Inside Scoop
Here's what's inside this week:
- June 12th is NOT a late start Wednesday, classes 8:10 - 2:40
- Early release June 13th and 14th 11:40 am
- Principals' message
- Thank you Alder Glen Association, donation for school lunch program at PVM
- Summer band concert June 10th, 7pm, band students should arrive by 6:45
- Summer band instrument rental
- Return all textbooks and library books now
- 8th grade celebration
- PVM summer office hours
- Celebration of life for Patrick Schommer
- Registration for summer credit recovery classes
- Right At School summer camp registration open
- Prairie Wrestling Camp June 27th - 29th
- Notes from the Nurse - medication pick up, updating EAPs
- Fall sports - sports physicals 6/11 update sports season dates
- Enrollment is open for 2024-2025 Kindergarten, transitional kindergarten and alternative learning programs
- Counselor's Corner
- Report incidents anonymously with SafeSchools
- PTA - Fred Meyer Community Rewards
- Family Resource Center information
- BGPS information links
- New digital school menus
- June Menu
- Contact info - hours, calendars, handbooks
Upcoming events
* June 10th Summer Band Concert 7pm, band students should arrive by 6:45
* June 11th 8th grade field trip
* June 12th 7th grade field trip
* June 12th 8th grade celebration during school
* June 14th Field day, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
* June 29th Celebration of life for Patrick Schommer 2 pm, PVM big gym
Principal's Message
Dear Pleasant Valley Families,
It has been an incredible year of learning, growth and fun at PVM. We are so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with your students on their educational journey in the 23-24 school year. This is the time of year for goodbyes, hellos and reflection. We are extremely proud of our 8th graders and will be saying final words of encouragement as they complete their last week and class celebration before heading off to multiple high schools in the fall. We have now just said hello to next year's 5th graders as we have completed an amazing 4th/5th move-up, with lots of fun, lots of questions, and some great music from our 5th grade band. Finally, we take a moment to wrap up the year, but also reflect on the success and opportunities from this year. Thank you to all of you for being partners in education with us at Pleasant Valley. We have an amazing staff that work very hard for our community and students and it is our partnership with parents and guardians that make this all a success. We look forward to wrapping up this year next Friday, but also look forward to the opportunity to work with and serve your family in the 24-25 school year. Have a fantastic summer and we will see you as the next adventure in education begins at Pleasant Valley Middle School!
Thank you,
Austin Brothers Principal
Thank you Alder Glen Association, donation for school lunch program at PVM
Pleasant Valley Middle School wants to say a huge thank you to our community partners from the Alder Glen Association for supporting our school and students. This amazing group helped raise a sizable donation for supporting our students in need for our school lunch program. This donation will help to bolster student account funds and support families in need.
Thank you very much to the Alder Glen Association for making our year at PVM a success!
Summer band concert June 10th, 7pm, band students should arrive by 6:45
Come join us Monday, June 10th at 7 pm for our final band concert of the school year. Our students have worked so hard this year with Mr. deBra to progress their musical skills. It is always so great to see how much improvement the students have made between September and June. They have been practicing and fine tuning a fun selection of tunes to play for us. Come enjoy their success with us!
Band students should arrive in concert attire at 6:45, concert begins at 7 pm in the big gym.
Summer band instrument rental
Parents/guardians, if you would like your student to keep up their musical skills over the summer, please consider summer instrument rental. Summer instrument rentals of PVM instruments are $30. Parents need to contact Mr. deBra if interested.
Return all textbooks and library books now
Our media center needs students to turn in all library and textbooks immediately and pay any fines as soon as possible. Emails will be sent to parents/guardians regarding overdue books and/or fines.
Please return any library or textbooks you come across, we can get books from other BG schools back to the appropriate school if needed. Fines for lost books will be removed after the book is returned to the media center and checked back in (damage fines will apply for damaged books).
8th grade celebration
Wednesday, June 12th will be a day of celebration for our 8th grade students as we prepare to send them off to high school. Parents are welcome to join us for the 8th grade assembly in the morning. Doors open at 9:00 am and the assembly will begin at 9:30 am. Just a reminder that 8:50 - 9:10 am is a very busy time in the parking lot while PVP students are arriving on campus. Please be aware of students, parents and staff moving through the parking lot. The parent pick up line and parking spaces will be fairly congested until after 9:10.
Following the assembly and departure of families, our 8th grade students will enjoy a special lunch and fun activities.
*** Thursday and Friday, June 13th and 14th are still student attendance days at school for all students. If your student will be absent from school, please contact the school office to excuse their absence.
PVM attendance line: 360-885-5512
PVM office phone 360-885-5500
PVM office email:
Or report absences through your Skyward Family Access account, attendance page.
Summer office hours
Last day of student attendance for south schools is Friday, June 14th. Office closes at 3:30 pm.
PVM summer office hours
June 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Closed June 19th for Juneteenth observance
June 24th School office closed for the summer
Aug. 5th - Aug. 8th, 7:30 am - 11:30 am (closed Friday)
Aug. 12th - 15th, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm (closed Friday)
Beginning August 19th the office will be open M-F 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
First day of school Tuesday, August 27th
Students do not attend school Friday, Aug. 30th
* * *
For information while school offices are closed, please contact BGPS district office 360-885-5300.
District office will be open M-Th 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
District office will be closed July 1st - July 5th
Celebration of life for Patrick Schommer
Registration for summer credit recovery classes
Registration open for high school online summer classes
Battle Ground Public Schools is offering online summer school classes for high school students looking to earn original credit or for those needing to recover credit for failed courses. Classes will be offered in a variety of subjects. Current eighth grade students also may recover the Washington state history requirement.
For credit recovery, students should speak with their school counselor to figure out which courses they need to recover, then work with them to complete the required forms starting May 1, 2024.
Students may begin working on courses as soon as they receive a confirmation email and instructions. The deadline to complete credit recovery coursework and original credit courses is Friday, Aug. 16.
Right At School summer camp registration is open
Right at School will offer summer camps for kids ages 5-12. Camps will be offered June 24 through Aug. 9, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be different themes for each week including water fun, extreme engineering, believe it or not, silly summer Olympics and much more. Registration is now open.
Prairie Wrestling Camp June 27th - 29th
Correction to contact email:
Notes from the Nurse
End-of-year medication pick up
Hello PVM families!
Medication at school pick up and Emergency Action Plan updating
Please remember that for students with medication(s) at school, parents/guardians will need to sign out and take all medications home on the last day of school. Students may not carry medications home with them on the bus, a parent/guardian must sign out and transport the medication. If you are not able to pick up your child's medication on the last day of school, June 14th, please make arrangements with our nurses to pick up medication(s). Medications not picked up must be safely disposed of and will not be held over the summer.
Parents/guardians of students currently keeping medication at school and/or having an Emergency Action Plan, please keep an eye out for information that is being sent home at the beginning of June regarding medications at school/EAPs for the 2024-25 school year. Medication at school forms and Emergency Action Plans must be renewed/updated each year. If you do not receive these forms and information before the last day of school, please contact the school nurse.
Office Phone: 360-885-5500
Updating contact and health information
Parents/guardians please make sure you are updating the School Health Form in Skyward each year so that we have correct and current information regarding your child/ren (complete the "Update" in Skyward Family Access. Update opens August 1st each year to update school forms.). Skyward does not pull information forward each school year. There are many School Health Forms that have not been updated for 2-4 years. We need current information and this is how we most often know if your child has a Life threatening health condition. We want to keep your child/ren safe while at school and we can't do our job if we do not have correct and updated information.
Thank you for your time in this important matter.
