May 1, 2024
Ms. Baldwin - 1st Grade
Well, its time to bid adieu! After 25 years of teaching first grade at Bush Elementary, I have decided to hang up my teacher hat. I can not express my gratitude enough for all the families that I have met throughout my career. You have truly made my choice of becoming a teacher, the most rewarding choice that I could have ever made.
I started out as a dedicated sub while my own child was attending the school as a kindergartener and then a first grader. I have been fortunate to work under the leadership of three fabulous principals, Susan Benner Givens, Theresa Rose and Linh Hoang. I started out with the best teaching partner, Miss Chow and I am leaving having taught with the best partner Robin Brown. This has always been my happy place, knowing that I get to see all my co-workers everyday.
Now, last but not least, the children, who make coming to work my joy. I have been to their weddings, celebrated their career accomplishments and met their children. I have received e-mails, when I most needed them, thanking me for introducing them to a love for reading. I have seen students whose second language was English, attend LSU, Rice and various other institutions and go on to get their doctorates. I will never forget them as they will always be in my heart.
School Lunch Hero Day - Friday, May 3rd
This Friday, May 3rd, is School Lunch Hero Day! This special day is dedicated to honoring our incredible cafeteria staff who work tirelessly to provide nutritious meals for our school community.
Our cafeteria team plays a vital role in ensuring that all students have access to healthy and delicious meals each day. They embody the spirit of dedication and care, and their hard work does not go unnoticed.
Please join us in showing our appreciation to these lunchtime heroes on May 3rd. Whether you stop by the cafeteria to say thank you, write a note of appreciation, or simply give them a smile, let’s make sure they feel the love and gratitude they deserve.
Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
T-Shirt Design Challenge - Deadline May 8th
Our motto for 2024-2025 school year will be “The Paws-ibilities are Endless.” This motto was created by our 5th graders as part of their contribution to Bush before they transitioned to middle school. Thank you 5th grade teachers for coordinating this with your students. I look forward to the wonderful Paws-ibilities that will come to Bush next year.
Next Steps - T-Shirt Design! We would like all students and staff to participate in the T-Shirt Design for the school motto. By May 8th, please submit your design in paper to PTO mailbox or email it electronically to PTO President, Michelle Jackson, at On May 8th, we will have an SDMC meeting to vote on the T-shirt design for next school year.
Note: For paper designs, we just want 2D drawings with pencils, pens, crayons, markers, etc. 3D designs will be disqualified. Up to 3 colors max.
Message from the library:
The last day for student checkout is May 9. All books need to be returned by May 17. Please encourage students to turn in their books on time. If a book is lost, please send the replacement cost of the lost book, so the library can order a library-bound replacement with processing. Students can check their library accounts through Clever on Accessit. Thank you for your support of Bush Library.
SDMC - May 8th
At Bush Elementary, our Site-based Decision-Making Committee (SDMC) meetings, comprised of parent representatives, community members, faculty, and staff, convenes quarterly to provide valuable input and serve as an advisory council to me as the principal on essential items such as the accountability ratings, school improvement plan, campus budget, essential guidelines, and school policies, etc. The 4th Quarter SDMC Meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, May 8th at 3:25 p.m. in the school library. Below are the agenda items for the upcoming SDMC meeting:
- Draft of School Action Plan for 2024-2025
- Budget Updates
- Review of School Handbook for 2024-2025
- T-Shirt Design selection for Next Year's Motto "The Paw-sibilities are Endless"
- SDMC members for 2024-2025
- Safety During Arrival and Dismissal
This meeting will be open to all parents who registered via Microsoft form at least one day in advance to speak on a specific topic relating to the agenda items or sit in as an observer. Click Here to register via Microsoft Form at least one day before the scheduled meeting.
All registered parents who wish to address the committee will be given a 1-minute time frame to speak. After all registered parents have presented, non-SDMC members are welcome to stay as observers for the duration of the SDMC meeting. I kindly request that all non-SDMC members or observers refrain from speaking during the meeting. This is to honor the committee members' volunteered time and to ensure that we can discuss the items on the agenda efficiently. Please note that due to limited space in the library, we reserve the right to dismiss participants who have not registered via Microsoft form to participate in the meeting. Any parents who wish to discuss concerns not addressed during the SDMC meeting may schedule a separate meeting with me. Your involvement in the SDMC meetings is vital to the growth and development of our school. Your perspectives, ideas, and feedback contribute to creating a more enriching educational experience for our students. I look forward to a productive upcoming SDMC meeting.
