Fox Ridge Family Newsletter
August 16, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, 8/20- Picture Day
Wednesday, 8/28- Elementary Early Release- 2:35pm Dismissal
Friday, 8/30- Institute Day- NO School for Students
i-Ready Testing Parent Letter
Principally Speaking
Good afternoon,
What a wonderful first week! Thank you to our families for the delightful breakfast you provided for our staff on Tuesday morning. Our team felt both appreciated and welcomed. Also, thank you for the welcome sign on Wednesday morning. As you can see, our staff used it for our opening day photo.
Our year-long theme is "GAME ON," and we are ready for a great year. We started the year with an all-school assembly where students were introduced to their teachers and the Fox Ridge staff. We modeled the introduction similar to how the Chicago Bulls did back in their heyday, using the Alan Parsons Project song. The excitement and enthusiasm were palpable. Teachers ran out and did handshakes, with our final group highlighted by Mrs. Johnson, who demonstrated her baton-twirling skills.
During this assembly, we also discussed our positive behavior system at Fox Ridge. Our school-wide expectations are to be responsible, respectful, and safe. Teachers are teaching what these expectations mean and look like across all settings. When students demonstrate these behaviors, teachers and staff acknowledge them with an individual golden paw. You may have seen one come home with your child. Students who earn an individual paw are entered into a raffle, with drawings starting next Friday. Additionally, classes can earn blue paws, working toward ten to achieve a class celebration.
Next week, we will begin our fall diagnostic for iReady on Tuesday, along with our school photos. (Order forms have been sent home and are included below.)
We need your help on arrival and dismissal
Thank you for your support and patience in working out the kinks with arrival and dismissal procedures. Some things we would like your help with, if you are driving and are comfortable please use the drop off line, rather than parking and walking your child. If you so choose to park and walk up, please use the cross walk only. This is for ease of traffic flow and safety for all. Finally if your child is expected to meet you in the back, due to you parking on the side street, please make sure they are aware. It has presented confusion, because when they are exiting and state they are a car rider we guide them to the front of the building. Thank you.
Picture Day 8/20/24
Join the Band!
It's not too late to join the 5th-grade band program! If your child is interested in playing the flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone or percussion please use THIS LINK to enroll in our program. Our band lessons will begin the week of August 26, so don't delay! Have questions about the program? Reach out to Mrs. Lydigsen at jennifer.lydigsen@d303.org.
Health Office Contact Info
Megan Mueller-Certified School Nurse
Christina Marello-Registered Nurse
They can be reached at 331-228-2404 in the Health Office or by email:
And the Winner Is...
Congratulations to Jillian Hultgren and family, who won a $50 Target gift card for entering their contact information into our online directory prior to the first day of school. Haven't added your family's information yet? You can do so here: Fox Ridge Elementary PTO - Open Forms (membershiptoolkit.com). Thank you for helping us have an accurate directory for families to benefit from!
Parent Night Out
Our first Parent Night Out of the year will occur on Monday, August 26 from 5-8 p.m. at D&G Brewing Company. For details and to RSVP, click here: D&G Parent Night Out | Facebook.
2024-2025 Restaurant Fundraisers
View our full schedule of fundraisers here: Fox Ridge Elementary PTO - Restaurant Fundraisers (membershiptoolkit.com). We like to call these "days mom and dad don't have to cook!"
Yearbook Photos Needed
Have photos of your child during our Welcome Event, Backpack Night, first day of school, or Andy's restaurant fundraiser? Send them to our newly formed Yearbook Committee at foxridgeyearbook@gmail.com. Please specify class and event. (e.g., 4S Halloween party)
Staff Favorites List
You can now access a Staff Favorites List on our website. Use this information to help select gifts for our wonderful staff throughout the year. Don't see the person you're looking for? We will continue to update this list as we receive information from the main office. Happy shopping!
Mark Your Calendars! Fall Fest
Back to School Newsletter
Enjoy the first edition of our PTO newsletter! Starting in September, you will receive this in your inbox the first Wednesday of every month. We hope it makes your lives a little easier and gets you excited for all the fun we are planning.
Private Facebook Group
Joining our Facebook group will help you stay informed on all things PTO. We will post last-minute updates and reminders there.
Please contact the Board at PTOFoxRidge@gmail.com.