From your School Nurse Janel Salisbury, BSN, RN & Building nurse Diane Davis, LPN
Latest COVID-19 guidance
The health of our children is important to all of us. Battle Ground Public Schools is working with Clark County Public Health and the Washington state Department of Health to continue best practices for responding to COVID-19.
COVID safety in schools
- Battle Ground Public Schools is following the standard guidelines for keeping children home from school. These are based on the infectious disease guidelines provided by Clark County Department of Health. The guidelines apply to both staff and students.
- Staff and volunteers are no longer required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Volunteers must still complete the standard clearance process.
- General masking is optional in schools, including in school health rooms.
- Anyone may choose to continue wearing a mask on school grounds. We expect our students and staff to continue to show respect for one another and the many different viewpoints that make up our community.
- Rapid test kits will continue to be available in buildings for use at home. Depending on availability, these also may be obtained through the Washington Department of Health website.
Staying healthy
Clark County Public Health recommends that people take the following actions to prevent colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
- Stay home if running a fever or experiencing other symptoms of illness. See our guidelines for keeping children home from school for more information.
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Cover coughs and sneezes. Use a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
- Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are frequently touched.
COVID-19 cases in schools
Starting with the 2023-24 school year, the district will no longer maintain a COVID-19 information dashboard. Information on outbreaks, as identified in consultation with Clark County Public Health, will continue to be communicated to staff and families as necessary. Previous data can be found for the 2022-23 school year, the 2021-22 school year and the 2020-21 school year.
If you need to email our nurses:
School office 360-885-5500
Additional information:
Fall sports - sports physicals
*** Update 6/11/24 - 2024/25 sports season dates
It may seem too soon to be thinking of school starting up in the fall already, but we want to be sure that fall sports and sports physicals are on your mind as we head into the summer months. Girls basketball and co-ed cross country for 6th - 8th grade students begin just after school starts in the fall. Sports physicals are only good for two years, so if your child will be participating in sports for the first time, or their sports physical will be expiring, summer is a good time to make sure sports physicals are taken care of.
Keep an eye on emails for more information on sports registration as we get closer to school starting in August. You may also explore the BGPS middle school athletics webpage for information on registration and sports physicals. Click here to navigate to BGPS middle school athletics webpage.
2024-25 sports season dates
Season 1
Starts Wednesday September 4, 2024 - student clearance opens on Wednesday August 14, 2024
Girls Basketball clearance closes at end of day on Tuesday September 10, 2024
Coed Cross Country clearance closes at end of day on Tuesday September 17, 2024
Last day of the season Wednesday October 16, 2024
Season 2
Starts Monday October 28, 2024 - student clearance opens on Monday October 7, 2024
Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer clearance closes at end of day on Monday November 4, 2024 (there is a waiver day on Wednesday October 30, 2024)
Last day of the season Wednesday December 18, 2024 (could use the 19th and 20th as make updates)
Season 3
Girls Soccer starts Monday January 13, 2025 - Student Clearance opens on Monday December 9, 2024
Clearance closes at end of day on Friday January 7, 2025
Last day of the season is Wednesday January 26, 2025
Boys Basketball starts Monday January 27, 2025 - Student Clearance starts on Monday January 6, 2025
Clearance closes at end of day on Friday January 31, 2025
Last day of the season is Wednesday March 12, 2025
Season 4
Coed Track Starts Wednesday April 9, 2025 - student clearance opens on Wednesday March 12, 2025
Clearance closes at end of day onTuesday April 22, 2025
Last day of season Wednesday May 21, 2025
Multicultural Connections to continue in the fall
PVM's Multicultural Connections group will continue in the fall. Below is a wonderful photo and message from our group this year.
Enrollment open for 2024-25 Kindergarten and alternative learning programs
Calling next year's kindergartners!
