Bulldog Paw Prints
January 10, 2025
Science Fair, 2025
Science Fair is moved to O’Neill
The District 58 Science Fair has a new location: O'Neill Middle School. The Science Fair will still take place on Saturday, Jan. 25, as scheduled. Due to construction, parking will be tight. We will send Science Fair participants instructions on parking and other Science Fair details when the event gets closer.
Student Personal Devices
Students are able to bring personal devices (watch, phone, etc.) to school with them each day. We understand that there are a variety of reasons that you provide those to your children. As a reminder, however, those devices are to be turned off and not accessed during the school day. We have had a sharp uptick with students contacting their parents in recent weeks for things like forgotten items, to tell parents that they aren't feeling well, to establish play dates, etc.
Our expectation at the elementary school level continues to be that any communication between home and school is conducted between adults. This keeps those under the watch of your children aware of any needs and concerns. The best response you should give to your child if (s)he reaches out to you is, "You need to talk with your teacher about this." Students who are observed using personal devices during instructional time will be asked to place their personal device in their backpack.
Please refrain from texting/communicating with your child via their personal device during instructional times, and reach out to the school office with any concerns or questions that you may have.
Thank you for your help with this!
Harlem Wizards
The District 58 Education Foundation invites families to buy tickets for the Harlem Wizards fundraiser event on Sunday, Jan. 19, at 6 p.m. at Downers Grove South. This event brings together the District 58 community, as District 58 teachers and staff compete against the Harlem Wizards in a fun and high-energy basketball game!
Our very own Mr. Linko will be part of the Downers Grovetrotters, the District 58 staff team that will be playing the Harlem Wizards! Come cheer on our team!
Event proceeds will benefit the Education Foundation. The Harlem Wizards are no stranger to Downers Grove; this is their sixth District 58 fundraiser event!
Buy tickets online at www.58foundation.org/events/Wizards. All event proceeds will be donated to the Education Foundation, a non-profit that raises money to support District 58 students.
Student Library Cards
As part of our new Student Library Card Program, District 58 invited families to sign up their child to receive a free library card during school registration last year. The Downers Grove Public Library recently finished preparing the library cards and delivered them to District 58 schools. Belle Aire students received their cards this week.
Students who signed up and already have a library card will receive an envelope with information about the program. In addition, participating students who live in Woodridge should have received their library card by mail last month. Library cards may not yet be ready for students who transferred to District 58 mid-school year. If you did not sign up your child for a library card but would like one, please contact the school office. We will partner with the library for a second issuance of library cards later this year.
Bookmark Contest
Downers Grove Library is having its annual bookmark contest again this year. All students are eligible to enter. Designs must be original and done in black ink. Completed forms may be returned to Mrs. Mommsen or directly to the public library on or before Friday, February 14.
Winter Benchmarking
The assessment window for Aimsweb and NWEA MAP assessments opens on January 6. We will be back in routine before the students begin the assessments, and we are excited to see how much students have grown since the fall. A good night's sleep and a solid breakfast can really help with focus, stamina and a positive attitude.
January 14:
K, 1, 2, 3, 6
January 15:
K, 1, 2, 3
January 16:
Grs. 4, 5, 6
District 58 will begin residency verification after winter break.
If your family has moved in the past year, or if your student’s address information has changed in any way, please contact Amy D'Amico at adamico@dg58.org or call the Belle Aire office at 630-719-5820 to provide your updated information prior to winter break. In addition, if you rent a property, please make sure that the school has a copy of your most recent lease. You may email a copy of your lease to adamico@dg58.org or drop off a copy at our school office.
District 58 will open 2025-26 student registration in February, 2025. As part of the student registration process, District 58 works with a third-party vendor to verify that all students live within the District’s boundaries. After winter break, District 58 will begin the student address verification process. By starting this process earlier, we hope student registration will go more smoothly and more efficiently.
If our third-party vendor, Thomson Reuters CLEAR, cannot confirm that a student lives at their registered address, they will flag that student. District 58 will contact the student’s family and request additional documentation to confirm their address. A family will not be able to register their student for the 2025-26 school year until their residency is confirmed.
Keeping your child’s address information up-to-date will help make the registration process go more smoothly and ensure your child’s registration is completed without delay. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter! District 58 will share more information about 2025-26 student registration after winter break.
Winter Weather; Outdoor Recess
As the weather changes, I'd like to send a couple recess reminders your way.
-As in past years, we will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months so long as the weather permits AND so long as the real feel temperature is zero degrees or above. It will be important that students come to school dressed for the weather and that they have the appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear to stay safe and warm.
-At the times when we have snow, students will be able to head off of the blacktop to play in it. The key to that is that they are prepared. In order to play in the snow off of the blacktop areas, the students need to be wearing snow boots and snow pants/snowsuit.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, January 13: 2:00 dismissal
Tuesday, January 14: BAM Theater (PTA Club)
Thursday, January 16: Young Authors Club (3:00 - 3:45); Kindness Club (Grs. 1-2, after school)
Friday, January 17: Book and Puzzle Exchange
Sunday, January 19: Wizzards Game
Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL
January 25: District Science Fair