SHMS Family Newsletter
August 18, 2024
Principal's Message
Greetings Stuart-Hobson Community,
Tomorrow, Stuart-Hobson’s dedicated and talented staff will return to the building to begin a week of final preparations for the upcoming school year. This time is invaluable as our educators focus on setting up their classrooms, participating in professional development, and reconnecting as a team. A highlight of the week will be our partnership with Kagan Professional Development, where a student engagement expert will join us onsite for a day to help our staff collectively refine and practice cooperative learning techniques that will enhance engagement and learning for all students. Our mission is to create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere where every student feels valued and empowered to succeed.
This week is also focused on strengthening our staff community. We are united by a shared vision of serving our students to the best of our abilities, and this time allows us to build the connections and trust essential for a successful school year. At Stuart-Hobson, our staff not only teach the Panther P.R.I.D.E. values—Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence—but also embed these principles into their daily instruction and interactions with the entire school community.
With just one week until school starts, it's also a great time for families to begin norming school-year routines, helping students ease back into the structure and expectations of the academic year. Research shows that middle school students thrive in environments where there is a consistent routine. By establishing bedtime routines, preparing for the next day, limiting screen time, and discussing goals for the year, you can help your child make a smooth transition into the school year.
As always, we are here to support your family through the middle school journey. Please reach out to us, by calling the main office at 202-671-6010, emailing us at stuart-hobsonms@k12.dc.gov or dropping by the main office (Office hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) if any support is needed.
Enjoy the last week of summer!
Warm regards,
Eric Fraser
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Weekly Calendar & Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates
- After-School All-Stars (ASAS) Request to Sign up is now open for SY 2024-25
- Monday, August 19, New Family Orientation - Virtual - 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Click here to join MS Teams meeting
Meeting ID: 217 689 429 664
Passcode: UCjwLo - Monday, August 26, Welcome back students! First day of school!
- Tuesday, August 27, DramaPlayers Auditions, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Room 101
- Thursday, August 29, Debate Team Interest Meeting, 3:45 - 5:00 p.m., Room 219
- Monday, September 2, Labor Day observed, schools closed
- Tuesday, September 3, Capitol Hill Cluster LSAT Virtual Meeting 6 - 7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, September 10, Back to School Night, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Note: After-School All-Stars will host a informational session on Stuart-Hobson's after school program from 5:30 - 6 p.m., immediately before Back to School Night.
ASL interpretation services will be provided. - Saturday, September 14, DCPS Back to School Block Party, Jefferson Middle School, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
New Information and Important Updates
DCPS Back to School Information Session (8/22)
Join Chancellor Ferebee and DCPS leadership on Thursday, August 22 at 6 pm for a virtual information session to learn important updates for the coming school year. Topics include attendance, early childhood, immunizations, digital citizenship, safety, and more! Spanish and ASL interpretation will be available. To register and get more information, please click here.
After School All Stars SY 2024-25 Sign-Up Requests are Open!
The Sign-Up Request process for the school year after-school programming with After-School All-Stars (ASAS) is open!
Please note: the limited spots will be filled on a first come first served basis and enrollment is completely managed by ASAS and separate from the Panther Pride Academy (summer bridge) mentioned elsewhere and below. This year, ASAS is reserving approximately 40 spots for 6th graders and roughly 20 spots each for 7th and 8th grade in after-school programming.
Please note that after completing the registration form you will likely receive an automated message that your enrollment was "received". This does NOT mean that you have secured a spot but that your application is on file with After School All Stars. ASAS will follow-up with families in the future to confirm who has a seat and who has been waitlisted.
Again next year, we expect programming to run daily from 3:30-6:00. ASAS also manages any waitlists and requests for technical support. We are also excited that ASAS will continue to be 100% free for students who attend.
Please reach out to Mr. Evroy Marrett with any questions or requests for more information at evroy.marrett@afterschoolallstars.org.
Stuart-Hobson Recommended School Supply List SY24-25
The following general school supply list will support your student in a successful start to the school year.
General School Supplies
Headphones (microphone optional)
Black or Blue Pens
Pencils and Pencil Sharpener
2-4 Composition Books
2-4 Spiral Bound Notebooks
Crayons, Color Markers, and Color Pencils
Glue Sticks
3 ring binder(s) are recommended to help students organize for multiple classes
Pencil pouch / tote
When planning to organize your student and their supplies, please remember that students will have 4 core classes (Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA) and 2 electives (e.g. physical education, band, Spanish, etc.).
Additional supplies may be required based on individual courses. These supply lists will be provided by teachers directly to their students/class.
If your family needs support in purchasing school supplies, please contact the main office at 202-671-6010.
