Bengal Happenings
January 10, 2025
Bell Schedules - Announcements
Contact Us!
Attendance - hhsattendance@helenaschools.org; (406) 324-2211
Main Office - (406) 324-2200
Website - hhs.helenaschools.org
Welcome 2025!
As we roll into 2025, we are excited to see where life takes us and the amazing opportunities that lie ahead. Students are starting to prepare for their semester tests and thinking about what next semester may bring. Seniors are getting close to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (or maybe already think they are there - don't let the senioritis hit quite yet!). As a school we are gearing up for registration and starting to plan for the next school year. These next few months are fast and furious, but there is plenty excitement that comes as well. Let's make 2025 a great year!
Moving forward, this will become a twice-monthly newsletter.
As we wrap up our first week back to school, let's check in on PE, Social Studies, English, Science, and Math!
Physical Education - English, Spanish, Swahili
Social Studies - English, Spanish, Swahili
English - English, Spanish, Swahili
Bengal Cheerleader Performs at Pearl Harbor Parade
This past month, one of our HHS Cheerleaders made history when she was selected as an All-American Cheerleader! Quinn Guinyard became the first Helena cheerleader to participate in the Pearl Harbor Parade in Waikiki. Excellent job, Quinn!
Share Your Successes!
While we try to keep up on the amazing things our students are doing in the community, we are not always aware of all that is happening. We would love to be able to connect with students and congratulate them on these successes. If your child has a noteworthy accomplishment - success in sports or activities outside of the MHSA sponsored ones, performed in a play or ballet, completed their Eagle Scout, etc., please consider completing this form (this will also be listed on our website) so we can share their great news!
Breakfast with Bengals!
We are excited to start a new tradition at HHS this month! In our continued effort to build community at HHS, we are starting Breakfast with Bengals! On January 23, as students make their way into the building, donuts will be handed out. As we look to make this a monthly event, we are hoping to have parents and community members join us in handing out the donuts to our students. If you are interested in helping, please come to Entry 1 (by the main office), 21 (by the gym), or 33 (by the Attendance Office) by 8:00 a.m. and we will get you geared up to help!
Upcoming Activities at HHS
1/10 - BBB vs Glacier 4/4:30/5:30/7, GBB @ Glacier, WR @ Butte, SD @ Corvallis
1/11 - BBB vs Flathead 9:30/11/12:30/2, WR @ Missoula, SD @ Corvallis, GBB @ Flathead
1/14 - GBB vs Sentinel 4/4:30/5:30/7, BBB @ Sentinel
1/16 - BBB vs Hellgate 4/4:30/5:30/7, Jazz Band 7 pm Little Theater, GBB @ Hellgate
1/17-18 - GWR @ Hellgate Invite, SD @ Butte, WR @ Missoula Invite
1/18 - Winter Formal - 8-11 pm Civic Center
Year at a Glance
January 2025
18 – Winter Formal 8-11 pm
20 – No School, MLK, Jr. Day
22-24 – Semester Testing, S1 Semester Test Schedule
27 – No School, Records Day
From Last Week
Last Week
Closing out 2024 - Looking Forward to 2025!
As we close out 2024, we are excited to see what 2025 has in store for us at HHS! The hard work by students and staff each and every day is encouraging and helping to instill an excitement for what is to come. When we return from break, the real fun starts as we prep for our first semester exams, transition to new electives for some students, and the rush to get to the end of the year seems to come more quickly each year. There are many exciting things coming in 2025! We hope you all are able to enjoy a break in the action. Happy Holidays to all of the Bengals out there!
In addition, we will lead you into the break with a check on what will be happening in our CTE, Fine Arts, World Languages, and Special Education/Student Services courses to wrap up the first semester.
World Languages - English PDF, Swahili PDF, Spanish PDF
Special Education/Student Services - English PDF, Swahili PDF, Spanish PDF
CTE - English PDF, Swahili PDF, Spanish PDF
Fine Arts - English PDF, Swahili PDF, Spanish PDF
Bengal Pound Winners and Students of the Month!
Congratulations to our mid-quarter Bengal Pound Winners!
Ronin Downing, Jordan Escamilla, Gianni Forrester, Darian Ward, Charlie Smith, Adam Crist, Hazel Bishop, and Sam Gadd
Thank you to these students for exemplifying our Bengal Expectations - Be Responsible, Be Involved, Be Respectful, and Be a Graduate!
Our November Bengals of the Month are:
Mattie Cullen, Ashton Kimble, and Anna Sanchez
Thank you to these students for being great students and helping make HHS a great place to be!
Go Bengals!
Driver's Ed Sign-ups
Registration for the Winter/Spring session of Driver's Education will open on January 6th and run through January 15th. Classes will be held roughly from February 3rd through April 18th.
You can register either by stopping by 815 Front Street (PAL) and get a hard copy, or by completing the application that will be live on January 6 on the district's Driver's Ed website - https://helenaschools.org/departments/drivers-education-program/
Winter Formal
The Helena High Winter Formal will take place on Saturday, January 18 from 8-11 pm at the Helena Civic Center. Tickets will go on sale when we return from break.
Students wishing to bring a guest from another school must have the guest dance contract signed by all parties by the date listed. If you have questions on this, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Semester Test Schedule
Semester tests are right around the corner! Students will sit for these tests Wednesday, January 22-Friday, January 24. Students are expected to be present for those tests. If your student is going to be gone, has an appointment, etc., please submit a note requesting an alternative testing date for your child to their assistant principal - Mrs. TyNenhuis A-L, Mr. Peterson M-Z
Bell Schedules are different on testing days:
January 22 - Day 1
0 - 8:20-9:40
1 - 9:55-11:15
Lunch - 11:15-11:50
2 - 11:50-1:10
Make-up - 1:25-2:45
January 23 - Day 2
3 - 8:20-9:40
4 - 9:55-11:15
Lunch - 11:15-11:50
5 - 11:50-1:10
Make-up - 1:25-2:45
January 24 - Day 3
6 - 8:20-9:40
7 - 9:55-11:15
Lunch - 11:15-11:50
Make-up - 11:50-2:45