities within Tiers 1, 2, & 3.
See below for more details given in the PBIS Parent Handbook.
Also, see below for a request form to fill out if you would like to receive this service for your child.
Stacy M. Callahan, MA
Licensed Professional School Counselor
Avalon Elementary School
Columbus City Schools
February Fun! Activities and Ideas for the Month of February
Keep the learning fun going at home, all February long!
See below for learning ideas to do together.
Feel free to have your scholar bring their artwork in and share what they've learned at school!
National Black History Month
Visit one of our local neighborhood libraries and check out books from the Children's section about the following people - see what other information you can find!
Anne Lowe
Couturier & fashion designer of First Lady Jackie Kennedy's famous wedding dress.
Lowe’s one-of-a-kind designs were favored by wealthy and socially prominent women from the 1920s to the 1960s.
Lowe created designs for several generations of the Auchincloss, Rockefeller, Roosevelt, Lodge, Du Pont, Post, Bouvier, Whitney, and Biddle families.
Dr. Shirley Jackson
American physicist and telecommunications inventor.
Dr. Jackson has been recognized as one of the leading global pioneers in science.
Dr. Jackson's research led to inventions such as the portable fax machine, touch-tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, caller ID, and call waiting!
Jan Matzliger
Inventor of the shoe lasting machine which revolutionized the shoe industry.
Matzeliger's machine could produce 700 pairs of shoes per day, a dramatic increase from the fifty pairs a skilled laster could make by hand. Shoe prices dropped by nearly half, making quality shoes affordable to a great number of people for the first time.
Dr. Ben Carson
Neurosurgeon who performed the first successful separation of conjoined twins who were attached at the back of the head.
Lonnie G. Johnson
Air Force and NASA engineer who invented the #1 top selling water toy of all time, "The Super Soaker".
Frederick McKinley Jones
Inventor of refrigeration trucks. Portable refrigeration units developed by Jones helped the United States military carry food and blood during World War II.
Dr. Patricia Bath
Inventor of laser eye cataract surgery.
Alexander Miles
Inventor of automatic elevator doors.
Marie Van Britton Brown
Inventor of the first home security system. Her design included a closed-circuit television that residents could monitor from inside their homes.
President's Day Activities
Check out books about President's Day to learn interesting facts about American Presidential history!:
Presidential Finger Puppets!
Make these cool finger puppets while learning about American history!
Find directions for making them here:
Paper Plate Presidents!
Have fun making these paper plate Presidents!
Directions can be found here:
DIY American Flag!
Make your own American flag using different materials. Try cotton balls, red, white, and blue construction paper, paint, and more!
Check out these fun DIY activities using coins!:
Valentine's Day Activities
Create a Card!
With just a few materials like construction paper, scissors and a glue stick, you can make neat cards to give to friends and family!
Pencil Valentines
Quick and easy to make with construction paper, marker and a pencil.
Heart Wreath
2024-2025 District School Year Calendar
It is helpful for planing ahead for time off work, childcare needs, and more!
School hours:
9:00 am - 3:10 pm
Breakfast served:
8:30 am - 8:55 am
**Please arrive by 8:30 to provide ample time for students to eat.
Latchkey available for a fee:
7:00 am - 8:30 am
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Please call the office by
9:30 am if your student is going to be absent that day.
After a student has had 10 unexcused absences,
parents or guardians will be contacted by a member of the Attendance Team.
Parent Communication
- Monthly newsletter sent by email
- Avalon website: https://www.ccsoh.us/AvalonES
- Avalon resource site: http://sites.google.com/columbus.k12.oh.us/avalonelementary
Dress Code
Uniform Tops
Style - dress shirts, polos, or turtle necks
(long or short sleeve)
Color - white, navy, or light blue
Uniform Bottoms
Style - pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, jumpers
Color - navy
Uniform Sweaters
Style - cardigan (no hoodies or sweatshirts)
Color - white or navy blue
Color - white or navy blue
Closed toe athletic or casual shoes
No sandals, Crocs, flip-flops, wheeled or heeled shoes
Now's the time to make sure your student's routine immunizations are up to date!
Stephanie Dillon at (614) 365-5361 or sdillon@columbus.k12.oh.us
See below for information about immunizations that are required for 2024- 2025 school attendance.
Thank You to Our Community Partners!
Otterbein University (America Reads & Sports Pals)