BHS Tiger News
January 12, 2025
WEEK #18 - Belleville High School
Greetings, BHS Families! This is Week #18, and we have 2 1/2 weeks left in the Semester! As your student begins to prepare for Midterms - which are 20% of their total grade - please find resources below that will assist in their preparation:
- Homework Lab includes tutoring options, and is available every Tuesday/Thursday from 2:15pm until 3:15pm in the Media Center.
- Open Tutoring Schedule - CLICK HERE
- Here are a wealth of Study Ideas - both for now and later
- Students were introduced during Tiger10 to a GRADE CALCULATOR that can help students predict and plan. NOTE: students will need to make their own copy of the document before using it.
This is going to be a GREAT year!
Have a wonderful week - In Purpose, Excellence and ACHIEVEMENT - GO TIGERS!!
Reminders and Requests
- Please remember there is only ONE (1) area for student drop off and pick up. Please do not drop off students in the Staff-Only or Students-Only Parking Lots.
- Please be sure your student is avoids incurring infractions by abiding by the dress code. CLICK HERE for visual explanations of expectations for daily attire.
- http://meet.google.com/anj-rqrr-vcu
- The Tiger Parent & PTO Meeting is VIRTUAL this Wednesday at 6:30pm. Please plan to at least listen in to remain in the loop and to ask questions. Be on the lookout for the link from PTO.
- We need 3 more parents/family members to help with morning traffic from 6:40am until 7:10am. If you would be available 1-2 days per week, please email Mrs. Slingerland at pslingerland@vanburenschools.net.
Thank you in advance - GO TIGERS!!
We are GRATEFUL for our School Board!
January is School Board Recognition Month, however we call it School Board APPRECIATION Month! Belleville High School salutes and greatly appreciates the time and commitment that our Board members dedicate week after week to make and keep our district great.
On behalf of the staff and students at BHS, we THANK YOU for all you do!
Important Dates and Upcoming Events:
January 15: BHS VIRTUAL Tiger Parent Meeting, 6:30pm
January 20: Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Day, NO SCHOOL
January 21: Early College Alliance (ECA) Information Meeting, 6:30pm
Januay 29: Midterm Exams, Hours 1, 2, 3 - then regular class hours 4, 5, 6
January 30: Midterm Exams, Hours 4, 5, 6 - Half Day -- 10:31am dismissal
January 31: No School for Students - Staff Professional Development
π₯¦ Click the Link Below for the Lunch Menu π:
Belleville High School Polar Plunge
Belleville High School is hosting a Special Olympics Polar Plunge on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at Belleville High School. This event will help support the Special Olympics of Michigan and the BHS Unified programs. Unified brings together students with and without disabilities to play sports, build friendships, and promote inclusion throughout the school. BHS has implemented many Unified programs including basketball, art, robotics, Esports, physical education, bocce ball, and field day. We are starting bowling and horticulture this Spring! Please consider donating to a great cause. Both staff and students will be taking the plunge on Tuesday, February 18th at the high school.
Belleville High School Unified Basketball Team at Little Caesars Arena!!!
On Friday, January 31, 2025, our BHS Unified Basketball Team will be competing at Little Caesars Arena. If you purchase a ticket, you will get a seat to cheer on our team, and you get admission to watch the Pistons' game later in the evening. Each ticket sold will help fund the Unified players' fees and support the BHS Unified program.
Use this link to purchase tickets. We hope to see you there on Friday, January 31st!!
Hey, BHS! For all Athletics Information, including upcoming practices and game schedules, click the LINK below. GO TIGERS!
BHS Athletics Homepage | Belleville High School (vanburenschools.net)
ALERT! Ticket Purchasingβ
Schools in the KLAA will be offering options this year for purchasing tickets for athletic events. See the attached documents showing options at each KLAA School. Belleville High School will be using GoFan - gofan.co - exclusively (No Cash at the gate). Card Readers will be available. Students under High School age MUST be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all athletic events. Thank you and Go Tigers!
Public Service Announcement
From Your STUDENT COUNCIL - Your Guide to Student Activities!
