Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place For Jaguar Band News
Johnson High School Jaguar Band
Website: https://www.johnsonbands.com
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512-268-8442
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband
February 17th - February 23rd
Message From Mr. Lucita
Spirit Brunch at Helen's Casa Alde
We still need VOLUNTEERS! Please sign up!
Don't forget to turn in your Donation!
Vendors for TCGC
Guest Conductor: Mark D. Slater
Upcoming Rehearsals
2020 Percussion Camps
Upcoming Events
Jaguar Winter Guard Important Dates
Jaguar Caps, jOURney shirts and Tradition Begins shirts
How To Sign Up With VIPS District Volunteer Program and Log Hours
Sync Your Calendar
How To Sign Up For Remind 101
Follow Us
From Mr. Lucita
Although Monday is a holiday and it is a short 4 day week, there is still a busy schedule and celebrations to be done.
This past week we had our first student, Parker Taylor, participate in the TMEA Texas All State Band! What a great event and the concert that was performed by the wonderful musicians was incredible! We are confident that we will have many more Jaguar Band members reach this goal in the future and many more wonderful concerts to attend!
This week we continue our regularly scheduled sectionals and rehearsals Tuesday-Friday. Winter Guard has rehearsal on Monday evening as well as this upcoming Thursday and Friday. Percussion has camp on Tuesday afternoon, and Wind Ensemble has sectionals on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before and after school. See the charms calendar for specific locations and times!
Be on the lookout soon for the pre-setup for our next band fundraiser. The band only gets two fundraisers a year! The first was the coffee sale and the second is “Vertical”. "Vertical" is an online donation platform that uses email, social media and text messaging to reach the largest audience possible with no sales! There are other bands in the Austin area that have been extremely successful using this fundraiser and we want to do the same!! Let’s make sure that we are ready when the time comes and make this a huge success!!
Finally, this coming Saturday our Johnson HS Winter Guard will be competing in another TCGC Contest. The February 22nd Texas Color Guard Circuit contest will be held at Lehman HS. They perform at 4:31, let's have a big crowd there cheering them on!
We Still Need VOLUNTEERS! Please sign up!
The Jaguar Band directors have asked us for ADULT VOLUNTEERS to help set up on Friday, February 28th and help host the competition on Saturday, February 29th.
Slots will open up for student assistance soon. Please know that it will not be on a first come, first served basis. We will be reaching out to students with the opportunity to assist. Students of parents who are serving on the TCGC committee or have signed up to help on the 29th will be given first opportunities to assist.
Sign up below and help us make this an amazing event!
Please note that, because a schedule will not be finalized until closer to the event, TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE!
Thanks in advance for the contribution of your time and donations!
Go Jags!
Jaguar Band! Don't Forget to turn in your DONATIONS by THIS FRIDAY!!
Please send to the band hall before Friday, February 21st at least ONE CASE (12 count) of the following:
Flutes: Sprite, 12 oz.
Bb and Bass Clarinets: Dr. Pepper, 12 oz.
Saxophones (alto, tenor, and bass): Coke, 12 oz.
Brass (trumpet, french horn, euphonium, trombone, tuba): Chips (multi-pack, snack size)
Percussion/Double Reeds: Gatorade, 12 oz.
Color Guard: Candy (M&Ms, Snickers, Skittles, AirHeads, Trolli, etc)
If you are able to help by donating additional items, we are in need of: sweet-n-low packets, Fritos (for frito pie), chili, mini packets of buttered popcorn, paper plates, napkins, paper bowls (for nachos, frito pie), nacho sauce, tortillas.
We also welcome any cash or card donations!!
Please help us maximize this fundraising opportunity so that the Jaguar Band’s 2nd year will be even more amazing than its 1st! Send in your donations and sign up!
Guest Conductor
Mr. Slater is a retired public school music educator of thirty-one years and has taught band at all levels from fourth grade through college. In addition to teaching, Mr. Slater worked as a professional trumpet player performing in a wide range of venues. Most notably, he was the staff trumpet payer for Goodspeed Musicals for over twenty years. He has had the privilege of serving as a guest conductor for bands and festivals in Massachusetts, New York, Texas, and Connecticut.
