Bee Cave Beehive
Upcoming Dates and Reminders
October 10
End of 1st grading period
Referrals for Gifted & Talented Program Deadline
October 11
Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development
October 14
Student/Staff Holiday
October 14 - October 18
National School Lunch Week
October 18
Raize Craze Closing Assembly 7:50 am
October 21 - October 25
National School Bus Safety Week
Book Fair
October 25
Mother/Son Kickball Tournament 5pm - 8pm
November 11
Veteran's day
November 21
Thanksgiving Fest
November 25 - November 29
Fall Break
Happy Thanks Giving!
Dear Bee Cave Elementary School Parents,
It feels like fall has arrived! What AMAZING weather!
And, it is that time of year when you walk into almost any store you find decorations for a multitude of different events/celebrations. The kids are so excited about all of the things that are happening and about to happen, but are tired at the same time. Even with everything going on, we still continue to support each other every day by delivering acts of kindness and working to inspire others.
Our Raise Craze kicked off a week ago and we are already half way to our Acts of Kindness and monetary goal...way to go Bobcats!
Wishes for a wonderful week ahead!
Principal Kellner
Counselor's Corner - The NED Show
2019 - 2020 BCE YEARBOOK
Campus Visits:
A few important requests for the safety and security of our students:
- Visitations must be limited to areas approved during check-in.
- When/If you are meeting with your child's teacher, please make an appointment. We want to respect classroom instructional time and limit classroom interruptions.
- School-age friends or relatives of district students may visit only at lunch times and with the parent of the LTISD student. Guests are not permitted to shadow LTISD students during the instructional day.
- All visitors are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy and conduct. Disruptive behavior will not be permitted.
- Parents, please refrain from using your cell phone in the cafeteria. If you need to make or accept a call or a text please step out into the hallway to do so.
When signing in have the following items readily available:
- Driver's License or Identification Card
- Purpose of visit
- Length of visit
- Destination(s) on campus
All visitors must sign in using the district’s Raptor system.
Sign in badge MUST be worn throughout the duration of the visit.
Badges should be returned to the office when the visitor signs out.
Morning Front Drop Off, Park, & Walk in
Dear Parents,
If you are using the front parking lot to park and walk your child[ren] in [in the morning], please walk them up to or into the front foyer. From the front foyer children are to walk through the second set of glass doors on their own to their class. Thank you for your understanding with this as we continue to keep our building safe and our processes and procedures efficient.
You may note your child's absence in Dismissal Manager. When you put the absence into dismissal manager, please know that you will get a notification from Skyward of your child's [unexcused] absence. If it is an excused absence, it will be corrected in the Skyward system with-in 48 hours. Also, by entering your child's absence into Dismissal Manager the registrar (Pam Mylius-Anderson, myliusandersonp@ltisdschools.org) and your child's teacher will get notification of the absence.
IMPORTANT NOTE: An absence letter is generated by our system if your child incurs 9 unexcused absences for three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period. This letter is required by law, to remind the parent that it is the parent’s duty to monitor the student’s attendance and to require the student to come to school. If the school feels that a parent conference is necessary, you will be contacted by the Assistant Principal, Ashley Nauta.
If you have any further questions or concerns about absences please contact our school registrar, Pam Mylius-Anderson, myliusandersonp@ltisdschools.org or 512-533-6263.
BCE PTO Information
2019-2020 PTO Board
BCE PTO offers enrichment programs, hosts community events, appreciates teachers, and funds tens of thousands of dollars of recurring annual expenses towards continued support of our BCE students!
Please join me in welcoming our 2019-2020 PTO Board:
President: Tiffany Greenberg
Vice President: Miko Tachibana
Treasurer: Jo Youngblood & Allison Fisher
VPs of Fundraising: Sarah Savage
VP Membership: Stefanie Boicelli
Secretary: Meagan Gafford
On behalf of the 2019-2020 PTO Board, THANK YOU to all parents for supporting our school with your time and resources. We truly have the best community here at Bee Cave Elementary!
Volunteer Opportunities for 2019-2020
Volunteering at BCE is the best way to get involved, meet new people, and directly impact your child's school experience. Check out all of our volunteer opportunities and sign up for the areas that interest you. Thanks in advance for your support of BCE! It’s going to be another amazing year!
Bee Cave Elementary
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats