The Weekly Update #4
October 31st, 2024

ALC December Newsletter
Assistant Principal Kari Varichak
Greetings ALC Students and Families,
Welcome to December! As we approach the end of the year, I want to take a moment to reflect on all of the remarkable achievements and progress we have made as a school community. I’m seeing some tremendous progress from individuals as they chip away at their classes, earning units, and completing courses. In addition to this, we had a senior class meeting to reiterate the importance of making our goal so we can be on track for meeting our goal of graduation by the end of the school year. Here are a few things that were discussed:
There are 110 school days until the ALC graduation ceremony on May 22, 2024
There are 114 school days until the High School graduation ceremony on May 29, 2024
Students can choose either or both to attend, we encourage both
Students MUST BE DONE with ALL 27 credits by May 22 in order to walk at the high school graduation
An indicator of being on track to graduate this school year is if you have 8 or fewer credits to complete by winter break, December 20.
Know your Credit Check - reach your goal every 3 weeks to graduate by your goal date
Focus on what you have control over and know that the teachers/staff are here to support you - You got this!
If you have any questions/comments, please reach out to me at any time.
In partnership,
Kari Varichak
Assistant Principal of Area Learning Center
Fridley Public Schools
6000 West Moore Lake Drive | Fridley, MN 55432 | 763-502-5036 |
Google Voice (call/text): 612-405-9172
Fridley Public Schools Land Acknowledgement
ALC Office Phone Numbers
Kari Varichak Assistant Principal 763-502-5036
Kari Varichak Google Voice (call/text) 612-405-9172
Sharon McClernan Administrative Assistant
763-502-5103 or 763-502-5165
Referendum 2024
According to preliminary election results, voters approved both of the questions on the ballot for Fridley Public Schools on Tuesday, November 5.
This includes an operating levy of $424 per pupil unit and a $30 million facility bond to address our deferred maintenance needs.
We are truly grateful for our community's support for these two important ballot measures. We also deeply appreciate the thoughtful questions and valuable feedback we have received throughout this process.
This outcome will have a real and measurable impact on our students for many years to come.
Hwy 47/University Ave. Update
Join us: Hwy 47/University Ave. update
Mark your calendars! Join the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for a public meeting on
Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 5 – 7 p.m. at the Fridley City Hall regarding the Highway 47/University Avenue study.
MnDOT has concluded its initial public engagement and will release a proposed design for the corridor. Visit the project website for additional opportunities to learn more and provide feedback.
This summer, MnDOT went to the public with proposed changes to the corridor. Some of the proposed design
features included single and multilane roundabouts, grade separated intersections, and a potential lane reduction at the southern end of the project area.
Over the coming weeks, MnDOT will continue to meet with business owners and stakeholders along the corridor to discuss the potential implications of the different design options and to answer questions.
At a public meeting in December, MnDOT will present technical reviews of the proposed design for the corridor
along with what we heard from during engagement events. Once an alternative is chosen and a design established, MnDOT, along with our local partners, will seek funding for road improvements.
Can’t make it to the public meeting? MnDOT will have a table at the Northtown Mall on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 12 – 3 p.m. Additionally, MnDOT will host a virtual meeting on Friday, Dec. 13 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Visit the project website for details
Title IX Notice
Title IX Notice- August 1, 2024
ISD14 prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The notice of nondiscrimination is located on the district policy 522 on the policy website.
Dates to Remember
December 1st Rosa Parks Day
December 6th Free Family Movie Night District Auditorium 7:00 PM
December 7th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
December 17th School Board Meeting Fridley District Auditorium 7:00 PM
December 18th World Arabic Language Day
December 18th -26th Hanukkah
December 19th FHS Spectacular featuring the FHS bands and choirs 7:00 PM Fridley District Auditorium
December 21st- January 1st Yule
December 23rd-January 1st Winter Break -NO SCHOOL
December 24th Christmas Eve
December 25th Christmas Day
December 26th-January 1st Kwanzaa
December 31st New Year's Eve
January 1st New Year's Day
November Guest Speakers
ALC students had a wonderful experience this month with two guest speakers. Careerforce and Best Prep. They spoke to the students during 4th hour about job opportunities in their community and personal finances.
Fridley Fun Fact
1851: Abram M. Fridley, for whom the city was named, settled in Manomin. 1879: The area's name changed to Fridley by an act of the Minnesota State Legislature.
Let's Celebrate Students that have met their Term Goals
Murtadha Albouali
Maya Armstrong
Zamihr Black-Knighten
Ka'Mareyah Culpepper
Mariana Brooks
Fiona Dablow
Makalah Foster
Harmony Hughes
Malaysia Thomas
December 1st Rosa Parks Day
December Birthday's To Celebrate
Antonio Borom December 1st
Ramla Mohamud December 2nd
Summer McGovern December 4th
Jerry James December 5th
Murtadha Albouali December 6th
Mariana Brooks December 12th
Alexander Hoffman December 20th
Alyssa Tolan December 20th
Shout out to our Theater Students
Big Shout Out to Maya Armstrong and Natalie Larson who were both in the November production of Urinetown. Fantastic job girls!!!
Fridley High School Auditorium "Free Family Movie Night"
Happy New Year
Black and Gold Gala
We are thrilled to invite you to our 8th Annual Black & Gold Gala, to be held at the prestigious Jax Cafe on January 30, 2025. This glamorous evening promises not only a celebration of community spirit but also a vital opportunity to raise essential funds for our foundation and schools.
Date: January 30, 2025
Time: 5:30-9 p.m.
Location: Jax Cafe
1928 University Ave. NE,
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Individual - $100
Gala table of 8 - $750
The Fridley Schools Foundation awards
educator innovation grants across the
school district, provides post secondary
scholarships to graduating seniors,
and supports district initiatives.
Buy Black & Gold Gala 2024 tickets or donate now:
Parent Portal
Don't want to miss an announcement from us, or want to be alerted if your child is absent from class, as well as stay up to date on their coursework? Complete your Campus Parent Portal account. The Parent Portal is designed specifically for parents, providing school information at your fingertips with real-time access to announcements, attendance, assignments, Transportation, grades (if applicable), schedules and more. Parents can view all children they are assigned as guardian to and that are currently enrolled in Fridley Public Schools, grades PreK 12. Each parent/legal guardian should create their own account for their children.
Click to find out more information and for instructions on creating your account today!