Cambridge Newsletter
February 7, 2024
March 27, 2024
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Congratulations Cambridge!
Governers Honors Program - Cambridge Finalist!
Finalist for the Governers Honors Program (GHP) were announced, and Cambridge has two students attending this summer and one alternate.
- Jacob Holley - Music, Jazz Guitar
- Sreegowri Chimalakonda - World Language, Latin
- Elizabeth Lang - Social Studies (alternate)
Congratulations Cambridge FBLA
This past weekend, several students attended and competed in Georgia FBLA's State Leadership Conference.
1st: Marketing (Adithya V., Neha C.)*
3rd: Business Ethics (Aneesh A., Ranjan N., Ronith V.)*
3rd: Electronic Career Portfolio (Meher S.)*
4th: Help Desk (Selorm D.)*
5th: Social Media Strategies (Maria L., Negin S.)
6th: Hospitality & Event Management (Ava M.)
6th: Local Chapter Annual Business Report (Akhila K., Ananya K., Selorm D.)
6th: Visual Design (Ananya K., Neha C.)
7th: Coding & Programming (Adithya V.)
7th: Spreadsheet Applications (Sebastian B.)
8th: Journalism (Srihan V.)
10th: Advertising (Ava M.)
*Advancing to the National Leadership Conference
We also had four students receive the 500 Hours Community Service Award. One of our advisers, Ms. Katherine Morgan, was recognized as Georgia FBLA Region 11's Adviser of the Year, and Cambridge FBLA overall won 9th Place in Georgia FBLA's Chapter of the Year, being recognized as a Superior Chapter! Go Cambridge FBLA!
Congratulations Cambridge TSA
Congratulations to Cambridge TSA students who participated in the Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference Championship Competitions this past week in Athens. They had a great time and should be very proud of their efforts and accomplishments.
- Rayyan Rahman took first place in the state for CAD Engineering and will head to Nationals in Orlando, FL, in June.
- Drivers Thomas Long, Mitchell Landis, and the entire Electric Vehicle Team were just edged out and took second place in the Advanced Lithium Battery Class Race at Lanier Speedway in Braselton.
- Ava Hosfield placed in the top 10 for Transportation Modeling
- Rayyan Rahman and Aidan Freeburn placed in the top 10 in Manufacturing Prototype.
Cambridge Artist Accepted to Atlanta Dogwood Festival: April 12 - 14
Congratulations to our Cambridge artist for being accepted into the extremely competitive Atlanta High School Art Exhibition in the Atlanta Dogwood Festival. Over 780 works were submitted this year from metro Atlanta High schools, and the 14 Cambridge students selected are among 220 students featured in this year’s AHSAE. As an added celebration, we are the top school in Fulton County with the most students accepted!
The Atlanta High School Exhibition will be on display for public viewing and people’s choice voting during the festival in the community center pavilion at the 12th street Piedmont Park entrance behind the Willie’s. Wish the following students luck on the next round of judging, and congratulations for acceptance to the exhibition! For more information on the 88th Atlanta Dogwood Festival visit
Click on the images to enlarge.
Clay Burdette
A Case of Personal Dichotomy
Kate Carrizal
Nicole Chen
Neha Chimakurthy
Amma's Love
Samy Feil
Family Heirloom
Ivy Frankiewicz
In Your Memory
Lucie Pajchl
Eleanor Reeves
Never Will Be The Same
Meher Sayal
Nature Takes Its Course
Thank you!
Thank you, Ms. Anne von Bereghy for everything you do for our students to help them reach their goals and prepare for their next chapter!
Top Stories this Week
Spring Break: April 1 - 5
Spring Break - Offices Closes
All Fulton County offices are closed during Spring Break, including Cambridge High School's administrative and counseling offices. All emails and voicemails left during Spring Break will be returned when we reopen on Monday, April 8, 2023.
Please ensure your student has everything they will need for break when they leave on Friday. Our offices will close at 4:00 pm on March 29, and will not open until Monday, April 8, at 7:30 pm.
Need Assistance Over the Break
If you are experiencing an emergency, please seek immediate assistance and/or call 911. For student resources available 24/7 over the Spring Break, visit Immediate Student Resources on our website.
Student First, Safety First
Fulton County Schools has made available resources for students on the risks of "Spring Activities" and "Marijuana and Drug-Based Edibles." These resources are available at Students First and Safety First.
Wishing you and your family a safe and restful Spring Break!
Checking Out on Friday, March 29
If you plan to check out your student early on Friday, March 29 (before Spring Break), your student must turn in a signed check-out note to the Attendance Office before school on Friday, March 29. Students turning in a note that morning will receive a pass to check out at the kiosk at the appropriate time. Requests for check out will not be taken over the phone, email, or student student-provided text. Please note that if you come in person to check your student out, be prepared to wait up to 20 minutes or more for us to have an office aide take a check-out pass to your student. Remember, only persons listed as approved contacts may check out a student and a driver's license is required for identification. The latest available in-person checkout on Friday, March 29, is 1:00 pm.
Monday, April 8: Solar Eclipse
On Monday, April 8, a partial (80%) solar eclipse will occur in our area. A solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, completely blocking the face of the sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk. The partial eclipse will begin at 1:08 pm and hit its maximum at 3:04 pm, ending at 4:21 pm. For vision safety, certified solar eclipse glasses need to be used to view the eclipse. To allow students to experience this event, Fulton County Schools has made this day an excused absence for all who wish to stay home for the phenomenon.
Cambridge will not have a school-wide viewing but will provide solar eclipse glasses for all students and staff members. The glasses will be available for pickup in the front office on Friday, March 29, before students leave for spring break for those who are taking the excused absence. For students who attend school on Monday, April 8, we will have glasses available before dismissal to protect them from any possible exposure. To facilitate the attendance process, all students who are absent on Monday, April 8 will be automatically excused. Notes are not necessary.
Dual Enrollment Deadline Approaching
Deadline to submit the initial paperwork is March 29, 2024 (preferred deadline). The hard deadline is March 31, 2024, by email (pdf format). Please visit to the Dual Enrollment site for details on dual enrollment and refer to the Dual Enrollment Checklist for all necessary steps. If you need any assistance, please see your school counselor for help.
Failure to submit the FCS DE Contract by March 31, 2024, will result in you not being allowed to do dual enrollment for the summer or fall term.
Seniors! Order Graduation Announcements Before Spring Break!
Class of 2024, 3rd Ascent is still taking Graduation Announcement orders and graduation is right around the corner! Place your senior's order before Spring Break so that your announcements can be printed and shipped while you are enjoying your week off!
Not only do your announcements have your official school crest, but like collegiate announcements, they are personalized with your name in the text. Your order will ship directly to your house, and you will receive tracking information once the order ships.
To order, please do the following:
- Visit
- Choose YOUR school.
- Click on the Graduation Announcement Order Link (Picture of your announcement)
- Place your order!
It’s a simple and quick process! Please don’t miss out on this opportunity to announce your Graduation with the Class of 2024.
Course Registration 2024-2025 - Changes To Verification Due April 12
All students should now have their Verification Form. Unlike in previous years, this is the only verification form students will receive. This form is for the student and family to keep ensuring that all changes that were requested were made.
If changes were not made or if there is an inaccuracy, students must return the Verification Form with the following:
A. the inaccuracy highlighted
B. an annotation of the necessary change
C. parent and student signature
If A, B, and C are not on the Verification Form, the changes will not be made. This final verification is due April 12 by 4:00 pm.
For more information, visit Academics > 2024-2025 Course Registration and Curriculum Guides.
Cambridge Staff Appreciation!
The week of April 8th is Cambridge Staff Appreciation Week! Show your love and appreciation for your favorite teacher or staff member at our Gratitude - Staff Appreciation form. Your submission will be shared with our staff to show them just how our students, families, and fellow staff members appreciate them every day!
Graduation Package Delivery
Cap and gown packages will be distributed at Cambridge during both lunches on April 12, 2024. Please ensure your senior picks up their package on this date. It is important that seniors examine the package's contents to ensure all items are there and ordered correctly.
- Gown (ensure you ordered the correct size, which is based on height)
- Cap
- 2024 tassel
- Cambridge stole.
Please immediately alert the Bridge East or West front offices if items are missing, so 3rd Ascent can be notified. It is the graduate's responsibility to ensure they have everything they need on graduation day. We will not have extra items on hand at graduation.
FAFSA Assistance
Cambridge Post
Cambridge Post will be collected from April 29 through May 10, 2024.
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, neighbors, clergy, and friends may send your senior student a special note of congratulations on his or her upcoming graduation. These cards, letters, and notes will be collected for each student and placed in a Cambridge Blue Post envelope for presentation after the graduation rehearsal during the Senior Sunset Dinner on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
For detailed instructions on how to submit letters and cards for your seniors Cambridge Post, visit Seniors and Graduation > PTSA and Parent Sponsored Activities.
