The Rockwood Reader
September 2024 | Issue 42

Welcome Dr. Chris Booker!
Dr. Chris Booker is joining Rockwood as our newest Special Education Administrator. Dr. Booker will be supporting Rockwood South Middle School and Rockwood Summit High School. She has been in education since 2005, all but five of those years supporting special education.
SSD believes that the responsibility for the education of a student is shared between the family and the school. SSD welcomes the support of families and encourages their involvement in their student’s learning, both at school and at home. The information in this Partners for Success booklet is provided to support families seeking to engage with staff on their student’s educator team. While there is no perfect roadmap, this tool provides a guide to support two-way communication, self-determination, advocacy, and networking with several programs and agencies within St. Louis County. We encourage you to use this tool as a starting point navigate your student's unique educational journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your team at SSD for assistance at every transition in your student’s life, from early childhood to post-secondary. We want to partner with you!
Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E)
Hub Huddle with CAASTLC
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Family Resource Hub inside North Tech High School, 1700 Derhake Road, Florissant, MO 63003
Visit with partners of SSD in FACE's Family Resource Hub as they provide resources, information, and additional supports to SSD families.
CAASTLC (Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc.) will provide additional support and access to resources that promote healthy families and a thriving community. Families can learn about case management, utility assistance, rental assistance, financial education, weatherization, program development, and education activities. A CAASTLC representative will be available to answer questions and assist with application.
Virtual Workshop - Parental Rights in the IEP
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
Join SSD's FACE for a virtual workshop on parental rights in the IEP.
Your student's IEP is the cornerstone of their education. This workshop offers an in-depth look at the evaluation process, qualifying for an IEP, the many components that must be addressed in the IEP document, and how progress will be monitored. As a result of this training, families will gain a better understanding of their role as equal participants in the IEP process.
Registration is required for this event.
Unable to attend? Register for the event and a recording will be sent to you after the workshop!
Family Academy
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Southview School, 11660 Eddie & Park Road, Sunset Hills, MO 63126
Join SSD's FACE (Family and Community Engagement) for interactive classes, community vendors, and fun learning opportunities!
Registration for this event is highly encouraged.Lunch and Learn with Easterseals Midwest
SSD’s FACE is excited to offer a virtual Lunch & Learn series for SSD families and stakeholders, involving community organizations sharing information about their work.
Representatives from community organizations and SSD departments will participate to increase awareness about their agencies or programs and make connections with those in our SSD community who may benefit from their programs and services.
Join us on Sept. 18, 2024, as Kris Krieger, an Autism Training Supervisor with Easterseals Midwest, discusses family navigation and support.
Events are held virtually through YouTube Live. Videos will not be available to view until their scheduled date and time.
Special School District Parent Advisory Council
August 20th (Virtual)
September 17th (In-Person with Virtual Option)
October 15th (Virtual)
November 19th (Virtual)
December 17th (In-Person with Virtual Option)
January 21st (Virtual)
February 18th (In-Person with Virtual Option)
No March Meeting Due to Spring Break
April 15th (Virtual)
May 20th (In Person with Virtual Option)
Notice is hereby given that the SSD PAC will conduct a meeting at 7:00 to 9:00pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month, on the dates and locations shared above. In person meetings will be held at SSD Central Office Room 60/61, 12210 Clayton Rd, Town and Country MO, 63131, unless otherwise noticed. To ensure equal access to attend meetings, all meetings have the option of joining by zoom, and the information needed to join our SSD PAC meetings may be found below
Meeting ID: 299-482-1147
Passcode: 440337
Information and Resources
Connect with the SSD Board of Education
The SSD Board of Education strives for transparency, accountability, and accessibility. We welcome family, staff, and community members to share comments, concerns, and ideas with SSD Board of Education members. To find the Board member representing your subdistrict, visit the Board of Education page on the SSD website.
Important Dates
Monday, September 2, 2024
No School - Professional Development Day
Monday, October 7, 2024
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
Special School District of St. Louis County
Mandy Lloyd, Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.ssdmo.org
Location: 12110 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314.989.8100
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SSDStLCo
Twitter: @ssdstlco
Rockwood School District
Website: https://www.rsdmo.org
Location: 111 East North Street, Eureka, MO, USA
Phone: 636-733-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rockwood.School.District
Twitter: @rockwoodschools