Dublin High School
April 15, 2024
From the Desk of Dr. Overstreet
The Freshmen Audit Review Day is April 24th from 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. based on last name. This is a great opportunity for parents to visit with the school counselor and staff to learn about your child’s earned credits this year. Moreover, you will be able to ask questions and receive information about graduation requirements, career pathway. and other academic programs to assist you and your child. Please join us on April 24th. See the flyer below to know what time based on last name you will visit the high school. The event will take place in the auditorium.
Prom season is here and our Prom, "A Night to Remember, A Masquerade Ball" is scheduled for April 26th. More importantly, the Georgia Milestones (EOCT's) are scheduled to start May 6th -10th along with Honor's Day Programs on May 16th and other year ending activities to follow. I will keep you updated on all upcoming events. If you have questions, please contact the school at 478-353-8040.
Go Irish!
Dublin High School Students are Japan Bound!
APAN BOUND! Five Dublin High School-Georgia students are embarking on an incredible journey to Japan, thanks to The City of Dublin's International Committee! Kate Kolbie, Derricka Lewis, Emma Claire McDaniel, Derick McRae and Paris White are flying out first thing tomorrow morning for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure where they'll represent both the Fighting Irish Family and our community in Tokyo and Osaki for ten unforgettable days. Through the sister city exchange program, they'll immerse themselves in Japanese culture, stay with host families, and gain valuable insights into student life abroad. By embracing this opportunity, our Dublin High Schoolers are not only expanding their horizons but also embodying Dublin City Schools' vision of producing globally competitive students. Let's wish them safe travels and unforgettable experiences as they embark on this incredible journey!
Kashonna Wright - April's Work Based Learning Student of the Month!
Kashonna is a senior who has been preparing for the military; however, she
recently decided to go to OFTC and work towards a degree in Nursing, and she
has already been accepted into the program! She has been a part of the JROTC
program all four years of high school and has been training/working with army
recruiters the past year through the Work-Based Learning program. I’m certain
this young lady will find a way to intertwine the medical and the military and have
a stellar career!
Kashonna has a very strong work ethic. She takes pride in keeping her grades
high, while working responsibly outside of school. She currently is employed at
Walmart, but has worked since the age of 16 in a variety of positions such as
Burger King, Zaxby’s and Golden Ticket Theater. Kashonna ranks 27 th in a class of
134, and holds a 3.7 gpa!
In addition, we recently held a Senior Mock Interview Session in which Kashonna
received a rating in the top scoring range, acing the interview! Way to go,
This is the second time in the past three years that I’ve chosen Kashonna, and it is
due to her work ethic, responsible nature and her awesome personality!
Shine on, Kashonna! I look forward to seeing what all you accomplish with your
career and in life!
Mrs. Newman
The Great American Cleanup and DHS AFJROTC!
Our own AFJROTC cadets joined in “The Great American Cleanup” this past weekend, demonstrating their commitment to serving their community. The cadets identified five locations across town in need, and embarked on a mission to revitalize those areas. Their service projects ranged from grass cutting and cutting limbs away from rooflines to mulching, and even planting flowers.
This is the latest in a concerted effort by our AFJROTC unit to embody the core value of “Service before Self,” building upon last year’s Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award for providing more than 5,000 community service hours in 2022-23. The DHS cadets were one of only two Georgia units to earn that distinction, and are well on their way to repeating this year.
We could say, “Great job, cadets!,” but we think they’d prefer we all say, “HUA!” for a job well done!
DHS Basketball Banquet 2024!
Class of 2024 Honors Graduates
We are incredibly proud to introduce Dublin High School's Class of 2024 Valedictorian: Ka’Rethya Charleston, Salutatorian: Walker Allen, and Honor Grads: Lalah Brown, Taj Carswell, Sariya Coombs, Tinsley Curtis, Sha'Niya Denson, Jamari Hood, Deago Jackson, Lea Jarriel, Kate Kolbie, Emaley Landrum, Tahki Lowther, Derick McRae, Cormariona Mitchell, Malachi O’Neal, Shaliyah Parks, Robert Patisaul, Marcus Rayner II, Xavias Rolison, Drew Rozier, Kirsten Washington, Jasonia White, Paris White, Larissa Wilbur and Kashonna Wright! These exceptional Seniors have demonstrated unparalleled dedication, perseverance, and academic excellence throughout their journey with the Fighting Irish Family. Their high achievements and successes serve as shining examples of the remarkable talent and potential displayed across our school community. Stay tuned as we honor and celebrate their incredible accomplishments as well as those of every member of the Class of 2024 leading up to DHS's memorable graduation ceremony set for May 24th! 🎓💛☘️
Monday, April 8th: Dublin High School Literary Banquet at 6:30 PM
Tuesday, April 9th: Tennis Teams Host Region 2-A Region Tournament Home-All Day
Tuesday, April 9th: Dublin High School Baseball HOME vs. Bleckley at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, April 9th: Dublin High school Track AWAY @ WACO
Thursday, April 11th: Dublin High School Basketball Banquet @ 6PM DHS Rotunda
Thursday, April 11th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY @ Bleckley at 5:45 PM
Friday, April 12th: Dublin High School Baseball HOME vs. Bleckley at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, April 16th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY @ East Laurens at 5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 17th: Dublin City School Free Sport Physicals Day
Wedneday, April 17th, Cross Country Banquet @ 6PM DHS Rotunda
Friday, April 19th: Dublin City Schools Spring Fine Arts Showcase
Wednesday, May 1st - Dual Enrollment Night (5:00 pm) Rotunda
Friday, May 3rd - Senior Signing Day ( Auditorium)
Monday, May 6th - 10th, Georgia Milestones (EOCT) Administration
- Monday, May 6th, ELA GMAS
- Tuesday, May 7th, ELA GMAS
- Wednesday, May 8th, Algebra GMAS
- Thursday, May 9th, Biology
- Friday, May 10th, US History
- AP Exam Schedule: May 6th, 10h, & 14th
- Monday, May 6th - US Goverment and Politics
- Friday, May 10th - US History
- Tuesday May 14th - English Language Arts and Composition
Thursday, May 16th - Senior & Underclassman Honors Day Programs
Friday, May 24th: Dublin High School Graduation 6PM, Gym: Overflow Room - Auditorium
- 12th Graders: Dr. Anthony Jaroy Stuckey University Scholarship - Seniors who plan to attend a 4 year university (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Dr. Anthony Jaroy Stuckey Technical Scholarship - Seniors who plan to attend a 2 year technical college (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Laurens-Dublin Retired Educators Association - For seniors who want to major in Education (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship - April 15, 2023
- 12th Graders: 2024 Sandy Mazur / Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship - Deadline: April 30, 202
- 12th Graders: Dublin -Laurens FVSU Scholarship - Due: April 30th
- 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- Joel Sanders Jr. Memorial Scholarship Deadline April 22nd
- 2024 Hazel M. Pooler Scholarship, Deadline to Apply: Monday, April 15, 2022
- 12th Graders: Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship - April 15, 2023
- 12th Graders: 2024 Sandy Mazur / Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship - Deadline: April 30, 2024
- 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- 16 to 18 Year Olds: Pilot Club Scholarship Pageant (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga