PQ Tuesday Newsday
November 26, 2024
Principal Message
This week, we focused on gratitude and the power of giving thanks. In classrooms across the building, students were engaged in meaningful gratitude exercises, reflecting on the people, moments, and experiences that bring them joy and purpose. These activities help cultivate a spirit of thankfulness and foster positive relationships within our school community. As we reflect on what we’re grateful for, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our incredible PTO, faculty, and parents for their dedication and collaboration during Parent-Teacher Conference Night. Your partnership ensures our students receive the support and encouragement they need to thrive, and we deeply appreciate the time and energy you invest in their success.
Reminders for when we return: Parents who still need to complete the NYSED Parent Tech Survey, please do so. The form is on the Parent Portal. Kindergarten registration is from December 9th to 11th. You do not need to schedule an appointment if your child is enrolled in the PQ Pre-K program. Lastly, Our 5th grade Band and 4th grade Concert is on December 17th at 6:00.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful and thankful holiday.
Be well,
Roy Martin & Dawn Snowdon
Early Dismissal Wed. Nov 27th
PQ students will be dismissed at 11:30 tomorrow (Nov. 27th) and there is no YMCA program that afternoon.
Gr 5 Band and 4th Grade Concert - December 17th
Our 5th grade Band and 4th grade Concert is December 17th at 6:00. Please click below for more information about arrival, concert dress, and more.
Grades 4 & 5 Chorus SignUp
If you have a student in 4th or 5th grade who would like to sign up for chorus please click on the link below for information and a permission slip. The permission slips are due by December 20th.
Multi Cultural Week Was a Success
Chinese Acrobatics
Thank you to the PQ PTO for bringing Chinese acrobatics to the school for our students to enjoy!
Theme Days
Each day had a theme attached to it .... School Spirit, Cultural Background, Sports, etc.
4th Grade Collection
Love That Pet!
Inspired by Sharon Creech’s book, Love That Dog, 4th grade students will be collecting items for the Putnam Humane Society from Wednesday, November 20th - Friday, December 6th. (There will be a box for donations in the main hallway.
Please click the link below for more information on what we are collecting.
Friends of Karen
PQ is taking up a collection of "stocking stuffers" for Friends of Karen. Please click the link below to learn more about this program.
5th Grade Penny Wars
Our 5th graders will be hosting a "penny wars" competition from Dec. 2 - 20th. The classroom that collects the most points will win a pajama day/pizza party for their classroom. All proceeds from this fundraiser go to support our 5th Grade Committee. Please click the link below for more detail.
From the PTO
Parent Volunteers Needed for the Yearbook
Seeking Parent Volunteers for the '24-'25 Yearbook. We are looking for one parent volunteer per grade level to coordinate with the class parents and teachers as well as people to photograph school events.
Form to sign-up for either:
Spiritwear Store
Please click below to check out this year's PQ Spiritwear!
There are extra yearbooks from prior years available for purchase. If you are interested in purchasing one, please send to school with your student $27 and the yearbook you'd like to buy.
The years available are:
These will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
The Harlem Wizards are coming to North Salem!
The North Salem Booster Club will once again host the Harlem Wizards at North Salem Middle School/High School on Friday, December 6th at 7pm. We’re gearing up for an unforgettable Basketball game that promises to be a blast and a fantastic boost for our school community.
Profile of a 5th Grader
PQ Communicators are Everywhere
Just a sample of some of the communication (along with collaboration) going on in the building.
District Citizenship
A special thank you to the MSHS Warr;ors group who came to PQ to work with our students. The Warr;ors are a health and wellness club formed to promote youth to youth education. Students in 8th-12th grades can participate.
PQ Citizens
Great job students!
Amazing Junior Officers
Safety Patrol is Back!
From the PQ Nurse
Latest Health Update in Pediatrics:
Bacterial pneumonia cases are on the rise in young children, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Pneumonia, a common lung infection, can be caused by multiple sources, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. However, the CDC says cases caused by the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae have been increasing in the last six months "since late spring and have remained high" and has been impacting children in particular.