Classroom Restoration Update
We are thrilled to inform you about the status of the restoration work in the four classrooms affected by the water fountain leak over Spring Break. The Construction and Environmental Services department has finished all necessary repairs for the affected classes. Our next step is to allow the remainder of this week for the teachers to focus on setting up their classrooms. Beginning Monday, May 6th, 2024 all students will resume instruction in their original classrooms.
2024-2025 Registration Dates
Kindergarten Registration and Verification for ZONED students who will be 5 on or before September 1, 2024.
May 3 – 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
May 6 – 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Parents who have completed online registration at and uploaded the required documents will come to in-person registration verification and complete the home language survey form. Parents who are unable to complete this process at home will be provided assistance on May 3 and May 6 at Bush. All parents should bring paper copies of their proof of residency, birth certificate, shot records, and government-issued ID for verification.
K - 5th Grade Registration and Verification for ZONED students
June 10 - 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. , 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
June 11 - 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. , 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
August 2 – 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. , 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
August 5 – 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. , 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Parents should complete the online registration at and upload all required documents before coming to registration. Please bring your child’s final report card from the 2023-2024 school year and the originals of your uploaded documentation for verification. Computers will be available for those who are unable to complete the registration process at home.
Families Intent to Re-Enroll for 2024-2025 School Year (Extended to May 14)
To help us plan for next school year, we need to know if your child (ren) will be returning to Bush Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year. Please scan the QR code or Click on the following link to complete your Intent to Re-Enroll form. This form has been extended to May 14th to accommodate families that need an extension.
If you want to re-enroll your child for the 2024- 2025 school year, please check that your child will be re-enrolling on the form, and upload Two (2) proof of residency documents that indicate the parent’s/ legal guardian’s name and address. Examples: gas bill, electric bill, lease agreement, etc.
Note: If you are leasing, one document must be your lease agreement with the student’s name included and the other an electric or gas bill.
Students must be living in Bush Elementary’s zone to register and to attend school throughout the year.
**Even if you’ve recently submitted address verification for the current school year, we still need the documents listed to continue at Bush for next school year.**
Kindergarten Sibling- If you’re zoned to Bush and have a child that will enter Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, then please go to and enroll your child. Additionally, you MUST bring the following documents to school between 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for enrollment verification:
- Two documents indicating proof of residency (lease, gas bill, electric bill, etc.)
- Birth Certificate
- Immunizations Record
- Social Security (optional) and
- Parent’s ID
If you need assistance with completing this form or uploading your proof of residency documents, you may come to school on the following dates/times for support:
- Friday, April 12 between 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Monday, April 15 between 6:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Once you submit your file, our Student Information Representative (SIR), Ms. Rosales, will review and verify the documents uploaded. She will follow up with you via email to confirm your enrollment for next school year. If you have any questions, you may email Ms. Rosales at
Deadline to complete the form is May 14, 2024
After3 - After School Program
In the 2024-2025 school year, the After3 Program will be offered at BBE! Representatives spoke at our Spring PTO Meeting, and here were some of the highlights:
$315 per month for full time care plus $75 registration fee. Discounts for siblings. (Full time = at least 3 days a week)
Care is available from dismissal until 6:30 pm
Enrichment classes available for an additional cost; some options may be sports, art, music, martial arts, STEM, dance and more!
Enrollment for the fall opens July 1st
Learn more here or grab a flyer from the front office:
Contact info:
Lost and Found
Attendance Matters
Our current campus average daily attendance rate is 96.2%. The estimated funding lost due to student absences is $111,345.18 so far.
If your child is healthy, then your child must be at school. If your child is sick, has a fever at or above 100, or is vomiting or other intestinal issues, then your child must be at home. Please send your child to school with a note to excuse the absence for illness.
There are days built into the calendar along with a long summer break for family time and trips. We encourage you to plan your family time around designated district holidays and breaks. Click on the following link to review the district calendar:
Attendance Appeals
We want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of consistent attendance for your child's academic success. Currently, our campus average daily attendance rate of 96.1%. Upon reviewing the excessive absence report, we have identified a concerning trend among some students. We have observed that some students are accumulating absences at a rate that may hinder their academic progress. As part of our commitment to supporting student success, any student with 17 or more absences will be required to undergo an attendance appeal process by the end of March. This appeal process may entail your child staying after school for a few hours to participate in activities set by the principal. While we understand that unforeseen circumstances may lead to absences, it is essential to ensure that every student has the opportunity to excel in their studies.