Senior Reminders
Senior Celebration and Graduation Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
4:00 pm - Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal for all seniors in the theatre.
5:00 pm - Senior Dinner and celebration.
Immediately after the mandatory rehearsal, seniors will receive their tickets and Blue Envelopes from the PTSA (more information to come from the PTSA).
Senior Activities and Things to Know
Check out the Seniors and Graduation page on our website for more information on:
- Order Senior Yard Signs
- Order Graduation Announcements
- Submit Senior Slide Show pictures
- Senior Walks (Elementary and Middle School)
- Senior and Senior Parent Meeting
- Cambridge Post
Graduation Tickets and Venue Details
Tickets for the ceremony are required, and seniors will receive fourteen (14) tickets each. Families are encouraged to work within the community to obtain tickets other families may not use if additional tickets are needed. Tickets will be distributed to seniors after the mandatory graduation rehearsal on May 15, at 4:00 pm, at Cambridge High School.
Venue Details
Information on Ameris, including parking and ADA seating, is available at Seniors and Graduation.
Baccalaureate for the Class of 2024
The Baccalaureate celebration is a parent-sponsored event. If you have question, or to RSVP, please contact
Rising Seniors
Get Ready for College Applications
Common Application is a web-based platform used by most colleges for students to apply for college admissions. With Common App you only need to use one system to apply to multiple colleges and universities.
Common Application opens up on August 1, 2024. By releasing the application platform early, the hope is to give students ample time for reflection and brainstorming. Summer is a great time to start working on their college application essays. Common Application requires two essays. The prompts are available now. We suggest that current juniors start working on the essays during the summer to get a head start on the process.
For more information:
Rising Senior and Parent Meeting
Mark your calendars for the upcoming rising senior and parent/guardian meeting on Thursday, May 16, 2024, 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the Cambridge Theater and will include all the information that seniors and their families need to know for the Class of 2025.
End of Course (EOC) Exam Schedule
End of course exams for Algebra, American Lit, Biology, and US History will take place April 22, 24, 25, and 26, 2024 - Tuesday is a regular school day. Options for non-test takers and the bell schedule for that week can be found in the EOC Schedule and below.
Options for Non-Exam Takers
*On the day(s) a student is not scheduled for EOC testing, the parent may choose from one of the following options:
1. Students can attend the full day of school and participate in a supervised study hall with teacher help in the cafeteria during the morning testing window.
Note: Students who are failing classes at the 12-week progress report or are not on track for graduation are required to choose this option.
2. Students can study from home during the morning testing window and report to school at the time listed on the bell schedule below.
Note: The parent must provide transportation to school for their child if they choose this option, as buses will run their regular scheduled routes.
AP Exam Information
- View the AP Exam dates and times at: 2024 AP Exam Dates
- If you have an exam on the same date and time, you may request a late test at Late AP Exam Request.
- If you choose not to take an AP Exam or you have dropped out of a class, you will need to pay the $40 fee that the College Board charges for not taking the test. You can pay the AP Exam Fee.
If you have questions, please email Cindy Weatherford at
State-wide Remote Learning Day: May 21
FCS announced that May 21, 2024, is a statewide election and will be virtual for students. More information will be forthcoming on the end of school final assessment dates and schedule. Once finalized we will post it to the home page of and communicate to students via Cambridge Headlines and to parents.
Device Check-in: May 13 - 17
All students will need to return their school-issued devices during this week. Students need to be aware of this. The only exceptions will be for students registered for summer school or Fulton Virtual School.
Summer Learning Registration
Face-to-Face and Fulton Virtual summer school registration is ongoing! New this year, students interested in taking summer courses through either Face-to-Face or Fulton Virtual will submit a registration form, and our counselors will register students for the class. (Do not register yourself) The registration form can be found at > Academics > Summer Learning and at Bridge West.
Visit > Academics > Summer Learning for information on:
- Face-to-face course held at Milton High School
- Fulton Virtual Summer courses
- Georgia Virtual Summer courses
Note - families will continue to register for Georgia Virtual Courses.
Dual Enrollment College Information
Georgia State University Dual Enrollment
Georgia State University will open up registration for fall semester dual enrollment classes on April 1, 2024. Please follow instructions sent by GSU to your email/PAWS account to register for the classes. Classes get full quickly so do not wait. Once accepted to GSU, register asap. Once registered for the classes, please send screen shot of the college classes schedule to your Cambridge counselor.
