AB104 & FRL Form
August 5, 2021
First Day of School
Monday, Aug 16, 2021, 08:30 AM
Dear Families,
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In this mini-update, I would like to request that families take a few minutes to complete our Free or Reduced Lunch form. You will only need to complete one form per family, and it should not take long to complete. This information is vital to us and will help ensure Peak Prep receives extra funding to support our academic program. Link to form
Additionally, if your student was in High School during the 20-21 school year, please review the information listed under Attention High School Families-AB 104 regarding grade changes. You should have also received an email with this information on July 27th.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have a question or concern. If you would like to request a virtual meeting, please click the link at the bottom of my signature line.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Would you like to request a virtual meeting with me? Click this link!
Peak Prep Free or Reduced Lunch Application Form
Please complete the form below to help ensure that Peak Prep receives extra funding from the State to support academic programs. Completing this form will allow Peak Prep to qualify for grants, and help qualify for more funding for extracurricular enrichment programs.
If you have any questions, please call or text Darla Hanson at 916-741-3460 or email Darla.Hanson@peak-prep.org.
Attention High School Families-AB 104
On July 1, 2021, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 104 (AB-104) into law. AB-104 provides learning recovery options for students who struggled with low grades as a result of distance learning during the pandemic. One provision allows students enrolled in a Peak Prep course during the 2020-21 school year to select to replace a letter grade with a Pass or No Pass designation with no negative impact on their GPA. There is no limit on the number of grades earned during the 20-21 school year that can be changed to a Pass/No Pass.
- Any grade from an A through a D can be changed to a “Pass.”
- Students with an F grade can select a “No Pass” (and will still NOT receive the course units).
In addition to grade changes, the law requires the Cal State system to accept a grade of Pass during the 20-21 school year. However, the University of California system has been ENCOURAGED (not required) to accept a Pass on student’s transcripts for 2020-2021 school year. Private colleges/universities are not required to accept a grade of Pass in place of a letter grade.
The process of changing a grade requires that students complete the following Grade Change Application. Students should submit an individual Application for the Fall semester, Spring semester, and Summer, as applicable, and they should indicate the Grade Level they were in during the 2020-21 school year. Completed applications must be signed by a parent/guardian and should be emailed to Sabrina.Ciolino@peak-prep.org pursuant to Education Code Section 29066.5 (2)(b).
Please keep in mind that some post-secondary institutions may not accept a pass on the transcript for the 2020-2021 school year so make sure to double-check the list if you desire to go to a four-year university after H.S. Graduation. Here is a link to the CA Post Secondary Institutes that will accept a Pass on the transcript for the 2020-2021 school year: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/gs/ps/ab104surveyresults.asp
Once we receive your application, we will make the changes within 15 days of the date received.
**The request must be completed within 15 days of the notice that was emailed to you on July 27, 2021 (the deadline is Wednesday, August 11th). Please note: We will not make any changes if requests are made after 15 days from the date of the notice.
AB 104 FAQs:
No, you can change an A-D letter grade to a P (Pass), but an F letter grade can only be changed to an NP (no pass).
Can you change the grades I received at another High School during the 20-21 school year?
No, you will need to contact that school directly.
Can I change grades from other school years into a P or NP?
No, AB 104 only allows changes to be made to grades earned during the 20-21 school year.
Stay tuned.....next week's newsletter will provide detailed information regarding accessing your courses!
21-22 School Calendar
Questions? We can help! Meet Our Faculty!
Dr. Bishop
Mrs. Ciolino
Mrs. Hanson
Mrs. Cordero
Allison Cordero
TK & Kindergarten Teacher
(415) 320-6202
Mrs. Paules
Peggy Paules
1st Grade Teacher
(714) 406-4276
Mrs. Nuckles
Rebecca Nuckles
2nd Grade Teacher
(626) 765-7878
Mrs. Williams
Brittany Williams
3rd Grade Teacher
(714) 485-5257
Mrs. McLean
Molly McLean
4th Grade Teacher &
Lead Elementary Teacher
(951) 465-5253
Mrs. Linehan
Karin Linehan
5th Grade Teacher
(562) 380-1249
Mr. Larsen
Brad Larsen
Lead Educational Specialist
(661) 483-8911
Mrs. Lee
Esther Lee
Educational Specialist
(805) 387-3766
Mrs. Audish
Counseling Dept.
Ms. Tannous
Mrs. Dinanno
English Dept.
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Hsieh
Math Dept
Coming Soon!
Mr. Gomez
Science Dept.
Coming Soon!
Mrs. Kenzie
Social Studies Dept.
Mr. Tinkler
Ms. Altman
Health Dept.
Ms. Hartzler
Mr. Nguy
Mrs. VanHorn
Please make sure that you sign your student's weekly learning log!
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv