The Who's News
Willett PTA Newsletter: Week of February 3, 2025
Important Upcoming Dates
2/7 (Fri) 100th Day of School!
2/10-14 (all week) Spirit Week: Kindness! (details below)
2/10 (Mon) Polar Pedal Hot Chocolate Event (details below)
2/11 (Tue) Willett Treat Night (details below)
2/12 (Wed) Willett Strings Concert
2/13 (Thu) Teacher and Staff Soup Luncheon
2/14 (Fri) Valentine's Day!
2/14 (Fri) LAST DAY to participate in 5th Grade Read-a-Thon (details below)
2/17 (Mon) Presidents Day - No School
2/24 (Mon) No School
3/18 (Tue) March PTA Meeting, 7 pm
3/24-28 (all week) SPRING BREAK - No School
Subscribe to the Willett PTA Calendar HERE.
What's Happening at Willett?
Funded by the PTA: Thank You Donors!
We hope that the Willett 6th Graders had a wonderful week at Sly Park! Your support of the Willett PTA got them there and back safely on buses (pictured here)!
Do you have any Sly Park-related photos that you would like to see in the 2024-25 Willett Yearbook? Please send them to yearbook@willettpta.org!
Coffee with the Principal CANCELLED THIS FRIDAY 2/7
The February Coffee with the Principal is cancelled for this Friday. We will see you next month on Friday, March 7th! 🙂
Update on Willett Lunar New Year Celebration – Date Change Due to Health Concerns
Due to the recent rise in illness among many students at the school, we have made the decision to reschedule the Willett Lunar New Year Celebration to ensure the health and safety of all our students and families. The new date for the celebration will be 03/01/2025 Saturday 01:00 - 04:00pm. We understand that this change may be inconvenient, and we apologize for any disruption. However, the well-being of our students is our top priority, and we want to ensure everyone can enjoy the festivities in a safe and healthy environment. We will send out more details as we get closer to the new date, including any additional safety measures and guidelines to keep our community safe. Thank you for your understanding and support. We look forward to celebrating the Lunar New Year together soon!
Active4.me Polar Pedal
It’s hard to believe that January is over! Though our winter weather here in Davis can’t quite seem to make up its mind, we are heading into the historically cold and rainy month of February. I’m so happy to announce that we are bringing back the Active4.me Polar Pedal! Willett’s Active4.me coordinator, Vincent, will be distributing warm gear (like gloves) and tracking participation on the new Active4.me Challenge Tracker poster starting February 3, 2025. The school with the most miles logged in Active4.me during February wins a virtual experience with scientists from Polar Bear International!
In addition, the Willett school kitchen and Active4.me volunteers will serve Willett Elementary Polar Pedal participants hot chocolate before school on Monday, February 10!
Next Willett Treat Night: Sweet & Shavery on Tuesday, 2/11
Next Willett Treat Night
Place: Sweet & Shavery
Date: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 4-8 pm
Address: 210 E St, Davis, CA 95616
5th Grade Families: Join the Read-a-Thon! Receive a FREE Raising Cane's Kids Meal!
Help us kick off fundraising for next year’s Sly Park field trip with the 5th Grade Read-a-Thon, running January 29–February 14! Set up a pledge page on 99Pledges and read for 20 minutes to earn a free Raising Cane’s Kids Meal. Donate and share your pledge page link with family and friends—direct donations are also welcome via the PTA fundraising page. So far 19 kids are signed up - Let’s aim for 100% participation—every contribution counts!
Hospitality News: Teacher and Staff Valentine's Soup Luncheon on 2/13
It’s time to roll up your sleeves and pull out the crockpot for the much anticipated soup luncheon!
Let’s show appreciation for our teachers and staff with some yummy homemade soups or your family’s favorite crockpot recipe. This year’s soup luncheon will be on Thursday, February 13th in the teachers lounge. Please review the sign up genius and pick an item or two or three to donate. Thank you so much and cheers!
Willett Jog-a-Thon: March 14th
It's time to get ready for Willett's annual Jog-a-thon! We are looking for volunteers to help plan this favorite event. Would you like to be a part of the planning committee? Contact Lauren (LCrownshaw@hotmail.com) or Erin (erinjadegiordano@gmail.com) to get involved!
If you would like to contribute, we are asking for monetary donations to help purchase supplies for the event including otter pops, water, cups, and more. Please venmo donations to Erin at @eringiordano (last 4 of cell # 2554). Please put jog-a-thon in the subject.
A signup genius will go out closer to the event for volunteers who would like to help on the day of the event.
Other Helpful Info
PTA January Meeting Summary Now Available
The summary from the January 22nd PTA meeting is available now on the Willett PTA website. If you are not yet a member of PTA please join today and let your voice be heard in support of our students and school!
The NEXT PTA Meeting is Tuesday, March 18th at 7 pm. See you there!
Order Your Yearbook and Be A Volunteer Photographer!
Interested in being a yearbook photographer!? If you are interested and/or would like to send in photos, please email yearbook@willettpta.org, any and all photos are appreciated!
The Willett PTA will be purchasing yearbooks for all 6th graders this year.
Davis Scholastic Chess Club Schedule
The Davis Scholastic Chess Club (DSCC) is resuming chess activities. Online meetings start next Tuesday. Details on the attached flyer or here:
FREE Cardiac Screenings for Heart Health!
I am excited to share with you that DJUSD has teamed with UC Davis Medical Center via Project Adam to provide FREE cardiac screenings! Having a cardiac screening can help diagnose and treat underlying cardiac conditions. Oftentimes, annual medical check-ups and sports physical appointments may miss up to 85- 90% of the issues that cause Sudden Cardiac Arrest in children and young adults. Most conditions must be seen on an electrocardiogram (EKG) to be diagnosed due to structural or electrical issues that cannot be heard or observed through a stethoscope. EKG testing is quick, simple, and painless. This screening is offered at Harper Junior High School to anyone in the area ages 12-25 years old. You do not need to be enrolled in a DJUSD school to participate. This screening includes a Cardiac Risk Assessment, EKG, and a Doctor Review, which takes about 40 minutes.
Please reserve Sunday March 9th for this free cardiac screening. Registration is open for volunteers and participants at: www.kylejtaylor.org/screenings. Do not miss this chance for your students or loved ones to be evaluated. Spread the word, everyone is welcome ages 12-25 years old.
Easy Ways to Support Willett!
- Nugget Scrip Cards: Cards available in the front office or at Nugget. After you get a card, register HERE and then show your card when you shop at the Nugget! Willett PTA will get a small percentage back each time you shop!
- Farm Fresh to You Produce Boxes: UPDATED WITH MORE SAVINGS FOR YOU: Farm Fresh to You has added a 5% savings to the 10% give back to Willett PTA if you enter the promo code WILLETTOWLS during checkout, or add it to your Account Summary if you (or someone you know) already receives a box. Sign up and browse options here.