Online enrollment is now available for 2024-25 kindergartners. That’s right, it’s time to enroll next year’s kindergartners! Any child who will be 5 years old by Aug. 31, 2024, is eligible to enter kindergarten in the fall. To enroll, parents will need proof of their child's birth date (such as a birth certificate) and a signed and completed Washington state certificate of immunization status form or a completed certificate of exemption form. Please note that the state of Washington requires that immunization records be medically verified.
Have your documents ready and enroll online now so that you and your child can attend kindergarten orientation in the spring.
Transitional Kindergarten
Battle Ground Public Schools also offers Transitional Kindergarten for children who will turn 4 years old by Aug. 31 and meet certain eligibility requirements. The program is offered at Captain Strong, Daybreak, Glenwood Heights, Tukes Valley, Maple Grove and Yacolt primary schools, with plans underway to expand at the Pleasant Valley campus. Visit our Transitional Kindergarten webpage to learn more about the program and fill out an online eligibility form by June 12. Families will be notified by June 30 of their eligibility status.
Enrollment is open for district’s alternative learning experience programs
Battle Ground Public Schools’ specialized and alternative learning experience programs are accepting enrollment applications for the 2024-25 school year. The district offers specialized and alternative programs for students in kindergarten through high school.
Character and Academics for the Marketplace (CAM) Academy - A grades 3-12 school focusing on English language arts, history, science, math and instruction in computer technology.
Center for Agriculture, Science and Environmental Education (CASEE) - A half-day program focused on science, technology, engineering and math on an 80-acre learning campus in Brush Prairie.
Summit View High School - An individualized learning environment for students from ages 14-21 focusing on reaching graduation.
Open Doors GED - A program through Summit View High School for students ages 16-21 who are behind in credits and want to earn their GED.
River HomeLink - An accredited public school providing parent-partnered educational options and support for students.
Battle Ground Virtual Academy - In fall 2023, the program formerly named River Online was launched as a new, independent school for online learning. BGVA provides a high-quality online learning experience where students are assigned a teacher with whom they and their parents meet regularly. Parents and guardians also play an active role in their child's online education. Families who are interested in attending BGVA should complete the online interest form to begin the enrollment process.
Counselor's Corner - **New** Care Solace link to mental health support
Care Solace: Your link to mental health support
Battle Ground Public Schools has partnered with an organization called Care Solace to support the well-being of students and their immediate family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help any student and/or their immediate family members quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to their needs, regardless of insurance or circumstance. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
Call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365 in any language).
Visit and either search on your own or select “Book appointment” for assistance by video chat, email or phone.
Social-Emotional Supports
There are great resources available for social-emotional support via the Battle Ground Public Schools website. On the district page there are links that lead you to more information for different topics. Here is the link to our school district's page: Social Emotional Supports
NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. Groups are Free of charge.
NAMI- National Alliance on Mental Illness
Or Text “HelpLine” to 62640
Talk 360-984-0396 (text)
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish
Text 988
Community Resources and Information
311- Non-life threatening concerns
211- County Resource Directory
800-273-8255- Suicide Prevention
741741- Suicide Text
360-205-1222- Lifeline Crisis Center
360-695-9677- Housing Line
360-903-2833- CVBAP Warm Line (4 pm- 12 am)
866-789-1511- Washington Recovery HelpLine
360-356-1890- Rainier Springs Detox
360-397-8246 ext 30846- Lifeline Detox
800-626-8137 OR 360-696-95560 SW Washington Crisis Line
Recovery Cafe Clark County
3312 E Fourth Plain Blvd. Suite #100
Vancouver WA 98661
The Reach Center
1601 E 4th Plain Blvd
Building 17, Suite A114
Vancouver, WA 98661
The Recovery Resource Center
9317 NE Hwy 99 Suite M
Vancouver, WA 98665
The People's Harm Reduction Alliance
Online training/Order Free Narcan
Report incidents anonymously with SafeSchools
PV PTA news
Pleasant Valley PTA supports students and teachers at Pleasant Valley by providing programs, activities, and events that help them grow socially and academically. We work closely with school administrators and teachers to determine the needs of our schools and advocate for our students.
