Cardinal Elementary News
October 4, 2024
This Week at Cardinal...Homecoming Spirit Week!!!
Monday, October 7th:
Early Release @ 1:45
Tuesday, October 8th:
Wednesday, October 9th:
Thursday, October 10th:
Cardinal Pride Day (since pictures are on Friday)
Friday, October 11th:
School Picture Day!!
Upcoming Important Dates:
October 14th Early Release at 1:45
October 14th 6:30 Regular Board Meeting @ OVHS Community Room
October 15th Early Release at 1:45- Conference Week
October 16th Early Release at 1:45- Conference Week
October 17th Early Release at 1:45- Conference Week
October 18th- No School for Students
October 21st Early Release @ 1:45
October 28th Early Release @ 1:45
October 31st Halloween Parade and Parties- Times will be announced soon.
November 1st- End of First Marking Period
Information for Families
Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups
Please follow this link to sign up for conferences if you have not done so. The teachers will assign a time to families who do not sign up.
OV Spectator Guidelines
Please review our Spectator Guidelines with your children before attending sporting events and other special events.
Conduct on School Property
Please review the poster below.
We are here to work collaboratively to provide a safe, nurturing school for your children. We are happy to meet with you regarding any concerns you may have. We do ask that you follow the expectations outlined below, or you will be asked to leave and schedule a time to meet with us later.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
The Cardinal Elementary Office, Teachers, and Staff
Cardinal Elementary Webpage
On the "Parents" page, there are updates about upcoming activities and other important information for parents.
Behavior Referrals for September
Attendance Top 5 Classrooms
September 30th- October 4th
Cardinal Weekly Attendance: 93.9% %
Top 5:
#1 Mr. Eigenauer's Classroom 96.1%
#2 Miss Hemry's Classroom 96.0%
#3 Mrs. Newmyer's Classroom 95.8% (tie)
#3 Mrs. Mastbergen's Classroom 95.8% (tie)
#4 Mrs. Morehouse's Classroom 95.6%
#5 Miss Kleinjans' Classroom 94.3%