Coloma Junior High
Family Edition - Week of Feb. 24th
Student of the Month - February
Our Student Spotlight for the month of February is Hayden Kiser. Hayden is the son of Melissa and Richard Kiser and is a current 8th grader at Coloma Junior HIgh. Hayden is an all around wonderful person. Hayden is kind, curious, funny and focused. Hayden's favorite subject is Math and he hopes to be a welder when he grows up. At school Hayden is involved in sports and the Peer Mentoring Program. Outside of school he enjoys participating in sports and fishing. His favorite part of being at the Junior High is being able to spend time with friends. We are proud to have Hayden represent Coloma Junior High
We had a blast at our Valentine's Dance!
Lions Vision Screening - Feb. 26th
Honor Club Fundraiser
Help support our Honor Club through a Scentsy Fundraiser! All proceeds will go towards the end-of-the-year trip for our Honor Club students.
Order before Feb 28th for the winter clearance event.
Order in March for the new spring catalog
The sale ends March 20th
8th Grade Scheduling for High School
Our 8th grade students attended the Elective Presentation at the High School on Friday. The presentation was a comprehensive overview of the many options available to students at the high school level. Students are encouraged to review the information and discuss with their caregivers. If you have additional questions, please contact Mr. Shaffer our High School Counselor at gshaffer@ccs.coloma.org.
Students will meet with our High School Counselor to make their course selections in their US History class on February 28th.
6th Grade Reproductive Health
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This letter is to inform you that your son/daughter will begin studying Reproductive Health Education in Health Class on Monday, March 3rd-Friday March 7th (boys) and Monday, March 10th-Friday, March 14th (girls).
Our class will be using a program produced by the Human Relations Media Center called The Puberty Workshop and Curriculum. It is a video and print series that teaches the basics about human development - the role of hormones, the structure and function of the reproductive system for boys and girls, the onset of new feelings and emotions that are part of growing up, taking care of personal hygiene, and an introduction to the topic of HIV and AIDS.
If you would like an opportunity to review the materials used in class, please contact me at the Junior High School at 269-468-2405 and leave a message with the school secretary. I will return your call after school or during my planning period which is the 3rd period of the day. You may also email me at crocca@ccs.coloma.org. I will return your email or call you as soon as possible.
You should also be aware that you are welcome to observe the instruction. If you want your child excused from this instruction, please sign and return the bottom portion of this letter with your child’s name, email me, or write a note to me stating that you would like your child excused. If I do not receive a note asking that your child be excused I will expect that he/she will participate in the instruction. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter please call me at the Coloma Junior High office and leave a message or email me. I will be happy to return your call or email at a convenient time to answer your questions.
Thank you,
Caterina Rocca
Health Teacher Coloma JH/HS
The Week Ahead
Girls Basketball @ Watervliet 6:30pm
Study Hall with Mrs. Parker
Lions Vision Screening
Study Hall with Mrs. Cattes
Study Hall Cancelled
Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 7pm
Band Concert 6pm
8th Grade HS Scheduling Begins
Upcoming Dates
26 - Lions Vision Screening
27 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm - 7pm
28 - 8th Grade HS Scheduling
5 - Delayed Start
14 - End of 3rd Marking Period
19 - Delayed Start
28 - Half Day
31 - 4 - Spring Break
It is the policy of Coloma Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, marital status, or any other status covered by federal, state, or local law shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment. Any person suspecting a discriminatory practice should contact complaint@ccs.coloma.org.
Inspire to Achieve - Empower for Success
Wendy Tremblay, Principal
Email: wtremblay@ccs.coloma.org
Website: http://cjh.coloma.org/
Location: 302 West St. Joseph Street, Coloma, MI, USA
Phone: 269-468-2405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colomajh