RMS Staff eNews
Season 2: Edition 5-Week of August 31 - September 4
Happy Birthday Septemberians!
Lisa Rakofsky 9/9
Susan Stern 9/16
Lauren Akolkar 9/18
Arien Hardin 9/25
Nelson Hooks 9/25
where they can access all of your videos.
**Below (click where it says Open House Video) are the instructions that you need to follow in order for Jennifer to upload your videos to the webpage. Please make sure that you follow her exact instructions, especially for those of you with multiple videos and/or multiple subjects.
***Your google form submissions must be submitted by 4pm on Tuesday, September 1st.***
**Weekly Class Schedule: Synchronous & Asynchronous**
*Don't worry remote teachers, there will be games coming your way too!
Quick Admin Reminders: MUST READ!
If you have not completed the coseating survey, it must be done today. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqRml5s6nyHBru9muF3HuAMUTOUlc1tmUItomGQwziO6WYHw/viewform
Co-Seating Support Overview: This 5-minute video provides an overview of the support that will be provided over the next few weeks. Teachers will need to spend 15-20 minutes watching the video and reviewing the attached checklist and support website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAbf-mqDWF0
Co-Seating Support Site: This site has all the information for co-seated training and implementation. The videos are linked, the teacher checklist, and there is MORE TO COME!! https://www.pisd.edu/Page/24352
Furniture Removal
If you requested furniture be removed out of your room, it will be done by the end of next week. Today is the last chance to update the spreadsheet to request removal. After today, you are responsible for doing it!
Technology Check in Classrooms!!!
If you have not been on campus at all, you need to schedule some time to come up and check out your technology to make sure it all works and you do no need anything.
Goal Conferences
Your appraiser will be reaching out sometime next week so you can schedule your goal conference with them. Be on the look out.
MTSS Video
MTSS videos need to be watched by the end of today (8/28)!
Review 360
Leadership Team Members: You should have already contacted Travis and set up a time for Review 360 training. If you have not done so, that needs to be done ASAP.
Open House Videos
Great job on these! Some of you went way above and beyond! Thank you for all of your hard work to get these done.
Picture Day
Monday, September 21st: Remote Students Only (remote staff can take pics this day)
Wednesday, September 23rd: Face-to-Face Students Only
"Renner All Emails
Please be mindful of your Renner All emails. We completely understand that they need to be sent occasionally, but please do your best to limit them.
Web Pages & Google Classroom Codes
If you have your google classroom codes on your web page, please take them down. We are wanting to avoid any class-crashers.
Sign In/Sign Out (see below)
Everyone needs to sign in and out of the building each and every day. If you need a sign outside of your door for a reminder, let Dot know. Clearly, admin can't remember and signs were put outside of their doors.
Sunshine Committee Updates:
Thank you to all how have donated to the committee, and especially thanks to those who donated extra in honor of Robin. The Sunshine Committee sent a large, heart-shaped floral wreath with purple flowers. We are working on a permanent memorial for Robin. We will keep you updated!
The Sunshine Committee was also able to honor Ann Mathas, who endured multiple losses over the summer, with a gift card.
The Sunshine Committee was also able to honor Nick Roos, whose grandmother passed away, with a gift card.
Donations to date:
(Please contact Sharon.wilder@pisd.edu if you have donated and your name is not on this list!)
..so far only 20 folks have joined!
*There is now a Google Classroom setup where we will put all remote learning resources. Hopefully, this will help minimize some of the email traffic while still giving you access to all of the technology helpsheets, videos, links, etc. If there is something that you would like to share with staff/add to the classroom, let Katie Aycock know and she will add you.
**Here is the Code for GC is zh27c24**
Positive Phone Calls
Form here: https://forms.gle/Bk5yUCvXj7iVSrmi9
**Please make sure to include the student's entire first and last name(s) when filling out the form. Be detailed in your reason for recognition as Ms. Cindy will read it verbatim to the parents.
New Staff Spotlight: Meet Tyler McClain!
Hello Renner family! My name is Tyler McClain, and I am thrilled to be joining the Renner family this year! This year I will be teaching 8th Grade Science. This will be my first-year teaching. Most of my spare time is spent playing basketball or swimming, but when I am not looking for a physical activity to do, I love binge watching The Office or reading! I have one cat named Gary (after Gary the snail from SpongeBob). I am excited to navigate through this year with my new family and I look forward to meeting all of you!
Hi! I am the campus REP for ATPE.
ATPE stands for: Association of Texas Professional Educators
Do you buy a house or rent an apartment without insurance? Do you drive your car without insurance? Being a part of any teacher organization gives you the protection you need in any unprecedented situation. ATPE provides you liability insurance by simply the cost of a takeout meal once a month. There are several options to sign up. You can pay online for a discounted rate, you can use payroll and have 12 deductions, or you can pay in full by check. All pricing can be found on the application or on ATPE website. Our Plano Local ATPE provides monthly social events for our members, opportunities for you to attend different region socials, and will pay for you to attend Summit- the biggest convention for any teacher organization. We know this year looks so different, but we will have creative ways to still make all of these events happen! Please, let me know if you have any questions.
Your Campus Rep,
Sara Andrade, CALT
Academic Specialist
(469) 752-5892
(brochure below)
REMINDER! Please Join the Renner PTA!
We have 44 staff members that have not joined. No pressure. But, please join, please! Let us know if we can be of any help.
Dot & Andrade
Dear Renner Teachers and Staff,
Thank you ALL for your hard work in getting this 2020-2021 school year off to a great start! We are excited for another amazing year at Renner, albeit a challenging one! Please know that we are here to support you in any way that we can!