If your child is approaching the 17-absence mark, we urge you to take proactive steps to improve their attendance and prevent the need for an appeal. Your cooperation and support in this matter are greatly appreciated. Together, we can work towards ensuring that our students stay on track and realize their full potential. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.
Morning Drop Off / Pick Up Reminders by the Bus Lane
Ensuring safety is our top priority. During morning drop-off from 7:00 a.m. to 7:35 a.m., there is heavy pedestrian traffic in the bus lane. If you typically drop off or pick up your child in this area, please reduce your speed. The maximum speed limit is 10 mph. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe.
Quinn’s SEL Corner
Welcome back, readers! Last week, we talked about how to set healthy boundaries. This week, we will learn how to connect your child to others and improve their communication skills. Many children feel uncomfortable talking to people that they haven’t met before. That’s okay - don’t invalidate their feelings. However, they can learn to talk to new people for the first time without feeling awkward.
There are two ways to help them. The first way is to help them have one or two questions to ask someone new. If they are nervous about talking to a person who enjoys reading, they can prepare questions about what books they are reading. The second way is to focus on the other person rather than themselves. This can help relieve anxiety about what the other person thinks of them. This brings the focus off of themselves and helps build empathy skills.
Let's also look at ways to improve your child’s communication skills. One way to improve their communication skills is to practice. Practice conversations can focus on topics that they may be nervous about, which helps two things: communication and their fears. For example, if they are nervous about making new friends, pretend to be someone in the classroom. If the conversations don't help, listen to your child's fears and help them work through their emotions. Remember to be a good role model, listen to your child, and give them time. Also, empathy exercises can help them listen to others better, and help them know what to say when someone feels sad or upset.
Additionally, having frequent conversations with your child about what movies they watched, what books they read, or how their day was can help improve their talking skills by just talking to people often. That’s the end of our relationship skills unit. Thanks for reading - see you next week.
SEL Activity Recommendation: Take a few deep breaths to calm your body and brain.
LUNCH or RECESS Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers to help supervise and assist students at lunch in the cafeteria on Fridays.
We also need volunteers to help supervise students safety during recess time at the big playground area only everyday during the following slots:
Slot 1: 10:10 am – 10:55 am (2 volunteers needed)
Slot 2: 11:10 am – 12:00 pm (2 volunteers needed)
- Slot 3: 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm (2 volunteers needed)
- Slot 4: 12:50 pm – 1:25 pm (2 volunteers needed)
Only the parent (no siblings) may take part in the supervision. Please be mindful that this is an active volunteer opportunity to spread love to all children and not a time to enjoy lunch or recess with your own kiddo.
Parents must complete the following three steps before volunteering:
Step 1: Click Here to register online to get VIPS approved each year.
Step 2: Click Here to sign up to volunteer for the Cafeteria.
Click here to sign up to volunteer for Recess.
Once you're VIPS approved. Please note that this is not just a one-time commitment, but rather we need consistent volunteers showing up on a regular basis at lunch time and recess.
Step 3: Click Here to watch the quick training video before volunteering in the cafeteria.
Click Here to watch the quick training video before volunteering at recess.
Step 4: Bring your driver's license to sign in when you enter the building. Also, be prepared to show a copy of the certificate/email that shows that you're VIPS-approved at your first time volunteering.
We look forward to having cafeteria volunteers at lunch time and during recess!
VIPS Approved
All adults entering the buildings MUST show a government issued photo identification at the front office every time you enter the building.
If you are coming into the school to volunteer and/or attend field trips. then you must be VIPS approved.
🐾 Bobcat Birthdays 🐾
Ms. Hoang would like to wish a very special birthday to:
Venkata D. who turned 7 years old on May 4 and is a first grader in Ms. Fox's class.
Benjamin C. who turned 9 years old on May 5 and is a third grader in Ms. Pucci's class.
Happy Birthday and Welcome to the Bush Birthday Book Club!
Birthday Book Club
UPDATE: Birthday Book Club purchase DEADLINE! If your student has a birthday in May, June or July, orders for 2023-2024 must be placed by May 1. If your student has an August Birthday, you can purchase Birthday Book Club when sales open in August.
