Klein High Choir Weekly Update
Week 7
Next Week At A Glance
Mon 9/30 - Chorale Rehearsal 5:00-7:00 PM
Tue 10/1 - Fall Concert 7:00 PM (Call time for students 6:00 PM) KHS Auditorium
Wed 10/2 - Region Rehearsal (SATB) 2:45-4:00 PM Choir Room
Thu 10/3 - Fall Festival 3:00-5:00 PM Choir Room
Fri 10/4- Region Rehearsal (SATB) 2:45-4:00 PM Choir Room
Fall Concert (Same Night as Klein ISD College Night)
Our first concert of the year will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 1 in the Klein High School Auditorium. Every choir has been working hard for the past 7 weeks on having a wonderful first combined concert of the year! All students will wear their formal uniforms for this performance.
- Call time for students - 6:00pm in KHS Auditorium (being on time is a part of their grade)
- Doors open for seating at 6:45pm
- Concert begins at 7:00pm
Klein ISD College Night
The annual college night is held at Klein HS the same night as our fall concert. The college night is attended by several hundred students and parents from across the district. Please plan accordingly when it comes to dropping students off for their call time and to find parking for our concert. Families can enter through the front of KHS or the cafeteria entrance. There will also be college booths throughout the cafeteria and Mainstreet. We have worked with the college and career center to ensure that booths will be slightly moved to avoid any foot traffic to our concert. We will also have Tri-M (a music honor society) ushering the event to ensure there are no disruptive events during our concert.
Uniform Components
Region Workshop
For any of our region auditioning students, the Woodlands College Park is holding a Region Clinic tomorrow. Please see the image below for times, how to register, and more. Region students, make sure you are still practicing daily to prepare for region auditions in late October!
Fall Festival
Our next choir social is next week on Thursday, October 3 3-5 in the choir room. Come to the choir room for some fun fall-themed games and activities. Our socials are a great opportunity to hang our with your current choir friends and even make some new ones along the way! We hope to see you there!
Coffee House
We are excited to offer our Klein Choir students this optional concert performance opportunity. Coffee House is a smaller, more intimate performance of student solos and small groups from all of our choirs. If you are interested in auditioning for Coffee House please see the information below.
- Video Audition Window: September 30 - October 11
- Tech Rehearsal: Mon, October 28 3-6pm
- Performance: Tues, October 29 6pm @ KHS
This year, auditions will be submitted in video format through a google form. Audition submissions are due on Friday October 11. The audition form and more info will be shared in class next week. Students that are interested, we suggest you start thinking of an audition song/duet/small group that you think would work well in a Coffee House setting.
Spirit Night at Fiiz
Treble Choir Night Fun
Treble Choir Night earlier this week was a huge success! Thank you to our many students who helped set up, strike to ensure our Kleb Choir friends had a great time. You will get to hear the product of their hard work in a combined piece at our Fall Concert next Tuesday.
Spring Trip - Austin, TX
The first payment ($125) along with the letter of intent is due on October 7. We are still in need of parent chaperones to join in on the choir trip fun! If you can chaperones, please fill out the chaperone section of the letter of intent. You can also find the tentative itinerary HERE.
Upcoming Fees
- Choir Activity Fee ($55) - Past Due Thursday, September 19 - Through SchoolCash online
- Chorale Polo ($30) - Past Due Thursday, September 26 - Chorale members only
- Chamber Choir Fee ($60) - Due Thursday, October 10 - Chamber members only
Upcoming Dates
October 1 - MANDATORY Fall Concert 7:00 PM (call time 6:00 PM)
October 3 - Fall Festival Social 3-5 PM
October 7-11 - Anastasia Musical Auditions
October 7 - Spring Trip Deposit Due
October 11 - Coffee Audition Audition Videos Due
October 26 - Region Auditions
Contact Information
The preferred mode of communication for us is email
Sean Stultz 832-484-4089 - sstultz1@kleinisd.netRebecca Berger 832-484-4088 - rhickman1@kleinisd.net
Email: sstultz1@kleinisd.net
Website: kleinhighchoir.com
Phone: 832-484-4089