FM9 News
WEEK OF January 6

Week of January 6-10
FM9 News Includes:
- Upcoming School Events:2025-2026 Registration/Hello Dolly Performance/FMHS Open House/
- Important Student Information: Art Open Update/ TECC West Video Preview of Classes/ Circle of Friends Grand Ball:Save the Date
- Senior Updates:
- District Events: MLK Jr. Contest & Ceremony/TECC East/West Open House Nights
- Student Accolades/Upcoming School Fundraisers/Parent Night Out/Baseball is looking for Managers/Yearbook & Senior Adds
- School Policies: Student Parking/Attendance Procedures/Tardies/ID Badges
- Sign Up to Volunteer/Join FMHS PTSA!
- Academic Calendar & Bell Schedule
LISD Upcoming Important Dates: Link to FMHS Calendar of Events
Jan 7: Welcome Back!
Jan 7-17: FMHS Art Open
Jan 15: PTSA Meeting 5:30 PM/FMHS Spring Open House 6-7 PM
Jan 20 : Student & Staff Holiday
Jan 23-26: FMHS Theater presents Hello, Dolly!
Jan 25: Rosettes Winter Dance Camp
Jan 27: Registration for 2025-2026 Begins
LISD Weather Updates
LISD is currently monitoring the possibility of winter weather later this week -- visit LISD.net and https://bit.ly/4fGHHd2 for all of links you'll need to stay updated throughout the week!
Registration for 2025-2026
Registration and Dual Credit Info Night - Registration
information for parents and students - Cafeteria at FMHS Main
January 28 at 6:00-8:00pm.
We are very excited to give you a preview of registration for the 2025-2026 school year! General registration information will roll out during Advisory on Monday, January 27. To streamline the registration process, we will continue to be completely online this year, and the registration website will be live on January 27.
Please let FM9/FMHS Counselors know if you have any questions!
Spring Open House
Join us for FM9/FMHS Spring Open House
- Date: January 15
- Time: 6 to 7 PM
Meet your student's spring semester teachers and walk their schedules. PTSA meeting right before at 5:30 PM in the main cafeteria.
FMHS Theater presents Hello, Dolly!
Save the date for Hello, Dolly! presented by our very own FMHS Theater!
- Dates: January 23-25 @ 7pm & January 26 @ 2:30PM
- Location: FMHS Auditorium
- TIckets: fmhstheatre.net
TECC-East Welcome SMORE
For students that will be starting the new semester at TECC-East, here is some important information for the first week back about buses, schedules, etc. Please click HERE to read the TECC-East SMORE.
This is a campus wide art show open to all FMHS & FMHS9 students. The Show will be held in FMHS Library featuring original artwork from the student body. *
Due to inclement weather, our Reception has been postponed to TUESDAY, JANUARY 14th @ 4-5pm. If you are an award winner, you will be notified that you have placed. Awards will be handed out at the reception. It is open to the public, and refreshments are provided, so we look forward to seeing everyone there!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact an art teacher.
Jan 7-17: FMHS Art Open in the library
TECC-West Spring Registration Preview
TECC-West has created their first podcast outlining their programs, the registration process for each grade level, and additional information for classes at TECC-West. Click HERE for the podcast.
Save the Date: Circle of Friends Grand Ball
Circle R Ranch February 28th
More Info to come!
For Up to Date Important Senior info check HERE throughout the year.
MLK, Jr. Contest/Ceremony
Please save the date for the 32nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration:
Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Location: Marcus High School
Trade Credit Eligible
Additional details can be found at https://www.mlkofnorthtexas.org/.
Community Nights at TECC East & West
Join TECC for the Spring 2024 Community Nights, happening Tuesday, January 14 from 5:30pm-700pm (TECClEast) & Thursday, January 16 from 5:30-7:00pm (TECClWest).
- Meet the staff and learn more about the opportunities, certifications, and licenses available to students through LISD's Career and Technical Education Programs of Study!
Click HERE for more information.
Weekly Schedule of FMHS Athletic Events
Click HERE for all sports schedules!
FMHS Athletics
To get more sporting information, visit our teams' individual websites HERE .
LISD Athletic Tickets:
HomeTown Fan app is LISDs official athletic ticket site. Cash will not be accepted at any LiSD Middle School or High School sporting events. HomeTown App Info
Link to Purchase Tickets through the LISD Athletics Website
2024-2025 Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year, Tim Fails (World Geography)
Girl's Soccer Rocks NEPS Tournament
Lady Jags Go 3-0 in first tournament of the year!
PowerPoint and MOS Congrats!
These BIM students passed the POWERPOINT Microsoft Office Certification Exam!
Most of them have now passed Word, Excel, and PowerPoint which means they have earned the Microsoft Office Specialist-Associate Certification!
Girl's Wrestling Runner Up!
Congratulations Lady Jags for winning 5 out of 6 duals and your runner up placement at the 1st Annual Diamond!
Boy's Wrestling 4th place Finish
Congratulations to our Jags for finishing 4th place at Santa Slam Invitational!
FMHS Baseball Needs Your Help!
FMHS Baseball is looking for someone to keep baseball stats and a video manager.
Qualifications include but not limited to:
- Charting ground balls and flyballs
- Charting swings, misses, hard contact
- Charting balls and strikes
- Filming and downloading practices and games
This position will be a part of the team, will help with practice daily, and attend games.
Click HERE to complete the Google form.
