Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
April Parent Newsletter
Happy Spring!
I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing and refreshing spring break with your children! It was great seeing the kids back in the building today. We are embarking on a busy spring at Waite. There are many fun events and activities coming up over the remaining weeks of the school year.
A reminder that there is no school next Monday, April 8 due to the solar eclipse.
Also, April marks the start of spring Ohio State Testing (OST - see the schedule below). Please make sure your children get a good night of sleep and enjoy a healthy breakfast on the morning of testing days. Students in grades 3-5 will complete OSTs in math and ELA. 5th grade students will also complete a science OST. These assessments are an opportunity for students to celebrate their learning. They are important; however, we try to focus on the celebration of learning as the intent is not to put a lot of stress on our students. We only expect them to do their best. Please let me know if you have any questions about spring testing.
In March we also had a lot of positive opportunities for students at Waite, including: KidScripts performances, Hope Squad Spirit Week (special thanks to our amazing school counselor, Miss Andrews for working with students to coordinate this inspiring week of hope and kindness), Down Syndrome Recognition Day, and a very energizing March Madness assembly focused on teamwork and good sportsmanship.
We look forward to another fun month of learning and growth at Waite in April.
Please read on for important information and updates.
Mr. Mattie
Waite, Principal
No School Monday, April 8
Medina City Schools will be closed next Monday, April 8 due to the total solar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse Learning Resources
On April 8 our region will be able to see a total solar eclipse. Although there will be no school on this day, the solar eclipse is a great opportunity for students to learn about the science of astronomy and explore the beauty of the natural world!
Here are some resources for you to use with your children at home to talk about this amazing phenomenon!
Eclipse educator guide from WBGU-PBS and Bowling Green State University:
In partnership with Ohio Public Broadcasting Service stations and Bowling Green State University, the Department is excited to share the Sun, Moon & Shadows eclipse guide and activity companion designed for teachers. The guide is designed for inquisitive minds of all ages, and may be used for at-home learning, classroom activities, or as a portable companion for stargazing enthusiasts.
March Madness Assembly
In March the Waite PBIS focus was on teamwork, sportsmanship, and collaboration. Students learned about the positive and negative aspects of competition. The focus was on fostering teamwork and positive competitive experiences at school.
The month culminated with a friendly basketball game. Members of the Medina High School Varsity Basketball team and cheerleaders visited Waite to model healthy teamwork and participated in a basketball game with Waite students.
Students had an opportunity to cash in their PBIS points to purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to participate in the basketball game. All students were invited to attend the assemble as spectators. Coach Hassinger shared an inspiring message about teamwork and did an excellent job interacting with students throughout the assembly. Students had a great time before heading into spring break.
Building News
Important Dates
4/1/24: No School, Easter Monday
4/2/24: First Day Back to School (following spring break)
4/3/23: DARE Graduation for Grade 5 Students (during the school day)
4/4/24: Field Trip, Grade 5, Music Demo at the PAC
4/5/24: PTO Her and Her VIP Dance
4/8/24: No School, Solar Eclipse
4/9/24 - 4/19/24: Grades K-2 Star Testing
4/11/24: Spring Picture Day
4/16/24 – 5/10/24: Grades 3 – 5 ELA/Math/Science Testing
4/17/24: PTO Culver's Dine-to-Donate (w/teacher food servers!) - Join us at Culver's 4:00-8:00
4/22/24: Field Trip, Grade 5, Camp Nuhop
4/24/24: PTO Savers Event (Donate your old stuff! Truck in Waite parking lot) - 11:00AM-8:00PM
4/25/24: PTO Savers Event (Donate your old stuff! Truck in Waite parking lot) - 7:00AM-10:00AM
4/25/24: Arbor Day Luncheon for Winners, Grade 3
4/26/24: Middle School Scheduling, Grade 5 & PTO Community Night
5/1/24: Fine Arts Festival
Spring Picture Day - (Thursday, April 11)
Bike-to-School Week: May 6-May 10
Century Cycles in Medina has closed its doors as of Friday, March 1. With that said, that changes the face of Bike to School Week. We will continue to move forward with Bike to School for this year, May 6 through May 10. Bob Soroky from Century Cycles will provide some support, but this will become a District initiative for this year. There will be daily giveaways including water bottles for National Bike to School Day which is Wednesday, May 8. Kiwanis will also have a helmet giveaway on Monday, May 6. We are working to have Kiwanians help distribute the helmets. There will not be any rider cards to stamp for the week.
5th Grade Business Fair
Future Canavan Families
As we look ahead to the 2024-2025 school year, we are so excited to have you join our Canavan Family! There are two important events in April that we would love for you to attend:
April's PTO Meeting - Tuesday, April 9 from 7:00-8:00 in the Media Center. Childcare is provided! Our PTO would appreciate your feedback and involvement as we plan events for the remainder of the year and next school year!
Open House and Art Show - Thursday, April 25 from 4:30-6:30. This event will give you and your family an opportunity to explore Ella Canavan, view the products of our fantastic art program, and build an at-home library with our Title teachers!