Join the Birthday Book Club and make your student’s day extra special! Your student will have their name printed in the Paw Prints newsletter, choose a book to donate in their name for the school library with a framed group photo posted outside the library, AND have their name on the electronic marquee during the week of their birthday (if option selected). Please go to for further details and to purchase. Make note of the purchase deadlines and refund policy.
Fun Friday in the Park with PTO
May 3, 4:30 pm
Briarhills Playground: 14300 Briarhills Pkwy
Join us for the last Fun Friday of the year. We will have Popsicles and Playtime! It is always a fun time so we hope to see you there!
Volunteers Needed!
5/3 Bobcat Bazaar 1st, 3rd & 5th & Lunch Support
5/6 Lunch Support
5/10 Field Day SIGN UP HERE & Lunch Support
As well as daily opportunities to volunteer with Mrs. Miller at the Library.
Sign up here to volunteer.
Show your Pride! BBE Flag Design Challenge
The IDEA Committee is having a Flags of the World Challenge. We would like to display flags from different countries in our school. If you want your country to be represented, please send your original artwork following the set guidelines:
Flag must be created by hand
No 3-D elements (Flag will be laminated by the PTO)
Flag MUST be on a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper or cardstock- NO EXCEPTIONS. (Standard printer paper)
Student(s) Name, Grade and Country on the back in pencil
One country per sheet of paper. Family may submit more than one country.
Deadline has been extended to May 10th- please leave entries in the PTO Mailbox in the front office.
Teacher Appreciation Week
We will be celebrating our annual Teacher Appreciation Week Monday, May 6th through Friday, May 10th. Please read below the variety of opportunities to demonstrate gratitude to our wonderful teachers! One way we will be honoring our BBE teachers is by sharing sweet and savory snacks, drinks, and replenishing their school supplies. These treats will be enjoyed by the teachers all week! If you would like to donate, please check out the link below. There will be a PTO cart near the front office inside the front lobby for your donations.
The PTO is also collecting messages for our teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week. Please fill out this form to leave a kind message for your teacher(s). The messages will be printed out and used to decorate the display case near the front office. Form for teacher messages.
Field Day
Our annual Field Day will take place on Friday, May 10th! We need wonderful volunteers to help make it a FUN and special day for the students! Please click the sign up link below for more information! We look forward to having you join us!
Please note: Parents will not be following their child around to the different activities. Volunteers will be assigned to a specific event upon arrival.
School Store
Bobcat Bazaar dates:
May 3: 1st, 3rd, 5th Grade
May 24: Kinder, 2nd, 4th Grade
2024-2025 PTO Board
Congratulations to the nominees for the 24-25 PTO Board! The slate below was unanimously approved. . If you are still interested in helping with the PTO Board, you can always reach out to Michelle at
President - Nikki Vedi
Vice President - Claudia Zolezzi
Secretary - Deeptha Arunkumar
Treasurer (receipts) - Rebeca Oberoi
Treasurer (deposits) - Rebeca Oberoi
Treasurer (reimbursements) - Angela Wamback
VIPS Director - Violetta Karras-Sim
Hospitality Director - Horea Owen
Fundraising Director - Amber Foster
Communications Director - Val Shaikh
School Store Director - Michelle Jackson
Nature Center - Solmaz Pirouz
Birthday Book Club - Maggie Wood
5th Grade Chairperson - MJ Gernale, Gabriela D'Aubeterre, Eliza Machala
IDEA Chairperson - OPEN
Family Hospitality - Monica Roog, Ashley Abouabsi
Staff Hospitality - Tracey Thomas
Enrichment Chairperson - Melissa Chung, Julie Walsh, Uyen Phan
Business Partnerships - Christine & Anthony Carrabba
Bobcat Boosters - Maha Aburas
Fundraising Events - Misty Galloway, Heather Hayes
Outreach - Kate Bower
Website - Vaibhav Saxena
Bobcat Booklet - OPEN
Yearbook - Solmaz Pirouz, Ana Sierra
School Store Chairperson - Fern Kennedy
Historian - OPEN
Who do I contact?
2023-2024 Parent Handbook
Wrap Around Specialist
Maria Quevedo
Adriana Rosales
Administrative Assistant
Zonia Flores