We all care about our students. Some of us just don’t know how we can make a difference or don’t have the time to volunteer because of other obligations. Pleasant Valley PTA and Washington State PTA can be your voice and can help make a difference in the lives of ALL our students. As a large organized body we can impact decisions at the National and State levels that affect our students at Pleasant Valley.
By joining Pleasant Valley PTA and exercising your right to vote, you have a voice in your students education. Become a member and stay connected with important issues and information about our school.
What Membership is:
Support for students & staff
Our legislative voice! (Membership count affects our number of votes at Convention & Legislative Assembly)
Funding for student programs & activties
What Membership is NOT:
A commitment to volunteer. The PTA will never require your participation in fundraising or volunteering.
What your Membership includes:
Access to resources
Discounts from State and National PTA
- Sign up here to receive info on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities:
PTA - Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Hey there! Guess what? Every time you hit up Fred Meyer for your shopping needs, you can actually sprinkle a little magic dust (aka cold hard cash) into the Pleasant Valley PTA, all while reaping your own rewards! All you need to do is link your card and continue to shop as you always have.
Getting started is easy-peasy!
1. Go to
2. Log in to your account
3. Go to My Account
4. Scroll down to Community Rewards and click View Community Rewards
5. Search for “Pleasant Valley PTA”
6. Give that enroll button a satisfying click and watch the magic unfold!
See? Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy! Each time you shop Fred Meyer will donate a percentage straight to the PTA!
Family and Community Resource Center
Battle Ground Public Schools’ Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) helps meet the needs of families faced with housing instability and similar economic challenges.
While a main goal of the FCRC is to assist families experiencing housing instability, it can also help connect families with many other types of resources and is intended to respond to the changing needs of the community.
The FCRC is a continuation of the district’s joint efforts with the Battle Ground Education Foundation, an all-volunteer, nonprofit community organization whose purpose is to leverage community resources to help maintain quality education for all students in Battle Ground schools.
The Family Resource Guide is full of contacts to aid families in connecting with agencies who are able to help with a great variety of needs. Please click the link below to view this helpful guide.
(click below to be redirected to the FCRC page)
Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC)
Phone: (360) 885-5434
The FCRC office has moved from CASEE to our Lewisville campus.
BGPS information links
Free/reduced lunch application (we encourage all our families to apply)
Medication at school (forms and other health information)
Nutrition services (menus, meal prices)
School supply lists (These will be updated over the summer for the 24/25 school year)
Digital school menus
Sodexo, the district’s food services provider, is excited to announce that they are transitioning their menu system to Nutrislice. This switch will provide an enhanced user experience, better navigation, filters for dietary and allergen restrictions, language options and much more. Check out the Nutrislice menus.
June menu
We believe ALL students can experience academic and personal growth.
School information, calendars, handbook
Office: 360-885-5500
Fax: 360-885-5510
Absence reporting: 360-885-5512
District office switchboard: 360-885-5300
Mailing address:
PO Box 200
Battle Ground, WA 98604
Location: 14320 NE 50th Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98686 Mail to: Pleasant Valley Middle, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-885-5500
School hours
Late start Wed.: 9:10 - 2:40
Early Release: 8:10 - 11:40
2-hr late start: 10:10 - 2:40
School colors: red, white and blue
Mascot: Patriots (Patriot Pete)
Pleasant Valley Middle Handbook 2023-2024
* * *
Battle Ground Public Schools provides equal opportunity in programs and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin/language, creed/religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, age, marital status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, HIV/Hepatitis C status. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other
designated youth groups. Contact the following regarding questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Tom Adams, Director of Student Services,, Title IX Compliance Officer, 360.885.5415; Michelle Reinhardt, Executive Director of Human Resources,, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 360.885.5481; or a letter may be submitted to the designated coordinator at the Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604
* * *
June 9, 2024
Issue #20-24