Week of Monday, August 19.2023
Title 1 Information and Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Please take the time to listen and read our Parent and Family Engagement Policy. The home school connection is the key to student success.
Click the link below to see both documents.
Arrival and Dismissal Information
7:40 am-3:10 pm (doors open at 7:15 am) The tardy bell rings at 7:40 am. Our staff in the front of the building supervising drop off has to come into the building at 7:40 am to start class. If you arrive after 7:40 am, please walk your child into the building to sign them in.
- Please do not drop off your students at the corner of the bus lane stop sign. You are welcome to park in the grass and walk them to the front.
Breakfast 7:15 am-7:35 am
Crosswalk- The crosswalk on Oak Grove is supervised from 7:15 am-7:35 pm
The Pre-K and Kindergarten students will meet their teacher in the gym and be escorted to class. All other students will walk without their parents from the front doors to their classrooms. If your
Closed Campus Wednesday, August 16th- Friday, August 30th
In order for our students to become independent throughout their school day, BISD elementary schools will be closed to visitors until after Labor Day. We look forward to welcoming guests for lunch anytime after Labor Day.
Dismissal 3:10 pm
Please place the orange placard on your rearview mirror at parent pick-up. If you do not have the placard, we will ask for your driver's license. The arrival and dismissal map is attached below. We have two lanes of traffic, and the middle lane is for pedestrians. We do not allow parents to walk up at dismissal.
- All eyes on kids and traffic. Avoid being on your cell phone in our parking lot and drop off lanes.
Thank you for helping us keep our students safe!
Kim Kimberling, Principal
It's a Great Day to be a Brock Tiger!
Counselor Corner
August Guidance:
August will focus on understanding what counseling is and introducing students to who their counselor is.
Join our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/159869061536610
Grade Level News
Free and Reduced Lunch Information
A new application must be completed every year to be considered for free or reduced price meals. Our application and more information can be found online on the BISD website. If you have any questions, please contact Child Nutrition at 817-245-1000 or click on the link below to apply: https://www.burlesonisd.net/Page/1249
Upcoming Events
- Monday, August 26th- Big Kahuna Fundraiser Kickoff
- Monday, September 2nd- Labor Day Holiday
- Tuesday, September 3rd- Last day to order spirit shirts
- Wednesday, September 18th- Big Kahuna fundraiser ends
- Friday, September 20th- Early release 11:40
Email: kkimberling@bisdmail.net
Website: https://www.burlesonisd.net/brock
Location: 12000 Oak Grove Rd S, Burleson, TX, USA
Phone: (817)245-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057506085306
Twitter: @BrockTigers