Rosettes Winter Dance Camp
Registration is open for Winter Dance Camp! Grades K-7th will be a part of Winter Dance Camp, and grades 8th-11th are invited to the Pre-Tryout Intensive on the same day.
Register for both at www.fmhsrosettes.com.
Spirit Night for Wrestling 1/15
Come out to Chili's on Wednesday, 1/15 to support Jag's Wrestling.
11 AM - 10 PM
Student Parking Permit
FMHS Parking Permit Form and Payment
ALL Vehicles that park on campus must have a current parking sticker. This includes seniors that have purchased a painted or numbered parking spot. Students need to make sure they park in designated student parking lots.
When the parking pass is assigned to the student, an email will be sent to the student's LISD email, and the student may pick up the parking pass in the front office.
Parent/Guardian emails (from the email address we have on file) may also be accepted on the morning of early release. Please allow 2 hours for possible system holdups and include legal name of student, student ID number, exact time leaving, and reason for leaving.
**IMPORTANT TARDY POLICY: Students are allowed one tardy per semester.
- 2nd tardy results in detention.
- 7th tardy WED/SAT School.
- 10th tardy ISS.
Holly Egan: A--Ga (Counselor Office) eganh@lisd.net
Sara Mubanga: Ge-Kog (Suite A) mubangas@lisd.net
Donna Clark: P-Sh(Suite A) clarkdj@lisd.net
Amanda Robertson: Koh-O/ Si-Z (Suite C) robertsona@lisd.net
ID Badge Information
- Students will NOT be allowed in the building without a current ID around their neck.
- $5.00 will be assessed in Skyward every time a student has to purchase a new ID from the front office.
- Parents can access/pay fees by clicking on "Fee Management" in Skyward Family Access, full website version - not the app. Payments will only be accepted online.
- Fees can also be found in your LISD RevTrak Account select 1:X & Skyward Fee Payments
- Please contact your child's Assistant Principal if you need to pay by cash or check.
A-B Students - AP: Kristen Tufnell (Front Office)/ Attendance Clerk: Holly Egan (Counselor Office)
C-Ga Students - AP: Phillip Humphries (Front Office) / Attendance Clerk: Holly Egan (Counselor Office)
Ge-Kog Students - AP: James Scott ( Suite A)/ Attendance Clerk: Sara Mubanga (Suite A)
Koh-O Students - AP: Angela King (Suite C) / Attendance Clerk: Amanda Robertson (Suite C)
P-Sh Students - AP: Taryn Burton (Suite A) /Attendance Clerk: Donna Clark (Suite A)
Si-Z Students - AP: Lisa Swan (Suite C) / Attendance Clerk: Amanda Robertson (Suite C)
NOTE: If you volunteer at BOTH FMHS and FM9, you MUST designate BOTH campuses!
There is also a VOLY App you can use found in the app store for your phone provider. Remember that our VOLY site allows for the site to be translated to your family's home language. Look for the language drop down button at the top of the page.
Questions? Reach out to Partnerships@Lisd.net and we will be happy to assist.
Please join our wonderful PTSA!
This is not just for parents. Students, you can apply for scholarships offered by this awesome organization - but you have to be a member!
Use the Online Membership form below.
To join online at www.joinPTA.org .
If you would like to be added to our email list to receive updates on volunteer and donation opportunities, please fill out the interest form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdACH4DPV7V5W6DllgemQN5sIxX8zqUfkOYCW_eY7oVbMQtHA/viewform
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
This is a reminder of our lots that are designated for student drop off. You can find those lots by accessing the attachment. The designated drop off lanes are marked in yellow. DO NOT use the lanes marked in red. We appreciate your assistance in helping us make our drop-off and pick up times safe and efficient for all.
Proper pick up and drop off locations for FMHS:
- West Parking Lot (Senior Lot / Auditorium Entrance, off Peter’s Colony Rd) – please drop off and pick up in this location.
- South Parking Lot (Football Field / South Field House, off Old Settlers Rd.) – you may pick up and drop off at this location also. (not shown on the map)
Areas that are Prohibited for Student Pick up or Drop off:
- Bus Loop / Faculty Parking area off Old Settlers Rd.
- Front Office Loop / Faculty and Guest Parking area off of Peter’s Colony – this is an area for drop off only for students with special physical needs & injuries (crutches / wheelchair / etc...)
- Baseball/Softball/Tennis off Peter’s Colony Rd. – this is ONLY drop off for athletes who have 1st period athletics in this area. Parking is only for softball, baseball, and tennis athletes.
There is a significant safety concern for our students and staff when these guidelines are not followed.
Thank you for your time and attention,
FMHS Administration
Online Payments
Canvas for Parents
Canvas is a digital learning management system, or LMS, used by schools, educators, students and families. Users access and manage online learning materials, communicate about skill development and learning achievement.
Here Comes the Bus App
This tool provides LISD students and their families access to real-time location updates of their school bus.
The app provides:
- Location of a student's bus both before and after school;
- Confirmation a student's bus has arrived at the bus stop, at school, or both;
- Push notifications or email messages when the bus is near a student's stop, if a bus has been replaced with a backup, or when Texas Central School Bus has important information to relay.
You can go to this LINK for further instructions and to learn more!
24-25 Academic Calendar
24-25 Class Bell Schedule
Flower Mound High School - 9th Grade Campus
Location: 3411-A Peters Colony Road, Flower Mound, TX, USA
Phone: (469) 713-5999
Follow FM9 online & on social media.
- FM9 Website
- FM9 Facebook
- FM9 Twitter
- FM9 Instagram (@fmhs9th)