Superintendent Message
September 11, 2024
Dear Newport Schools Parents, Families, and Staff:
This week was Primary Day and no school for our students. Our teachers, however, were very busy participating in professional development (PD) opportunities and learning more about our curriculum, MLL and literacy strategies, the science of reading, how to use technology updates and software, as well as receiving more training in our math programs. It was a busy day and we thank the teachers for their hard work and participation in these training sessions.
Learning never stops for any of us. Throughout this year, this will be a year full of different opportunities and experiences for all of us, including me, to roll up our sleeves, work together and help all our students to be able to thrive. Scholarship is a must and being in school is how our students will increase their knowledge and skills. That is why in the classroom the implementation of a high quality curriculum, while having a welcoming environment for students and families, is so important. We will be implementing our science of reading strategies to help improve literacy and using IReady Math to know our numbers and operations at the elementary level . At the middle and high school levels we will continue to implement Savas Math, Carnegie Math, and StudySync.
As parents and families, we need your help to “speak school” to your children. Share with them your dreams for them, your hopes, and how much you want them to do their best in school and while at school. Listen to them about their dreams and what is happening in school. Let them know that through education- getting good grades, building strong relationships with their teachers and friends, while attending school on a daily basis will help them be successful. Your role as a parent/family member is to get your child to school and from there our building leaders and teachers will do their best to educate and teach. Click here for more information and ideas on what you can do as a parent/family member.
We have amazing students that are smart, creative, and knowledgeable. I urge all of us to look at our children through a positive lens- from an asset mindset not deficit mindset. We want to always accelerate our teaching and learning and not get stuck in remediation- teaching over and over the same concepts. We want to spread positivity and joy of learning in our buildings. As always, our doors will remain open- and we will continue every day to keep our focus on students' learning, be welcoming to our students and families in our schools, and be supportive to our teachers to help them grow through coaching/team planning and do their best teaching our children.
Finally, I want to point you to something new we’ll be including in our newsletter each month so everyone can learn about our team. Newport Public Schools couldn’t operate without our dedicated staff who literally make sure our schools are open and meet the needs of our students, parents, teachers, and community. That’s why we are launching a monthly Staff / Administrator Spotlight to introduce you to some of our talented team members and the work they do. This month, we’re starting with a profile of Ronald Gonsalves, Jr., CPA, MBA, our Executive Director of Administration & Finance.
Have a great week of learning everyone!
Colleen Burns Jermain, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
September Administrator Highlight: Ronald Gonsalves, Jr.
Running our school district involves managing a more than $45 million annual budget, providing employee benefits to our teachers and staff, and managing vendors including our school bus and food service providers. That’s why we are so fortunate to have Ronald Gonsalves, Jr., CPA, MBA, as our talented Executive Director of Administration & Finance. Ronnie handles these and many other administrative functions that are foundational to the running of Newport Public Schools. Thank you Ronnie, and click here to read a full profile of his work.
Athletics Schedule, Upcoming Events & Resources
Update on Labor Disputes
From comments made at our most recent school committee meeting, the school committee did clarify to everyone that they would not be getting involved in the disagreements between the Teachers Association (TAN) and the Administration. The School Committee made an announcement at the beginning of their last meeting, that the ongoing differences need to be resolved by following the teachers’ contract. That means following their legal counsel advice moving on to arbitration as outlined in the TAN contract. So the Newport School Committee and administration will continue to follow the teacher contract and hope that all of us can agree to disagree, put our differences aside, and do our best to make every day count for our students and colleagues. So, let’s work together, learn, support each other, and focus on our students.
Mark your calendar! Open Houses are Coming Soon
Newport Public Schools has scheduled School Open Houses for the week of September 23rd. Our teachers and principals want to meet and work with parents on any issues students may be experiencing. So please be sure to attend your school’s open house:
Pell Elementary School - Grades PreK, K & 1 - September 23rd - 5:00- 6:00 PM
Pell Elementary School - Grades 2, 3 & 4 - September 24th - 5:00-6:00 PM
Thompson Middle School - September 25th - 5:00-6:30 PM
Rogers High School - September 26th - 5:00 - 6:30
Parents and Families-Come Join the Fun!!
We are always looking for parents and family members to help provide feedback for us to improve and to share with all of you what is happening in our schools. So come join our Parent/Family Advisory Council. The purpose of the Council is for parents to hear directly from the Superintendent, to stay informed on district matters, raise questions or concerns, and make suggestions for improving our schools. The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th at 9:30 AM at CCRI Newport, Room 233 (virtual link is also available). If you are interested in joining, please send an email to Cathy Nash at cathynash@npsri.net.
About Us
Technology Helpdesk - email: helpdesk@npsri.net
Technology Helpdesk - phone: 1-833-752-0725 (press 2 for Spanish)
Aspen Family Portal Help - email: parentportal@npsri.net
Email: cathynash@npsri.net
Website: npsri.net
Location: 15 Wickham Road, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: (401)619-5376