We hope you will join us this year and help us achieve recognition again as a Texas PTA Golden Apple campus with 100% faculty and staff participation in our PTA. As a faculty/staff member, your PTA dues are only $6.00. Membership dues directly fund teacher grants/wish list items and appreciation projects, teacher treats, parent and student programs, website and enews communications, and much more!
Below is a direct link to the faculty membership form where you can join PTA:
If you are a Texas PTA Life Member, please contact me at membership@rennerpta.org to receive your promotional/discount code for this school year. Please include in your email the name of the school and year that you were awarded Life Member.
Thank you for your support of Renner PTA! We look forward to working with you to help our students, school, teachers, and staff achieve their very best this year! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance!
Why Join?
-Support the Renner Community
-Our PTA is the best
-Teacher Treats (every 9 weeks)
-Teacher Grants/Wish List
-Huge Teacher appreciation Week in May
-and much more!
Best regards,
Kara Grimes
4th VP - Membership, Renner PTA
Cindy Clay
Cindy is AMAZING!!! Fielding non-stop calls from parents, and preparing supplies for our families to pick up so they don't have to wait, and I'm sure a million other things we don't see. She does it all with a big smile and a positive attitude. We are so lucky to have her at Renner!
Megan Hawthorne
Megan, your work on creating the kids' notebook has made my life so much better. You are always so patient when I ask a million questions and when I need accommodations, mods, extra time, and a snack. Thank you for being such a strong member of our team. You are so appreciated and loved by all!
Sharon Williams
Sharon, you are always such a positive presence and voice of reason in our meetings. When ever I feel like I am going to lose it, you always seem to make me calm down and realize it is going to be ok. I value you so much as a team member and friend. Thank you.
Jennifer Beall
Beally-Beall- Thank you for all your tech help these past two weeks. I don't know how I would have gotten through these last two or three weeks without you. Your knowledge and guidance is so appreciated. Thanks, Friend!
Rhonda Snyder
I just have to say a huge thank you to Rhonda, you have put aside your own work to help me. This is my first time to ever handle first week of school attendance and no way could I figure it all out without your help. First week of school attendance is always a challenge, but this time its crazy. I so appreciate that Rhonda has helped me, even if its been by saying close your door and work thru it. Y'all, I'll make it, its going to be a rough road , but I'll get. Thanks Rhonda.
Michelle Conway
Michelle goes out of her way to be helpful. She can do anything! She is always willing to help a fellow teacher. I can't tell you the number of questions she has answered or tech problems she has solved for me! She is GREAT!
Are you reading the smore?
If you join (by end of today) or have already joined the Renner google classroom for tech tips, your name will be put in a drawing to win a gift card! Just saying...
And, I have a stack of jeans and duty coverage passes ready to go out if we can get 100% PTA participation by next week's smore. Tell your department, "Neighbor, join PTA!"
Doug O'Bryant
The attendance sheet is AMAZING!!!!! It took my attendance routine from 3+ hours down to maybe 30 minutes. I am so grateful!
Winners from the August random drawing are: ****Cindy Clay & Athulya Bright!****
What do they win? Stay posted for the pics next week!
**At the end of each month, I will draw TWO names from the shout-out list who will receive an item from their Staff Favorites list.***
**To give a staff shout-out or two, please complete the form. It doesn't take long and it goes a long way to support one another. Link here: https://forms.gle/s5S2SzGgBQ6y7hea6*
Final Thoughts.
Helpful Document: Google Tools for Special Needs
Do you need help with technology? Click on below link for direct support info.
Staff Favorites List!
Important Information:
Optional Technology Help for Teachers
PL and DLT will be providing additional training sessions and office hours in order to support our teachers. Teachers can sign up to attend Online Tools for Synchronous Learning: Google Meet and Zoom, one of the back-by-popular-demand sessions from Friday’s training. Additionally, the teams will be available to answer questions related to Zoom, Meets, and google Classroom during office hours. To see the full schedule and registration links, click here.
August 7 PL Sessions - Recordings Available
Thank you for your participation and engagement on Friday, August 7 District Day. Several of the sessions from this day were recorded and are now available for viewing. Teachers may access the recordings of these sessions in this folder. If prompted, please sign into Google Drive using your PISD login information.
Core Store
Launched in 2016, the CORE Store has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in supplies and classroom materials to teachers throughout Plano ISD. The CORE Store allows teachers to shop for additional school supplies for their students at no cost. The Foundation was proud to adjust our services during the COVID-19 closures and deliver school supplies to over 900+ families during the Spring Semester. We continued to provide supplies directly to families by partnering on the district’s Back to School Fairs. Our next phase will include teacher shopping days in the CORE Store. We will limit shoppers to 6 teachers at a time and we ask that shoppers do not arrive early. Please plan to view the shopping list in advance and plan ahead since shoppers will only be allowed 20 minutes. More information on how to utilize the CORE Store can be found at https://www.pisd.edu/corestore.
Fall Shopping Days:
- September 16 & 18 2:00-6:00pm for 20 minute increments
- September 19 9:00am-2:00pm for 20 minute increments
Employee Crisis Fund
The mission of the Employee Crisis Fund is to provide a source of financial assistance to Plano ISD employees who are facing an emergency situation and are unable to handle immediate short-term financial obligations associated with the crisis. If you find yourself in this situation, please visit our website to learn how you can submit a request for assistance. At Plano ISD, we are dedicated to caring for our PISD family.
Step by Step Instructions: Making Parent Email Groups for Outlook
Copyright Info
I was looking up a copyright situation for a teacher just a minute ago and came across this great link from the Library of Congress about what remote learning teachers can post online and how it applies to copyright: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2020/03/teaching-from-a-distance-and-copyright-considerations/
Good Info:
- Direct Deposit: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/directdeposit
- W-4: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/W4_2020-standalone
- Payroll Questions: If an employee has a payroll related question, please have them send an email to payroll@pisd.edu.