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Mustang Family Newsletter
Twin Oaks Elementary
![Mustang Family Newsletter Twin Oaks Elementary](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/313d/thumb-3274348125fd07c7156d0ca55a018763.png)
August 14, 2023
Dear Twin Oaks Families,
Welcome back to school! I hope you and your family are as excited as we are to begin a new school year. We have been preparing for teachers to return Friday, August 25th and the rest of the staff on Wednesday, August 30th.
It is important to note that there are two start dates for students in the Eugene 4J School District. Students entering Kindergarten, 6th grade and 9th grade start school on Wednesday, September 6th. All other students start on Thursday, September 7th.
The school office is now open. Jenna Hoagland, our new school secretary, or myself will be available between 7:30am-3:30pm. The front door will remain locked at all times. If we are not in the office please ring the doorbell that is attached to the window in the door. We are available to answer questions and provide information. Please call the school number at 541-790-3417 to reach us.
Twin Oaks Elementary has a Facebook page and a school webpage. Our goal is to keep the information updated regularly. We acknowledge that we need to prioritize communicating on our social media accounts. I want to remind all families that there is a link on the webpage to our school calendar.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eugene4j
Twin Oaks Elementary Webpage: https://twinoaks.4j.lane.edu/
I look forward to seeing our students and families soon. I am available if you have any needs, questions or information. Enjoy these final summer days with your family!
Denisa Taylor
Important Dates:
Tuesday, September 5th, 4:00-5:00pm - Twin Oaks Meet and Greet for families and students
Wednesday, 9/6 - First Day of School for Kindergarten Students ONLY
Thursday, 9/7 - First Day of School for Grades 1-5.
Family Events, Holidays and No School Days will be provided in future newsletters.
Back to School Information
Twin Oaks Elementary's school hours are 7:55am-2:25pm (MTuThF). On Wednesday school hours are 7:55am-1:10pm. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:30am. Buses arrive at our school at 7:30am. Students wait in the cafeteria until 7:45am. They can eat breakfast if desired. Classroom doors open at 7:45am. Please ensure your children are in class ready to learn by 7:55am or they will be marked tardy.
Wednesday is now the early release day for the school district. Last year it was Fridays. Students will be dismissed at 1:10pm.
The Meet and Greet with families is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5th, 4:00-5:00pm. We hope that all families can join us. This event is an informal Open House. If your family is unable to attend the teachers will be ready to greet the students on their first day of school.
We continue to work on enrolling students into our school. As we enroll students we balance our classrooms. Class lists have not been finalized. Families will receive an email from their child's teacher on Friday, September 1st after 3:00pm welcoming them to their classroom. We will not be posting class lists.
The Eugene 4J Instruction Department, with feedback from Kindergarten teacher representatives, have created a schedule for how all district Kindergarten students integrate into school at the beginning of the school year. The Kindergarten Smart Start schedule will be different than our other students. The first day for all Kindergarten students is Wednesday, September 6th. Only Kindergarten students attend on this day. Students in grades 1-5 start school on Thursday, September 7th. Between September 7th-9th half of the Kindergarten students will attend school each day. On September 13th all Kindergarten students attend school together. There is no school for Kindergarten students ONLY on Thursday, September 14th and Friday, September 15th. Kindergarten teachers will be connecting with each family individually on these days. Please review the Kindergarten Smart Start calendar included in this newsletter. For more details please connect to the Eugene 4J webpage at https://www.4j.lane.edu/2023/07/kindergarten-smart-start/
The school district is purchasing and providing basic school supplies for all elementary students. We do not have an additional list of requested items. When the school year begins teachers may reach out for donations of tissues, Clorox wipes, zip lock bags and snacks. If you happen to see these items on sale please consider purchasing them in advance.
We require that families provide a backpack and a water bottle for their child. Please make sure the backpack is big enough for a 3 ring binder.
School meals will continue to be free for all students in 4J schools for the 2023-2024 school year, regardless of family income. For more information regarding 4J meals connect to Eugene 4J webpage at https://www.4j.lane.edu/2023/08/free-meals-2023-24/.
Project Hope is an event coordinated by community members and organizations with the intention of providing backpacks, shoes, socks and games to students. Every student must have a ticket and be present at the event to receive supplies. Tickets will be available starting Friday, August 18th. You request a ticket at https://2023ATA.eventbrite.com. The event is scheduled at two locations, ATA Middle School and Howard Elementary on August 27, 1-4pm. I have included a flyer for more information.
Project Hope - 4J Back to School Giveaway
Kindergarten Smart Start Calendar
Eugene 4J Key Dates ~ 2023-2024
Eugene 4J District Calendar ~ 2023-2024
Twin Oaks Elementary
Email: taylor_d@4j.lane.edu
Website: https://twinoaks.4j.lane.edu/
Location: Twin Oaks Elementary School, Bailey Hill Road, Eugene, OR, USA
Phone: 541-790-3417
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Twin-Oaks-Elementary-School