Tremont Family Update
July 2023

What's Coming Up
August and September
August 16-5th grade breakfast 7:45am
Monday-Mismatch Day
Tuesday-Beach Party Day
Wednesday-Work Out Wednesday
Thursday-Class Color Day (check class color below)
Friday-Tremont Pride Day-wear Tremont Gear or Green and Blue
August 22-2nd and 3rd grade Parent Info Night 6:00-7:00pm
4th and 5th grade Parent Info Night 7:00-8:00pm
September 2-No School
Leveling Up at Tremont
Thank you all for helping us as we "Level Up" at Tremont! This are going very well.
We hope you see your child coming home wearing a Tremont TRACK sticker soon! We are giving them out for all of the "ON TRACK" behavior we are seeing.
Arrival starting at 7:45am is going well. We are closing the doors at 8:15am to start instruction. Please be sure to have your child to school on time. We know things happen but we are hoping to decrease the amount of students coming in late on a daily basis.
Thank you for having your child keep his or her hat at home!
Our next step is to LEVEL UP dismissal. If you have not already, please fill out our dismissal form by clicking here. We are going to be streamlining our exit procedures and hope you notice positive changes in the next few days.
On Track Expectations inside Tremont
This week we have practiced being ON TRACK in the hallway. We are using a Level 1 (whisper) voice and calm/safe bodies. We are also practicing ON TRACK bathroom behavior. This also includes a Level 1 (whisper) voice, calm/safe bodies and this phrase: GO, FLUSH, WASH, LEAVE!
It's been a great start to the year! Happy Friday to all!
Tremont PTO
What is the Tremont PTO?
The Tremont PTO is a group of parent volunteers who help plan and fund field trips, annual social events, fundraisers, enrichment programs and learning activities for our students and staff. The PTO supports many educational opportunities like teacher grants and service learning projects that enhance the day-to-day experience for all students and staff at Tremont.
What is a PTO supporter?
We encourage every Tremont family to become a PTO supporter. This one time fee ($25 per family) will help PTO off-set some of the expense in providing such experiences throughout the year. Please consider becoming a PTO supporter and CLICK HERE to sign up today! The more involved we are together, the more we can nurture our kids’ creativity, spirit of adventure and love of learning. Feel free to email Megan Savage at or Corey Stivers at with any questions!
Tremont PTO on Instagram and Facebook!
Tremont Families, can you help us get more followers on social media? How? It's simple! If you have not already done so, please follow the Tremont PTO on Instagram and Facebook today! Don't forget to tag us, we would love to see your posts!
School Supplies
***Important update***
This year all students received new iPads. The iPads require USB-C headphones. Due to this upgrade you will notice a price increase for supplies.
PTO Fees:
Student Activity Fee $15 per child (K-5)
This one-time fee is per student and helps pay for field trips, transportation and other activities that support the learning process throughout the year.
School Supply Fee $35 + $13 (headphones)=$48 (K-5)
This one-time fee is per student and includes all of the school supplies your child will need for the classroom for the 2024-2025 school year. This fee also includes headphones compatible with the new school iPads.
PTO Supporter Annual Fee $25
Become a PTO supporter today!
5th Grade Activity Fee (5th grade only) $40
This fee, in partnership with a donation from the PTO, provides your 5th grader with:
- T-shirt
- Special 5th grade breakfast
- Memory book
- Special 5th grade service learning project
- Digital copy of the slideshow
- End of the Year Party
Please contact Jean Alloco at if your family needs support with fees.
Please click HERE to view all Fall PTO flyers and make sure to sign up between 8/19-8/30!
Dine & Donate-Papa Johns
On Tuesday, August 27th, the 5th Ave location will donate 20% of orders identified for Tremont to the PTO. Be sure to show or mention the flyer when ordering in-person, or enter promo code PJFUNDSCHOOL when ordering online. Please click HERE to view the flyer!
TREMONT SPIRITWEAR will be available for purchase soon, keep an eye out for a link to our Fall Tremont store!
Tremont Cross Country
Tremont Cross Country Is Back! Tremont's Cross Country team will be open to 2-5 graders interested in having fun while running. Runners will have the opportunity to race other local elementary schools and participate in the Les Esienhart Invitational at the end of the season.
Participation is limited to the first 30 runners. To sign up Venmo the $50 sign up fee to @Margaret-Meyer-2 and include your email and child's name/grade.
Questions? E-Mail
From the District
META Powerschool Outage on Saturday
META Columbus will be performing scheduled maintenance on Saturday August 17 from 6AM to 6PM in order to replace the data center's uninterruptible power supply (UPS). During this time, Powerschool and other services will be unavailable.
Elementary progress reports update
Elementary principals, please share the following blurb with your staff and then include in an upcoming parent update:
Because the elementary school years are so critical to a student’s academic and personal growth, our teachers will be increasing the amount of communication regarding each student’s achievement this year.
In previous years, elementary students have received progress reports three times a year, at the end of each trimester. There have also been conference opportunities for families in the fall and the spring.
Beginning this school year, teachers will provide progress reports in January and June. In the fall and the spring, they will provide interim reports for each student. Teachers will go over each student’s fall interim report with families during conferences in October. While spring conferences are optional for families, all students will receive another interim report at that time.
Our goal is to increase meaningful conversations between teachers and families regarding each student’s individual achievement, growth and learning needs. We are excited to launch this expanded reporting system this year and look forward to collaborating with you!
August 16, 2024
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