What are general pneumonia symptoms in kids?
Other types of pneumonia may have similar to slightly different symptoms from pneumonia cases caused by M. pneumoniae. They include:
- Chest pain when breathing or coughing
- Altered mental status (confusion)
- Cough
- Fatigue (feeling tired)
- Fever or chills
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
- Shortness of breath
- Macrolides are the first-line treatment for this infection. Some first-line antibiotics used to treat pneumonia, like penicillin, will not treat M. pneumoniae.
If an illness is persisting please seek medical attention to diagnose and treat.
Thank you,
The Health Office
Foundation for Learning
On Tuesday, December 3rd, please consider supporting The North Salem Foundation for Learning (NSFL) with a tax-deductible contribution. NSFL fosters scholastic excellence in the North Salem Central School District by awarding scholarships, funding unique student/faculty projects and providing enhanced educational opportunities for students in grades pre-K-12, which are outside the scope of the traditional budget. Click here or copy and paste in your browser to donate: https://bit.ly/3YNHTRd. Thank you!
Kindergarten Registration: Dec. 9 - Dec. 11
If you have a student who is turning 5 years old by December 1, 2025 and would like to register them for Kindergarten at PQ please contact Laura Tartaglia in the PQ office to set up an appointment.
** If your student is already enrolled in the Universal PreK program at PQ, you do not need to set up an appointment at this time.
Laura Tartaglia: 914-669-5317 x3056 / ltartaglia@northsalemschools.org
Remember that we can not switch buses for play dates.
A bus change can only be made when there is an emergency child care change.
Please make sure you have logged into Parent Portal and updated your Emergency Contacts. Parents/Guardians are always the first people we call. If they can't be reached we need an emergency contact person listed in Parent Portal. Please make sure you have that information in there.
Breakfast & Lunch Info
We use the My School Bucks app for parents to create a lunch account for their students. Please click on that link and sign up if you haven't already.
If you feel you might qualify for "Free or Reduced Meals" through the state, please click the following link for information: National School Meal Program Information
Upcoming Building Events
November 27 - Early Dismissal 11:30am
November 28/29 - NO SCHOOL / Happy Thanksgiving
December 4 - BOE meeting 7:30pm
Dec. 9-11 - Kindergarten Registration (see above info)
December 17 - Gr5 Band and Gr4 Concert 6:00pm
December 18 - BOE meeting 7:30pm
(December 19 - Snow Date for Concert 6:00pm)
Dec. 23-Jan. 1 - NO SCHOOL
January 2 - School Resumes
Links for Important Tasks
Local Announcements
K-8 Girls Lacrosse Clinic
Please click on the link below to learn more about this Lacrosse Clinic.
Brewster LL Baseball & Softball
2025 Registration in underway!
Brewster Challengers Division
Adaptive Baseball and Softball Clinics
Run of the Mills Jingle Jangle 5K
Brought to you by the North Salem LIONS Club! It’s a family fun run where strollers are welcome, and festive costumes are encouraged!
When: Saturday, December 7th
Where: NS Lions Community Center
Time: 8:30 AM Check-In
What’s in Store:
- $10 Early Registration includes a cozy mug or festive T-shirt!
- Hot Chocolate and Treats waiting for you at the finish line!
- Food and Coat Drive to benefit the Local Pantry!
Let’s spread joy and community spirit together! Sign up now for a day filled with fun, laughter, and holiday cheer!
Details and Registration: www.northsalemlions.club
Aramark Food Services Hiring
Aramark, the company that supplies our food services, is hiring. Please click this link if interested: Aramark Now Hiring
Westchester Institute for Human Development
The help you need from WIHD's Community Support Network is here in one place. Reach out to (914) 493-8119 or CSN@wihd.org.
About Us
Website: www.northsalemschools.org
Location: 173 June Road, North Salem, N.Y., USA
Phone: 914-669-5317
Twitter: @pq_elementary