Helping Hands Peer Applications Open
Helping Hands Preschool is currently accepting applications for peer models for the 2024-2025 school year. A peer model is a role model student, aged three to five, who demonstrates age-appropriate language, behavior, and social skills, and does not have special needs.
Helping Hands Preschool runs Monday through Thursday from August-May. We offer two half-day preschool programs each day. Our morning session runs from 9:00am to 11:40am, and our afternoon session runs from 12:40pm to 3:20pm. Tuition and transportation are the responsibility of the family.
For more information, please contact Helping Hands Preschool at (330) 636-4601.
To apply, please fill out the following form:
Medina City Schools Band Program (5th Grade Students)
We are excited to invite you to become part of the award winning BAND PROGRAM at Medina City Schools! Playing a Musical instrument is a very rewarding and worthwhile experience that your child will carry with them through their life-long learning process!
Medina City Schools Orchestra Program (5th Grade Students)
On Tuesday, April 16th and Wednesday, April 17th, students will be given the opportunity to have “hands on” experience during the greatly anticipated STRING PETTING ZOO. This opportunity is available to any current 5th grade student registering for classes at AI Root or Claggett next school year. Time for students to hold instruments and “pluck” and/or bow a few strings will be provided and Orchestra teachers will be on hand to answer any questions. Information outlining the learning process and the Orchestra Program along with how to obtain a string instrument will be provided. There is no obligation to rent an instrument at these meetings. Instrument sizing and rental information will be provided and occur on August 21, 2024.
Medina City Schools Choir Program (5th Grade Students)
Join the 6th grade choir! Learn to read music, sing in parts, and perform at the next level!
Covid - Frequently Asked Questions
(Amended 3-6-2024)
Do kids/staff have to stay home if they test positive for COVID?
Staff and students who test positive for COVID AND have a fever or are not feeling well enough to attend school should stay home. If the student/staff member is feeling well and has been fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, they may return to school even with a positive COVID test.
Do kids/staff have to stay home if someone in the family has COVID?
Students and staff can come to school as long as they are feeling well and have not tested positive for COVID and do not have active symptoms.
Are masks required?
No, they are recommended and encouraged. Per the CDC, individuals should wear a well-fitting mask if they have symptoms of COVID.
KidsScripts Performance
5th grade students wrote and submitted scripts. Two (2) students were selected and their stories were performed in the form of a play by the Magic Theater Company. The student winners had the opportunity to sit the in "Author's Chair" and watched as their play made its premier performance at Waite! Congratulations Wilson and Keely! All students in grades K-5 attended the performance. Special thanks to Waite PTO for covering the cost of the Magic Theater Company performance. It was an outstanding opportunity for all students involved!
Congratulations, Keely!
Congratulations, Wilson!
Congratulations to our Buckeye Leaders of the Month!
Adalyn Waite
Mason Fritz
Graham Perkins
Jack Jiamachello
Emily King
Rylan Williams
James Godwin
Cameron Ellis
Abigail Niehaus
Colin Cain
Chloe Chrzanowski
Sera Kirby
Trevor Novotny
Luke Robertson
Alex St. Pierre
Skylar Coleman
Kyle Pickens
Drew Cassidy
Cameron Triplett
Noah Miller
Collin Scott
Hunter Sopata
Grace Merrell
Student Recognition
Leadership Lunch
All of the 2nd trimester Leaders of the Month came together during their lunch periods to be recognized for their leadership qualities: Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn! Mr. Caleb Parker was our special guest speaker.
Mr. Parker is an associate at Williams and Batchelder, LLP. He became licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio in 2021.
Mr. Parker was born and raised in Medina, Ohio, graduating from Medina High School in 2014. Growing up, he was involved in Medina County 4-H, student government, and the Boy Scouts of America, having achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He was a student in Mrs. Shriver's and Mrs. Caleris' class. He attended Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania earning a bachelor’s degree in political science in 2018.
Mr. Parker obtained his Juris Doctor from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, cum laude, in 2021. Upon graduation, Mr. Parker earned a program certificate from CUA’s Comparative and International Law Institute for his elective coursework in comparative and international law.
Mr. Parker also serves as a Medina County District Library Trustee Board Member and is involved in Leadership Medina County. Mr. Parker provided an engaging and inspiring message of leadership and did an excellent job creating an interactive experience for students. Students asked great questions. They also reflected on leaders in their own lives and how they can continue to grow as leaders at Waite and into the future.
Celebrating Waite Girl Scouts in Full Uniform!
Camp Invention Registration
Illuminate your child’s summer and let their imagination run wild
as they create and discover at Camp Invention®.
AI Root will be hosting camp from June 10-14
where tons of awesome, hands-on STEM activities await!
Sign up today at invent.org/mylocalcamp.
Use Promo Code FUN15 to save $15!
Portrait of a Bee
Have a Great Month!
Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
Email: mattiem@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 4765 Cobblestone Dr, Medina, OH 44256
Phone: 330-636-4500