Math Tutoring Available for 6th and 7th graders
SHMS partners with GW University for students to receive free math tutoring 90 minutes per week through their Math Matters program. Programming is available to interested 6th and 7th graders!
About Math Matters
Based out of the Nashman Center at George Washington University, Math Matters collaborates with DCPS to provide high-impact math tutoring to middle school students in Washington, D.C. Math Matters recruits and trains GW undergraduate and graduate students to be effective mentors and tutors.
Tutoring Details
- Tutors provide small group tutoring throughout the school year to groups of 3-4 students
- Students attend two days per week, 3:30-4:30pm (snack included)
- Tutoring curriculum is skill based, and is geared towards accelerating students towards grade level proficiency
- Tutoring starts mid-September- official start date TBD once we hear from GW
Sign Up
Questions? Reach out to Ms. Rosera at Bethany.Rosera@k12.dc.gov
Aspen Parent Portal
Student schedules have been posted in Aspen and should be visible to anyone with an existing Aspen account after August 18th. Students or families without an account should soon receive an invitation to set one up by email (check your Junk folder). We will provide students with copies of their schedule during the first week of school as well.
Aspen Family Portal
Aspen Family Portal accounts should reflect the new school year on/after August 18th. Returning families should be able to access their account using their username and password from last school year. New families will receive an email from Aspen Family Portal when their family portal account is available to use.
The Portal allows you to keep up with progress in school - including grades, assignments, attendance, and more. The goal of DCPS' new digital portal is to create an open line of communication between home and school.
To Access the Portal:
1. Visit https://aspen.dcps.dc.gov
2. Make sure pop-up blocking is disabled for your browser
3. Your user name will be provided via email
4. Your temporary password will be provided via email
NOTE: Both user name and password are case sensitive
5. Click Log On to access the system. You will be prompted to fill out some information to change your password so that in the future you can click "I forgot my password" to receive a new password.
We strongly recommend that families also download the "Grade Corner" app, which allows you to login to Aspen and monitor your student's grades and attendance in a streamlined app. The app was actually developed by an SHMS parent a few years ago.
If you have any questions about accessing Aspen or your student's grades or schedule please reach out to their counselor, Ms. Schimmerling or Ms. Wilson, or grade level administrator, AP Hills - 6th, AP Taylor - 7th, or AP Turner - 8th.
2024-2025 Athletics' Participation Packet
The 2024-2025 Athletics’ Participation packet has been released. All students must complete a participation packet every school year. Additionally, the medical forms must be completed within the prior 365 days. We encourage you to have your healthcare provider complete these forms before the school year and attach them to your participation packet. If your student’s UHC has been updated recently, you are encouraged to complete the participation packet as soon as possible.
Universal Health Certificate (UHC).
Students with certain medical conditions may also need to complete an Asthma Action Plan or an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Please note that it is not necessary to submit a new participation packet for each season. A complete packet includes the DCIAA forms filled out in their entirety along with a Universal Health Certificate that was completed within the last year. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE PARTICIPATION.
SHMS Athletics is seeking to hire coaches for the following teams. Professional and coaching résumés can be sent directly to Ms. Swann:
Coaching Openings:
Boys & Girls Cross Country (Fall), Indoor Track (Winter), and Track and Field (Spring), Head and Assistant Coaches
Girls Soccer
Please see below for team specific QR codes and sites and direct any questions about athletics to our Athletic Director, Ms. Dreka Swann, dreka.swann@k12.dc.gov
Youth Sports Day @ The Fields at RFK (8/24)
Fight for Children is hosting Youth Sports Day on Saturday, August 24. This family-friendly event will showcase different youth programs available across the city, as well as games, free food, and haircuts.
Student Food Services
Stuart-Hobson Launching Two New Food Services: Supper Club @ 3:30 p.m. and Grab and Go Breakfast
Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, Stuart-Hobson is excited to introduce supper for students participating in after-school activities, including After-School All-Stars, clubs, and athletics. This new supper option will replace the previous snack, offering a more nutritious and satisfying meal that includes an entrée, fresh fruit, a vegetable, and milk. Supper will be served in the cafeteria immediately after dismissal, and just like breakfast and lunch, it will be free for all students. We are thrilled to provide this substantial meal to support our students’ growth and well-being.
In addition, we’re pleased to offer a new grab-and-go breakfast option for students arriving after 8:50 a.m. Hot breakfast will be available in the cafeteria from 8:15 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. For those arriving later, the grab-and-go breakfast can be picked up in the main office, allowing students to enjoy a healthy start to their day before heading to class.
Dietary Accommodations
As a reminder, DCPS Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) does not require a new dietary accommodation form to be submitted every school year.
You only need to submit a new dietary accommodation form if:
- Your student is new to DCPS and requires dietary accommodations.
- Your student has a new dietary need, such as a newly diagnosed food allergy.
- There are changes to your student’s existing dietary accommodation form on file with Food and Nutrition Services.
For more information or to complete a dietary accommodations form, please click here.
Stuart-Hobson Food Services Menus
Please see food services menus for Stuart-Hobson's first week of school.
Student Clubs & Extra-Curriculars
SHMS DramaPlayers Auditions!
Is your incoming student interested in joining Stuart-Hobson's theater program? We are looking for talented, hard-working, creative, flexible, and focused students to join us in the new school year.
Interested in acting, stage crew, dance, or tech? Passionate about the ARTS? We are the group for you! There are limited spaces so auditions will be necessary. Please make plans to attend PANTHER PRIDE ACADEMY, August 5-8th. Theater workshops which will help prepare students for the Thursday auditions will take place from 12- 2 pm that week. Accepted students will then be enrolled into theater class which is required for participation in the program.
Students can begin preparing now by creating a 30 second introduction of who you are and why you should be a DramaPlayer to share during audition week. Put your personality into your presentation, share your goals of what you'd like to do or learn as a DramaPlayer, and any experiences you may have.
*7th/8th graders interested in joining can also participate in the theater workshops/auditions from 12-2 pm (Aug.5-8).
*Any student unable to attend August auditions may plan to audition on 8/27/24 from 3:30-4:30 pm. However, fewer slots will be available at that time. Students may also audition via video submission. This should be no longer than 5 minutes (max) to include 30 sec creative intro plus a monologue and song, dance routine, or description of theater tech job that most interests you and why.
Questions, please contact Tori Pergerson (Director) at latoria.mckoy@k12.dc.gov.
Supports for Students & Families
Special Education & 504 Plans at SHMS
Stuart-Hobson’s Special Education Department and 504 team have intentionally designed a learning community that encourages shared participation and decision-making by providing access to opportunities and resources while dismantling barriers.
Through authentic leadership and service to all, we meet the needs of an evolving and diverse student body by fostering creativity, flexibility and positivity. We work in a manner that fosters trust for all through effective, honest communication, and accountability.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s IEP or access to learning please email our Special Education Coordinator, Tamara Hunter at tamara.lovelock@k12.dc.gov Our 504 Coordinator is Ms. Molly Smith who can be reached at molly.smith@k12.dc.gov.
Referral Form for Mental Health and Counseling Support at SHMS
Please fill this form out to refer a student for mental health, behavioral health, or MTSS services at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. Referrals are reviewed weekly and a counseling team member reach out to you.
If you need assistance with this form, please contact Ms. Molly Smith at molly.smith@k12.dc.gov.
For mental health or behavioral health emergencies, contact ChAMPS at 202-481-1440, the DBH Access Helpline at 1-888-7WE-HELP, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988, or call 911.
Counseling Team at SHMS
Do you have questions about mental health and behavioral health services at Stuart-Hobson?
Would you like to talk to one of the counseling staff about support services for your student?
Starting 8/19/24, you can submit a request via https://bit.ly/referralSHMS or contact SHMS Social Worker Bernadette Wittschen at bernadette.wittschen@k12.dc.gov.
You are also welcome to reach out to members of the counseling team directly. Note: DCPS staff will return to work on August 19, 2024.
New Resource: DCPSMentalHealth.org
With a goal of decreasing barriers to school success by providing students, school staff, and families with tools that promote academic and psychosocial growth and progress, DCPS has launched a new website dedicated to student mental health. For mental health resources including a provider directory, events calendar, and articles on mental health, special education, and parenting strategies, visit dcpsmentalhealth.org.
Capitol Hill Cluster PTA Update
Stay tuned here for the latest news and updates on the initiatives of the Capitol Hill Cluster PTA, a PTA that represents three terrific schools: Peabody, Watkins Elementary School and Stuart-Hobson Middle School. The PTA is dedicated to supporting and enriching the educational experience across all three schools and will use this space to inform about projects, events, and calls for volunteer support.
Previous Announcements & Resources
**The information below is new or an updated version of something announced previously! **
All Newsletters
You can find previously released newsletters and information here.
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Email: stuart-hobsonms@k12.dc.gov
Website: www.stuart-hobson.org
Location: 410 E Street Northeast, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-671-6010
Twitter: @StuartHobsonMS
Important Links
Aspen DCPS Student and Family Login
Stuart-Hobson Food Service Breakfast-Lunch-Supper Menus
Stuart-Hobson Student and Family Handbook - coming soon