The Jaguar Bands enjoyed Mr. Slater as guest conductor and the Wind Ensemble is honored to be the first ensemble to perform his newest composition!
Upcoming Rehearsals
Monday, 2/17: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Guard Rehearsal
Tuesday, 2/18: 7:45 am - 8:30 am: Wind Ensemble Flute Sectional
Tuesday, 2/18: 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm: Wind Ensemble Low Winds Sectional
Tuesday, 2/18: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm: 2020 Marching Percussion Camp
Wednesday, 2/19: 7:45 am - 8:30 am: Wind Ensemble Clarinet Sectional
Wednesday, 2/19: 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm: Wind Ensemble Trumpet Sectional
Thursday, 2/20: 7:45 am - 8:30 am: Wind Ensemble Horn Sectional
Thursday, 2/20: 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm: Wind Ensemble Saxes Sectional
Thursday, 2/20: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Guard Rehearsal
Friday, 2/21: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Guard Rehearsal
2020 Percussion Camps
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Tuesdays: 2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/24
Upcoming Events
2/22: Guard competition: Texas Color Guard Circuit @ Lehman HS (details to come)
2/22: 8:00 am - 11:00 am: Helen's Casa Alde Spirit Breakfast
2/29: 7:30 am: Guard competition: Texas Color Guard Circuit @ Johnson HS
3/7: Guard Cedar Ridge Area Qualifier Show (details to come)
3/7: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Chipotle South Park Meadows Spirit Night Fundraiser
3/10: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Johnson Band Boosters General Membership Meeting
3/14: Guard State Qualifier TCGC Show at Vista Ridge
* Please see the calendar on Charms or Band Booster website for details. Details below.
Don't Miss Your Chance To Buy A jOURney Shirt or Tradition Begins Shirt!
(Students have all received a complimentary show shirt courtesy of the Band Boosters! Shirts that are being sold are the parent/family shirts. Student shirts are black and Parent/family shirts are royal blue. Both have 2019 show dates on the back.)
How to sign up with VIPS district volunteer program and log hours
V.I.P.S. (Volunteers in Public Schools) is required by HaysCISD for all volunteers that will be around students. Volunteers must be approved as a VIP volunteer BEFORE volunteering.
- From www.hayscisd.net choose Community> Become a Hays
- CISD volunteer.
- Follow the prompts given to complete the application.
- Our VIPS coordinator is Ms. Conder. When you visit the band hall, please see her immediately to get a name badge. Bring your driver’s license in for her to see.
- Go to www.hayscisd.net
- Choose the “Community” tab
- Click on "Overview"
- Click on “Click here to begin the registration process for Hays VIPs"
- Login to Hays VIPs
- Click on the drop down menu on the top left –“volunteer” and then "opportunities"
- Scroll down to "Other Location Activities"
- Choose Johnson High School as location, add dates and hours (you may add in volunteer work done this school year).
* Questions or feedback: Carmen Sifuentes spiritgear@johnsonbands.com
Sync Your Calendar to Charms!
Visit the Johnson Band Website for information on how to sync the Charms calendar to your phone. "How to sync" links are located above calendar. Just click on link appropriate for your type of phone!
How To Sign Up For Remind 101
To sign up for Remind 101 for band notifications:
- Send a text message to 81010 (enter this number where you would enter the phone number)
- The message will be @jagband19 (type this where you would type your text message)
- Hit "send"
- If you did this successfully, you will receive a text informing you that you signed up for the band remind messages.
Signing up for Remind for other clubs or classes will be similar. You will always send a text to 81010 but what you type into the text box will be different. For example, for an English class, it might be @smithsenglishclass.
Follow Us/Stay Connected
Calendar https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/calendarembed.asp?s=johnshhb
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband/
Remind 101 Full Band Code - Text @jagband19 to 81010
Remind 101 Parents Code - Text @jbparents to 81010
Remind 101 Pit Crew Code - Text @pitcrewja to 81010
Twitter https://twitter.com/JHS_JaguarBand
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/johnsonhsband/