Welcome Back!
April, Month of the Millitary Child

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
It's almost that time! The first day of school is Monday, August 26, 2024. This year, our school hours have changed. Our new hours are 7:30 am - 1:40 pm. Students may enter the building at 7:15 am. Students are to be in the classrooms by 7:30 and will be marked tardy at 7: 40am.
Please make sure you visit our webpage to obtain important information to include the supply list. Our uniform remains the same, navy blue or white polo shirt, navy blue shorts, skorts, pants, or jumpers, white, navy or black socks, and black or white shoes.
Also, we will continue to share information on Class Dojo.
Pre-K Orientation
Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome to Marlton! Some of you may have attended Pre-K at Marlton last year, but many of us are new to the school. We will hold orientation for kindergarten and their parents on Friday, August 23, 2024, at 8:30 am. This is the time to meet the teachers, visit the classroom and learn about the kindergarten program.
Morning Arrival
The school doors open at 7:15 for students to enter the building, walk to class, and have the option to eat breakfast served in the classroom. The morning announcements begin at 7:30 am. Instruction starts after the morning announcements. If you are transporting your scholar to school, please drive to the lower parking lot, kiss them goodbye, and drive off. For your safety and the safety of the children, please do not stop on Old Colony Drive to drop off your student. Take the time to drop your scholar off at the lower parking lot where our Magical Mustang Staff will receive them.
If your child is a bus rider, please ensure they have the bus number written on a card inside their bookbag and know their bus number. During the first 2-3 weeks of school. please be patient with transportation. The drivers are learning the routes; therefore, the pick-up and drop-off times may be later. Please ensure your scholars are at the bus stop at least 15 minutes early. At dismissal, allow for traffic as the times are approximate.
If your child is a car rider, this means your child will walk down the steps on the side of the building, stand and line and enter your vehicle once you pull up to the front of the car rider line. Please do not park in the parking lot and walk up to pick up your child. Drivers are to remain in their cars.
If your car is a walker, your child will leave the front door to their designation.
If your child goes to a daycare, they will be dismissed once the daycare arrives.
Please be patient the first few weeks as we perfect our dismissal routine. Thank you for your cooperation.
Become a Volunteer
Make a Difference - Become a School Volunteer
PGCPS Volunteer Program provides the opportunity for parents, businesses, and the community to enrich the education of students. Volunteers extend teachers' and staff's professional skills and assist in meeting every student's unique needs. As a volunteer, you will join thousands of caring people from all walks of life who willingly share their time and talents in our schools in various ways. Volunteers play an essential role and are indeed making a difference for students. The complete application and approval process may take up to three weeks to complete. Additional information will go home on the first day of school. You can also visit https://www.pgcps.org/offices/ograc/volunteer