All-Star Announcements
September 27, 2024
Beacon Tree Elementary
Email: officebeacontree@uticak12.org
Website: https://www.uticak12.org/beacontree
Location: 55855 Schoenherr Shelby Twp., MI 48315 586.797.7300
Phone: 586.797.7300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beacontreenow
All-Star Calm
Beacon Tree Families:
As you know, we implemented "All-Star Strong" a few years ago that focuses on our five character traits: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Grateful. Our staff and students were given our Expectations Conversations meetings that focused on what it means to be "All-Star Strong" and we work at this on a daily basis.
Our Wellness Team has been working to add another layer to our "All-Star Strong" initiative and we are pleased to say it is ready to roll. We are so excited to announce our "All-Star Calm" positive support piece to our Beacon Tree Community! Please take a moment to view the video below that has been / will be shown to our students to introduce this piece to our school. Special thanks go out to Mrs. Garbacik for giving us her lead on "All-Star Calm"!
September / October Dates to Remember
October 2: Picture Day
October 16: No School (PD Day)
October 24: 5th Grade Music Concert 6:00
October 31: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04)
November 1: Half-Day (end of 1st report card marking) (school dismisses at 12:04)
November 5: No School (Election Day)
November 4: Evening Conferences (5:00-8:00)
November 7: Afternoon & Evening Conferences (1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00)
November 14: Picture Retake Day
November 27-29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Fall Conferences
Save the date: Our fall conferences will take place on Monday, November 4th (evening only) and Thursday, November 7th (afternoon and evening). More information to come.
November 4, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM- In Person
November 7, 2024 @ 1:00-2:30 PM - In Person
November 7, 2024 @ 2:30-4:00 PM - Virtual
November 7, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM- Virtual
Digital Citizenship
October 14-18 is Digital Citizenship Week. This week is dedicated to helping students navigate the digital world safely, responsibly, and respectfully. Beacon Tree would like for our All-Stars to begin thinking about digital citizenship now. Below you will find an attachment of parent conversation prompts to facilitate discussions with your children.
Sixth Grade Families
Attendance Policy
If your child is going to be absent call 586-797-7399 and leave a message on the 24-hour automated absence line. Any absences not called in to the office will be marked as 'unexcused' on student attendance records. Your child will be excused from class for illness, bereavement, recognized religious holidays and medical or dental treatment that cannot be scheduled after school or on weekends. Your child is responsible for makeup work. Homework requests may be made for an absence of two or more days in the case of both excused and pre-excused absences. Homework requests require 24 hours to process.
Absence for family travel during scheduled school days is discouraged.
However, should family travel be necessary, parents must submit a written request to the Beacon Tree office for a pre-excused absence at least one week in advance. Vacation days in excess of 10 days per school year may not be approved.
Arrangements to complete classroom assignments can be made with the teacher. You can arrange for home study through the school principal should your child be absent from school for an extended period due to physical disability or illness.
If a student arrives late to school, the parent must accompany the student into the office, and the student must be signed in before he or she can go to class. Truancy officials will be contacted in the event of a student having excessive tardies or absences.
4th and 5th Grade Mothers and Daughters Maturation Program
All Star Strong Monthly Family Focus
Let's Talk Health
It's no secret that back-to-school season can lead to sickness, but we can try to prevent it!
Hand Washing
- before eating
- after the bathroom
- after playing outside
- Vitamin C- oranges, strawberries, and broccoli
- Vitamin E- nuts, seeds, and avocados
- Vitamin D- SUNSHINE!
- Age 3-5 - 10 to 13 hours
- Age 6-12 - 9 to 12 hours
- Age 13-18 - 8 to 10 hours
Picture Day (save the date)
From the BTV
Community Offerings
2024-2025 Beacon Tree Calendar
October 2: Picture Day
October 16: No School (PD Day)
October 25: Silly String Recess
October 31: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04)
November 1: Half-Day (end of 1st report card marking) (school dismisses at 12:04)
November 5: No School (Election Day)
November 14: Picture Retake Day
November 27-29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 20: Half-Day (end of 2nd marking period) (school dismisses at 12:04)
December 23-January 3: No School (Winter Break)
January 20: No School (MLK Day)
February 3-7; Jump Rope for Heart
February 5: Young 5's / KDG Open House 7:00
February 17-21: No School (Mid-Winter Break)
March 21: Half-Day (end of 3rd marking period) (school dismisses at 12:04)
March 24-28: No School (Spring Break)
April 18: No School (Good Friday)
May 26: No School (Memorial Day)
June 6: Field Day
June 10: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04)
June 11: Half-Day (school dismisses at 12:04) / Last Day of School
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
UCS School Calendar
Social Media Pages
The Community at Beacon Tree Elementary School is devoted to academic excellence. Intentional instructional strategies will provide rigorous and relevant educational experiences that will prepare them for lifelong achievement.
Ms. Leah Fifer - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Deanna Bernardi - Administrative Assistant
School Hours: 9:00am - 3:50pm (Doors Open at 8:50am)
Half Day Hours: 9:00 am - 12:04pm
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Office Phone: 586-797-7300
Absence Line: 586-797-7399 (For Y5 - 6th Grade Only)