BHS Student/Parent/Guardian Updates:
SENIOR PROM - Read concerning prom guest pass application
Due March 3, 2025 by 2:15 pm in the main office (NO exceptions!)
Here is the link for the Prom Guest Pass Application (ANY GUEST you are planning to attend must complete the application) Do not wait till the last minute to submit your prom guest pass!!!
DUE - Friday, February 7, 2025
The Class of 2025 Senior Yard Sign is now available for purchase. This google form must be completed if you purchased a Senior Yard Sign with the Senior Package or separately on the SBA option which is located on Parent Connect.
Orders will not be placed without the confirmation of payment and the completion of this Class of 2025 Senior Yard Sign google form. Complete a separate google form for each yard sign purchased. Yard sign google forms must be completed by Friday, February 7, 2025.
HEY SENIORS! Class of 2025 Updates:
William D. Ford Career & Technical Center Enrollment Request Now Open!
The 2025-2026 Enrollment Request application is now open! Current 10th and 11th grade students interested in enrolling in a CTE program at William D. Ford will need to complete the application by Friday, February 14, 2025. Please use the Partner School QR Code below to complete the application. Space is limited.
Important: Current students attending William D. Ford is required to complete the Partner School application and the Second-Year Student Application. The Second-Year Application is available in the counseling office.
William D. Ford Career & Technical Center will host an open house on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6pm-8pm.
Early College Alliance (ECA) Information Meeting
BHS New College Adviser
General Scholarship Resources
College, Career and Workforce Resources
Thank you for your time and attention to this week's Tiger News. Have a great week everyone, and GO TIGERS!
~ Principal Crockett, AP Mrs. Green, AP Mr. Roberson, AP Mrs. Slingerland, BNT Director Mr. Strzalkowski, and AD Mr. Brodie
Belleville High School
π° Old News - Recycled
Infractions - Detentions - Suspensions
COMMON MINOR INFRACTIONS , including pajamas, cropped tops, and wearing a hood in the building can be seen/found here. These are the infractions (besides classroom tardies) that frequently cause students to be assigned detentions. Failure to serve a detention - which are regularly scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays - results in being scheduled a Saturday detention. Failure to serve a Saturday detention results in In-School Suspension (ISS), and possibly Out of School Suspension (OSS).
β Follow the rules - STAY IN SCHOOL!!
BHS Student Media Sites
For this school year, student leadership in one of our main focus areas. With that, we present to you the 2024-2025 Student Media Team!! Please FOLLOW THEM on the various Social Media options below, as they build their communications and marketing skills! We're looking forward to all the great ways they'll share our great news!
Student Drop Off in the Morning:
Parents and Guardians, if you have been dropping your student(s) off at the East parking lot (staff and student parking lot entrance), beginning tomorrow, you will not be permitted to leave the lot until 7:14 AM unless you have a permit. The exit leaving the staff lot will be barricaded π« until that time for the safety of staff and students. To avoid this, please use the student drop-off entrance on the West side entrance near the VBPS Central Office and follow the guided route to SAFELY drop off your student(s). Do NOT drop your student off anywhere except in front of the athletic wing doors where we have security guards guiding you and preventing any unnecessary accidents. If EVERYONE follows these instructions, drop off will move smoothly and timely.
Additionally, when exiting student drop off, you may only turn βπ left until all West side traffic is clear. This is to keep traffic flowing for buses, staff, and students who need to enter on the East entrance. Once you turn left, you can make a quick right on High Street to go East. Please be patient π and use compassion when dropping students off. Our traffic guards are doing their best to keep traffic flowing and to keep everyone safe!
Beware of the Tow Truck
If you are a student driver, you must have a parking sticker on the top left of your windshield. Parking permits for the school year are $50.00. The application is in the main office. If you need to drive a different car, you will need to get a temporary parking pass. If you will be driving multiple cars, you may purchase another parking sticker for 5.00 for the second car.
If you only drive once in a while, you can purchase a one-day parking pass for 1.00 per day in the office. You can purchase this in advance. If you have any questions, go to the Main Office or email Paula Slingerland.