Gwinnett Technical College Dual Enrollment
Fall dual enrollment class registration opens up on April 9, 2024. Please follow instructions sent by GGTC to your email/college account to register for the classes. Classes get full quickly so do not wait. Once accepted to GTC, register asap. Once registered for the classes, please send screen shot of the college classes schedule to your Cambridge counselor.
View the GTC Summer and Fall 2024 Academic Calendars
Summer key dates:
Early Application Deadline: March 29
Early Class Registration: March 19 - April 30
Late Registration: May 6 - May 14
Classes begin: May 20
Fall key dates:
Early class registration: April 9 - July 22
Late class registration: July 29 - August 12
Classes begin: August 19
Dual Enrollment Funding
It is critical that students follow all steps on the Dual Enrollment Checklist, including the completion of the Dual Enrollment Funding Application in GAfutures. Parents and guardians are required to sign the application as well.
Student Activities and Resources
School Spirit Week!
Spirit Week is coming April 8 through April 12!
Presidential Inauguration Student Trip
Travel to Washington, DC this January to be a witness to the 60th inauguration ceremony marking the start of a new 4-year term of the President of the United States. Departing on January 16, 2025, and returning on January 22, 2025, we will spend five full days visiting the sights of our nation’s capital city, learning about our history, civics, and current events before bearing witness to the swearing-in of the President of the United States on January 20, 2025. For more information and instructions on how to sign up, please contact Cambridge High School social studies teacher Mr. Fulk at
2024 CHS T-Shirts
Available now! Get your 2024 student created CHS t-shirt! Purchase through OSP and bring your receipt to the Bridge East Front Office to pick up your t-shirt. Shirts come in both adult and youth sizes.
Prom 2024
Students bringing a guest to prom must download the Prom Guest Approval Form from our website. The completed approval form must be returned to the Bridge East office by Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Tickets are available at GoFan.
College and Career
SAT and ACT Mock Tests
Would you like to know where you score on the SAT or ACT test? Join Best in Class for a mock SAT or ACT test on Saturday, April 13th, at our Johns Creek or Milton centers, starting at 12:30 pm and completing at 3:30 pm. The mock SAT will be given digitally - you'll need to bring a device with you. This test will be followed by a private consultation to discuss how to improve your score.
The fee for this test and consultation is $75 - participants also receive a $75 voucher toward any Best in Class college test prep offerings. For more information, email or call 678-332-2100. To register, go to: visit Best in Class North Atlanta.
College Application Fee Waivers - March
Georgia Student Finance Commission is pleased to partner with the University System of Georgia, the Technical College System of Georgia, and Private Colleges and Universities in Georgia to provide another round of application fee waivers in March. For more information and a list of colleges waiving fees in March, visit GAfutures - Application Fee Waivers.
Balanced Man Scholarship
The Balanced Man Scholarship is open for applications from incoming students planning to enroll full-time at any of the participating institutions below for the fall 2024 term. There is no essay required to apply, and applicants have no obligation to affiliate with or join SigEp to be eligible. Final deadlines vary by school, but the early application deadline for most scholarships is June 1, 2024.
Parent Resources and Community
Graduation Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to assist with our Class of 2024 graduation ceremony. Our goal is to make our graduation ceremony a memorable event for our graduates and families, and we cannot do it without the help of our volunteers.
Our ceremony is at Ameris Bank Amphitheater on Thursday, May 23, at 2:00 pm. We will need your assistance from approximately 12:00 or 12:30 pm until the end of the ceremony. As we get closer to the event, you will receive email instructions on where to park, where to enter, your time of arrival, and to whom you will report.
Spring Cleaning?
Cambridge Band is holding a clothing drive Aprils 22 - 27.
Three bins located near the gym will be coming soon! There will be students ready at morning drop off to help you unload your donations that week. Please bag your clothes, shoes, household linens (sheets, blankets, tablecloths, towels, napkins and placemats) hats, bags, belts and purses in a plastic bag. NO housewares, books or furniture can be collected.
PTSA Nominations for 2024-2025
Our PTSA has three open board positions for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Vice-President of Senior Events (can be co-chaired)
Please contact Nominating Committee Chair Mimi Madrid ( if interested.
Cambridge Athletic Association
Please see below for exciting updates from our Athletic organizations. To stay up to date on all Cambridge Athletic related news, please visit or follow us on social media at:
Facebook - @Cambridge Athletic Association - GA
X (Twitter) - @CambridgeBears
Instagram - @cambridgebears_athletics
Threads - @cambridgebears_athletics
Bear Down & Tee Up!
For more information and to register for the Cambridge Football inaugural golf tournament.