TPS District Newsletter
Tewksbury Public Schools
October 2024
Message from the Superintendent
Happy October everyone!
As we embrace the beauty of fall, there's so much to look forward to this month. Whether it's enjoying the crisp autumn air, celebrating Halloween, or just cozying up with a warm blanket, we hope this season brings you joy both in and out of school.
Near the end of October, your child's mid-term progress will be updated to your child's Aspen accounts. Please contact your school's secretary if you need assistance in logging on to Aspen. Additionally, parents of students that were in grades 3-10 last school year in Tewksbury, should have already received their child's MCAS report. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Guidance Counselor if you have questions about your child’s ongoing progress.
It’s exciting to see our schools bustling with fun-runs, booster events, club activities, and fall athletics. You can stay informed of these exciting updates, upcoming events, and special promotions through the school newsletters, calendars, and PAC updates. Let's make the most of this wonderful month together!
Warm wishes,
Brenda Theriault-Regan
Community Events
Fall-O-Ween Celebration
Join us for a FREE Fall-O-Ween Celebration on the Town Common! It will be a fun, family friendly afternoon to include:
- Pumpkin decorating and kids’ crafts
- Sensory-friendly Halloween-themed activities
- Haunted walkthrough at the Police Station
- Face painting
- Balloon twisting
- Exotic animal meet and greet
- Trunk-or-Treat, food trucks, and more!
Parking will be at the Ryan School and Tewksbury Memorial High School. Town Hall Ave will be closed to thru traffic and East Street will be closed in front of Tewksbury Congregational Church This event is put on with the generous support of the Town Manager’s office, Police Department, Fire Department, School Department, Tewksbury Public Library, and Department of Public Works.
Community Vaccine Clinic
The Tewksbury Senior Center, located at 175 Chandler Street, is hosting a Community Vaccine Clinic on Friday, October 25th from 3pm to 6pm. The standard flu, high dose flu, the Moderna and Pfizer Covid boosters will be available.
To make an appointment, please call the appointment line at 978-640-4480, Extension 296 to leave your name and contact number. Tammy will call you back to schedule your appointment.
Consistent school attendance plays a crucial role in your child's academic and personal success. Regular school attendance allows students to keep up with lessons, participate in discussions, and complete assignments on time. Students who attend school regularly develop connections with their peers and staff, which assist in the development of teamwork skills and friendships. Frequent absences can create learning gaps and make it harder for your child to catch up, affecting their overall performance. Missing just two days per month can add up to chronic absenteeism, which can hold students back. Please reach out to your child's school if your child is experiencing difficulty with school attendance. Working together, we can help your child succeed!
By offering the Seal of Biliteracy to our students, we aim to honor the bilingual students in our community and inspire more students to pursue world language proficiency. It's an asset that students can highlight in both college and job applications, and the journey toward this level of achievement can begin at any age or grade.
STEM In Action
TPS is excited to bring back the Discovery Museum to our kindergarten and first grade students in September and October. Kindergarten learned about forces and motion, while first grade learned about sound. Our Corning Life Sciences grant funded this opportunity. The grant will be bringing an enrichment activity to our 2nd-4th graders in November.
Student Achievement
Congratulations to National Merit Commended Scholar Christopher Arbogast! This distinction was awarded to students who scored in the top 3% in last fall’s PSAT exam. Christopher is pictured here with his father, TMHS teacher Sanford Arbogast.
School District Events
Tewksbury is thrilled to celebrate National School Lunch Week, where we invite our elementary students to embark on an exciting journey with delicious school lunches! This year's theme, "Find Your Treasure," encourages students to see their meals as more than just food—they’re delicious adventures waiting to be discovered! Daily Surprises will feature surprise treasures that highlight good nutrition and fun, engaging activities.
MA Farm To School: Harvest of the Month
We are proud to support Massachusetts Farm to School programs, and this month, we are thrilled to highlight pears as our Harvest of the Month. We'll be offering fresh and local pears throughout the month, and celebrating with a delicious pear apple cake, a student favorite. In addition to local fruits and vegetables, we also offer local Red's Best Haddock fish sticks every Friday as an alternative meal.
Each month, we showcase the harvest of the month (HOTM), hosting taste tests, preparing tasty recipes and providing nutrition education on the serving line to help students learn about the benefits of eating fresh, local produce.
This month, we will be hosting a unique taste test at TMHS featuring "Craic Sauce," a locally sourced and produced hot sauce from Lowell! It provides an opportunity for students to explore bold flavors and learn about supporting local businesses. Brian Ruhlmann, the founder of Craic Sauce, will be joining us to share valuable insights and information with the students.
It's our goal to celebrate all year long to connect students with the source of their food and encourage healthy eating habits. Here’s to a fruitful October! Stay tuned for November's highlight on Kale.
Milk With A Cop 2024
Elementary students had the opportunity to meet our Tewksbury Police Officers at the annual Milk With A Cop event on October 1, 2024. Check out some images from the event below or via the TPS District Facebook page!
TPS Multi-Part Professional Development Series
During October's teacher professional development sessions, teachers selected topics to work on all year long. Different sessions included supporting EL (English Learners) in the classroom, phenomenon-based learning in science, using data to build math support, and UDL with AI, among others.
Important Reminders
Tewksbury Public Schools
Website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/
Location: 139 Pleasant Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 640-7800