November 2024
Primary Education Center Newsletter
From Mrs. Larson's Desk
One Purpose. Your Pathway. Our Promise.
Dear Lewiston-Porter Primary Education Center Families,
We have so much to be grateful for in this school community. Thank you to all our families who completed the Parent Leader In Me survey. Your feedback will help us grow and support our school goals in alignment with our District Strategic Plan. Our building leadership team will be reviewing all the feedback from families and staff. We look forward to sharing our work with you in the future. It is our hope that we will support our students in growing life habits that will support a growth mindset as they contribute to our community with confidence. Our first trimester will close on December 6th. Please be on the lookout for information from your classroom teacher regarding the process for Parent-Teacher Conferences. We have dedicated one full day on December 13th for these important teacher-parent conversations. We value the opportunity to collaborate with you on your child's educational plans. The first trimester parent-teacher conference provides the opportunity for families to review the growth, academic achievement and individual goals for their child.
In closing, during this season of gratitude I want to communicate how grateful I am for a dedicated staff who give their personal best every day to our shared mission. I am equally grateful for our supportive families who partner with us to create the best pathway for their child(ren). I am full of appreciation for all of my students who teach me life lessons daily. In this spirit of gratitude, consider having your child submit a note, poem or artwork to one of their teachers or school helpers this month: What are you thankful for?
Check out our Morning News Program clips in Seesaw led by our dynamic PEC Student News Production Crew. Please check out the Lewiston-Porter CSD app to stay updated on information on school events and happenings throughout the day.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Tamara Larson
Principal, Primary Education Center
Fall Response to Intervention
The Lewiston-Porter Primary Education Center recognizes a wide range of interests and abilities within our student population. Children in the earliest grades demonstrate learning strengths and needs along a broad continuum in each academic area. All teachers strive to implement the best teaching practices in their classrooms to support the most rapid and successful attainment of learning goals for all our learners.
As we work with your children, we are mindful that some will need enrichment because they are demonstrating skills beyond what is expected of them at this time. On the other hand, we are mindful that some will need interventions because they need support to demonstrate success with skills expected of them at this time. Some students may need a little of both. We are here to meet their needs–whatever they are. In fact, our school implements a multi-tiered, school-wide academic service delivery system. We use research-based interventions, progress monitoring, and ongoing data evaluation to help students improve.
Specifically, we use the Response to Intervention (RtI) Model to identify which students may need enrichment and/or interventions. This model uses data to drive decisions on student needs. Specifically, we use a standard protocol to determine if a student will receive academic interventions. As part of this protocol, our school administers universal screening to all students in Kindergarten through second grade three times per year to identify students who are not making academic progress at expected rates in both reading and math. To learn more about this process, please see the Student Evaluation, Promotion, and Placement Handbook.
Our universal screener, aimswebPlus, generates scores that are used to determine when/if students qualify for academic interventions. You can click here to learn how to access your child’s aimswebPlus Universal Screening Results. The report will provide you with a percentile rank for your child in reading and math. The percentile rank indicates your child’s standing compared to other children in the same grade nationwide. It shows the percent of students that your child scored as high as or higher than. For example, a percentile rank of 60 means that your child scored as high as or higher than 60% of children in the same grade.
Please note, our standard protocol does not consider the aimswebPlus recommendations. Therefore, if you see something in your child’s report that differs from what your child has actually qualified for in school, don’t be alarmed. We are committed to providing your child with the best possible support for their success.
If your child qualifies for interventions using our standard protocol, you will receive a separate communication from the teacher and intervention provider. As well, the interventions will be closely monitored. We will provide you with ongoing communication on your child’s progress; students who respond to the interventions will be dismissed from that service and those who need additional academic support or other related services will continue to receive support. Parents have the right to refer a child to a multidisciplinary team called the Committee on Special Education (CSE) for an evaluation.
Please contact me or your child’s teacher if you need further assistance in understanding how your child’s score compared to national scores. Your child’s teacher will inform you if your child needs any level of Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Thank you for your support and involvement in your child’s educational plan.
In music class Miss Mosier asked each student to choose a goal that they want to achieve to make them feel like a Music Rock Star. They wrote their personal goals and then received the Rock Star certificate in Music when they met their goals.
Did you know you can stay connected to our school community by viewing our Daily Morning Announcements?
Our morning announcements are uploaded by 9:30am every day and are organized by monthly folders. Each week, a different class leads our school pledge. We celebrate birthdays, leadership, and special events on our student-led Morning Announcements. Click the below link to view. Please remember to never post our videos to social media in order to protect the privacy of other students. For any questions, please contact Mrs. Lindahl, our Morning News Producer, by email hlindahl@lew-port.com.
LEADER IN ME Nominations
Rocco practiced Habit 6- Synergize & Habit 7- Sharpen the Saw
Joey practiced Habit 1- Be Proactive, Habit 2- Begin with the End in Mind, & Habit 6- Synergize
Evelynn practiced Habit 6- Synergize & Habit 7- Sharpen the Saw
Mrs. Kasbaum's class practiced Habit 4- Think Win-Win & Habit 6- Synergize!
Parent Portal Resource Page
This page is dedicated to helping parents get started with Parent Portal. Having access to Parent Portal and using the app can be an extremely helpful way to receive important information regarding your child's grades, missing assignments, and other important updates. It can also be used to verify your contact information in our PowerSchool System.
Helpful Resources:
1. Links to the apps:
PowerSchool App (Google Play Store)
PowerSchool App (Apple Store)
2. Video on how to get set up with PowerSchool (see below). Written instructions are also available here.
3. Presentation that walks you through the steps of updating your contact information.
4. Presentation showing you how to update New York State mandated Digital Equity information.
What do I need to get started?
*Parents will need a working email address, and a PowerSchool Access Code. This is provided by the school at the start of the year. If you need that information, please contact the main office of your child's school. For the app, you will also need the district code CSXQ.
Here's how to add a student to an existing PowerSchool Parent Portal account:
- 1. Sign in to the Parent Portal
- 2. Select Account Preferences from the left menu bar
- 3. Click the Students tab
- 4. Click Add
- 5. Enter the student's name, Access ID, and Access Password
- 6. Select the student's relationship
- 7. Click Submit
District Code: CSXQ
Mobile Hot Spot
Dear Families:
At Lewiston-Porter we have made a strong effort to ensure that all students have equitable access to digital materials while they're at school and while they're at home. To that end, we have partnered with T-Mobile to offer free mobile hotspots to families that are in need.
If you would like to request a hotspot please complete the form below.